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Jan. 12th, 2008


Logging in no longer works for GJ. It might be a server glitch, but part of me wonders if system didn't just say 'fuckit' and turn it off altogether. Maybe that's what he meant by ASIS.

(Details: you can log in but if you refresh you're logged out)

eta I tried posting a comment to the news post (by inputing my un/pw right before hitting post) and got errors galore. Now it's showing my comments sans text. (

Jan. 3rd, 2008


I assume we can get ready for the next influx?

Cliff's notes: shit's broke and we ain't gonna fix it.

Dec. 20th, 2007


EL JAY brings the LULZ...again

It seems they make another post on policy "clarifications" in regarding flagging and interest search terms.

The post sounds good at first, like LJ is trying....till you get towards the end.

We will continue to review the blocked terms and update or remove them as necessary; however, we will not be posting updates when we do so.

We are reviewing the system for a different solution to the problem, but will likely not announce or comment on any changes.

And marta is soooo helpful in telling members 'why not' in replies. Clear as mud....yep.

I'm so glad I got a perm account here...word

Dec. 13th, 2007


Damage control?

This just in from BoingBoing.

While Ben and Mena Trott, along with the rest of Six Apart, surely made a handsome profit on the sale of LJ to SUP, I think it's safe to say that their public and corporate image did not fare so well. Despite a conspicuous lack of detail in the following, it's not hard to read between the lines...


Movable Type now under a free license
Posted by Cory Doctorow, December 12, 2007 11:41 PM

Movable Type, the popular blogging software, has gone free/open, relicensing its code under the GPL, the gold standard for free licenses. We've used MT ever since we migrated away from Blogger (and Ben Trott, MT's co-founder, personally did the migration for us!) and it's great to see the company adopting best practices with its code-base. Even better is the company's statement about why they've adopted a free license: because they want to promote freedom.

"Like many of us on the team, some of you have been waiting for this moment for years. For a business, an open source license affects boring things like how a product is created, updated, and distributed. But the open source movement has always been about something more important: Freedom. With a name like "Movable Type", we've always been keenly aware of the importance of freedom, as that name echoes both the birth of the printing press and the creation of independent media that an individual can control.

"Our goal has always been to create the best blogging platform in the world and to put that power in the hands of as many people as possible."


Yes, you read that right. We only want to bring happiness and joy to all the little children of the world. Excuse me - I have to go to the bathroom.

Dec. 10th, 2007


Icon limit and journal creation reinstated at GJ.

Yet still no communication with the GJdebacle this weekend. Shocker.

Dec. 9th, 2007


Message to Russian Users

My friend helped me translate this into Russian. It is basically how to set up an IJ and how to use LJ-Sec to transfer posts. Please redistribute.

Здравствуйте, русские люди!
Многие англо-говорящие пользователи знают что большинству русских ненравится SUP. Нам очень хочется открыть линии связи, но так как многиене могут читать кириллицу, это трудно. Хотя я не русская, я верю чтоесли за свободами не следить, они исчезнут. Следуя этому, я перенесламой частный блог на InsaneJournal и DeadJournal. InsaneJournal гораздолегче в доступе чем DeadJournal, и я расскажу Вам именно об этом.

Squeaky, который имеет владельские права над InsaneJournal,очень гостеприимен. На протяжение нескольких месяцев, он открыл рукитем которым пришлось уйти от LJ по разным причинам: fandom, дискомфорт,и т.д.. Я спрашивала его насчет чего передать русскоговорящим людям синтересом в перexоде на InsaneJournal. Он мне сказал и я Вам передаю:

"Я только хочу чтобы они знали что мы им всегда рады и будемрады их иметь. Нам хочется увеличить количество пользователей. Знайтечто в будущем, мы собираемся оставатся независимым вебсайтом."

Еслисудить по тому, что вижу я как пользовательница, IJ сейчас - это то чтокогда-то был LiveJournal, когда они еще думали о своих пользователях впервую очередь.

Если Вам хочется сделать аккаунт там, это достаточно просто - я дам Вам инструкции вкратце.

А. Идите на: и кликните на второе меню, где есть Create Journal. 
B. Когда Вы уже на Account Setup:
1. Выберете Ваш username.
2. Введите Ваш e-mail.
3. Введите пароль, повторите для подтверждения. Попытайтесь не делать слишком простой пароль для Вашей безопасности.
4. Где в LJ были communities, в IJ это же является asylum. Еслихотите, можете их добавить на список друзей. Рекомендую: asylum_promo,syn_promo и newcomers.
5. Введите Ваш день рождения: месяц, день, год.
6. Тип аккаунта. Если без предпочтения, Вам дан  Free Patient - аккаунт бесплатного пользователя.
7.Terms of Service - законы пользования - я Вам не переведу так как эточересчур длинно - но если Вы хотите, можете найти на Вэбе переводныйсайт для этого, типа Babelfish.  В любом случае, отмечайте согласие вкоробочке.
8. В еще одной текстовой коробке, введите код который Вам выдан в стиле CAPTCHA.
9. Готово! Кликнете кнопку.

Процесс несколько длинный, но он того стоит. Я надеюсь что ничего не усложнила.

Если Вы хотите перевести все свои записи из LJ в IJ, я Вам передам как это сделала я, с небольшой помощью с записи от brown-betty.
1. Скачайте и инсталлируйте LJ-Sec.
2. Введите свои данные и сделайте login.
3. Программа начнет составлять список всех Ваших записей в LiveJournal.Это может занять немного времени. Когда это закончится, Вы увидитесписок всех записей с теми иконами которые Вы оригинально поставили.
4. На самом верху окошка, идите на Selection, потом на Select All.
5. Опять-таки на верху, идите на Journal, потом Repost selected entries to another journal.
6. Введите все данные на IJ, выберете InsaneJournal на меню и отметьте все коробочки.
7. Кликнете на Begin reposting.

Это займет время но сработает как надо. Когда все записи будут переведены, можно удалить Ваш LJ. LJ-Sec непереведет комментарии, фильмы, аудио-посты или категории. Рекомендуетсясохранить все на Ваш компьютер. Те же инструкции  можно использовать сDeadJournal, JournalFen или GreatestJournal, если Вам хочется.

Надеюсь на хороший опыт в содержании Ваших веблогов. С этой стороны озерца, с любовью,

ETA: LJ-Sec download link

ETA: I have been told that the Russian translation may still be a bit off. Someone else has made a translation of brown-betty's instructions here:

Good luck!

Dec. 10th, 2007


Russian Blogger Faces Jail

Found via [info]escapee_of_lj, a translation of a Russian article about a Russian blogger who is being criminally charged for something he wrote on LJ.

Dec. 9th, 2007


Further icon cuts

GreatestJournal users: Whatever you do, don't go to the Edit Icons page on GJ. They've cut the icon slots to 10. has a screen shot.

Dec. 3rd, 2007


Oh Dear Christ...

SA is so happy with what they have done that they are drunk on a Monday, and want to party

Nevermind the fact that they have worried and pissed off users that just want clarifications on stuff and think it's too soon to be celebrating this news.

Dec. 2nd, 2007


Recent history of Russia online

Via [info]stewardess: Kremlin Seeks To Extend Its Reach in Cyberspace - says that the Russian government is encouraging pro-government sites and blogs, trying to drown out opposition voices.

And when the entire country of Estonia was subjected to a Denial-Of-Service attack, well, they came from Russian IP addresses.

I'm sure there are other examples, anyone?

(ETA: fixed first link, other useful links in comments)


Six Apart "Unloads" Livejournal to Russian Company SUP

Or so reports Mashable, here.

Won't this just stir up the hornet's nest, eh? I think I'm going to go hide under a desk for a while.

ETA: and here's a link to LJ's News post.

Nov. 29th, 2007


This Post Contains Explicit Adult Ranting

Six Apart has announced a new censorship tool in lj_biz (for once 6A has linked to a pedophile witch-hunt related development from news, instead of completely burying it in lj_biz).

Amusingly named Voluntary Adult Setting, the feature allows us to flag our own content as adult.

Rest in my insanejournal.

Sep. 25th, 2007


To quote from <lj user="fandomtossed"> on GreatestJournal, some rather important news that has been kept on the EXTREME end of the discretion scale. Barak is no longer the CEO of 6A.

"Semi-unlinkable and definitely uncommentable announcement

Press release

Movable Type founder Mena Trott's blog entry

New CEO's statement (full of hot air & signifying nothing). Somehow I doubt he'll get fandom and LiveJournal." { Originally written by [info]msilverstar }

Sep. 22nd, 2007


Dumpster Diving on the Internet

I've been digging around for more on 6A/Barak "Borat the Hutt" Berkowitz and came across this gem: and

I haven't posted it to the "news" thread on LJ yet because I imagine it'd be screened and someone there would contact that site to take the file down. But in any case, I've saved a copy of it should it happen anyway.

Slide/page 28 is particularly lolarious, and that whole presentation explains why his Vox blog is nothing BUT photos. Also, there was much cacklesnorting that they never took "CONFIDENTIAL" off of those slides.

More Barak Bitz )

And then there's this from SixApart:

You know, it would be nice if they actually put that in LJ's news. GRRR!

Edit: They have an affiliate program?! WTF?!


Knocked Up backlash

If you are -- as I am -- someone who's been getting turned off of products by the way LJ shills them, and you want to let the makers of the products know how much business they're losing as a result of advertising on LJ...

Well, here's the latest place you can write to. Since Knocked Up is a Universal picture, go here and click on the appropriate country from the little "if the FAQ doesn't answer your question" list. That will open a nice feedback form where you can leave your reasons why the LJ advertisements for Knocked Up have actually cost them your business.

Maybe they'll follow Pepsi in pulling out.

Sep. 20th, 2007


Wikipedia Question

Hi. I'm just wondering when did this whole "new user can't edit wikipedia article of Livejournal until September 30" thing started. I've been out of the loop for a bit, and am just wondering if it was because users are putting the drama on there and people from SA were deleting it or did something else happen post that whole thing that I missed.


So, there's a new "news" post up at LJ, and -- no big shock here -- a brief mention of a new CEO but NO mention of the Omniture/data mining thing. Go figure! And while the elusive foot-swallowing Pepsi-crested burr86 hasn't yet been spotted, they've been screening some comments... yet again! Oh, and there's a hefty helping of pimping Knocked Up, yes, yet again! I guess lj_biz is the new news, and news is now ads.

Posts to "news" there aren't news anymore, they're just nice reminders why InsaneJournal is so much better. ;D

Edit: Burr is page 1, I fail at reading!

Sep. 14th, 2007


SixApart Press Release

Grabbed from bexone.
Six Apart appoints Christopher J. Alden Chairman and CEO
Chris Alden joined Six Apart over a year ago, most recently serving as Executive Vice President and General Manager of the Professional Division of Six Apart, overseeing the TypePad and Movable Type businesses.
Translation: Chris Alden is barely aware LiveJournal exists.
Alden joined Six Apart as co-founder and CEO of Rojo Networks, Inc., a feed aggregation service which was acquired by Six Apart in 2006.
Translation: Alden has a vested interest in "cleaning up" LJ.
Six Apart board member David Hornik of August Capital stated, “Barak leaves Six Apart in incredible shape, and now is the perfect time to pass the baton to Chris."
Translation: Barak leaves Six Apart before LJ's userbase can pin him down about "we're working on creating a single policy document .... We think it will be a few weeks, and we'll update on progress as that happens." 6A is hoping the transition is a good excuse for another three weeks of ignoring its users, by which time, the winter holiday madness will have kicked in, and everyone will be too busy to pester LJ/6A for content standards.


Barak resigns as CEO of Six Apart

lj-biz announced about half an hour ago that Barak Berkowitz has resigned as Chairman and CEO of Six Apart.

Well, actually, they announced they have a new CEO, Chris Alden, and only mention Barak's resignation in passing. Imagine that, 6A being indirect and uncommunicative and beating around the bush.

The post is here, with comments disabled, and links to more "information."

Sep. 5th, 2007


If anyone's not heard

There's been responses to the complaints sent through the BBB about 6A.

thecaelum@GJ has the best summary

jesspark@lj has one too

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