[info]jaybee65 in [info]07refugees

Six Apart "Unloads" Livejournal to Russian Company SUP

Or so reports Mashable, here.

Won't this just stir up the hornet's nest, eh? I think I'm going to go hide under a desk for a while.

ETA: and here's a link to LJ's News post.


it's up on news now. i fell over laughing. oh lj. i don't even know anymore.
They sure know how to bring Teh Drama, that's for sure. It's fascinating but exhausting.
Yowzers! Here's the link to the post: http://news.livejournal.com/104520.html
Thank you! I've edited the main post so that the link is easy to see.
::bangs head slowly on the desk::
THANK YOU for posting, I'm boggling here.

Please add a link in the post; http://news.livejournal.com/104520.html
And it's happened with the onset of university finals season. ZOMG CONSPIRACY@!11!1111
Will they be changing the design of the flagging tool to a hammer and sickle soon?
I knew they were up to something. Now I am even happier with my decision to move to Insanejournal!

Wonder if I'll need to learn Russian to keep using LJ??
LJ's been outsourced now?
The LiveJournal Advisory Board will publish and update on a regular basis a clear a set of aims and values. This will address such vital community issues as privacy, security, taste and decency*. It will also provide a forum to consider any relevant legal, political or religious concerns*. It will also focus on access issues including usability, technology, interoperability, open source, social graph, and more. The LJ Advisory Board will also take responsibility for overseeing all ongoing charitable work;

(My emphasis)
As I said before on another person's personal journal:

The alarm bells in my head are ringing to the tune of "KGB! KGB!"

LJ is seriously fucked.
Fun for all.

Of all the countries they had to pick to stir up crap with, Russia. That country everyone still thinks is the Soviet Union. *sigh*
Actually, I think a lot are well aware it isn't the USSR any longer. But the Soviet Russia jokes are just too easy to pass up. (Lord knows, I've been making them, just because they are easy...)
Oh. My. God.

I just said in a comment somewhere yesterday, that I thought 6A might be deliberately trying to ruin LJ so they can offload it and concentrate on Vox & Typepad. I thought I was being ultra-cynical. Never would have thought it would happen the very next day.

Jeez. I wish all my friends would just leave LJ altogether.
I just deleted my LJ. After all these years, it feels weird.

After reading the dirt on SUP, it was enough to induce me to finally fill out my profile here and begin preparations to relocate. Backing up my old entries will take forever, but I've had it with LJ. Fuck 'em.