[info]vampiress_diva in [info]07refugees

greatestjournal's gone screwed up again. For those of you who still has journals there DO NOT try to upload icons for you will lose all but ten of them. Plus they once again locked out new journals.


and I still have some people up in gj. Though now the major part of my journaling is here.
Yeah GJ is like a ghosttown at this point. I think most of the people gave up and went to IJ or stuck with LJ.
Also some others went to commiejournal. I checked out cj. You got more features here.
Ooh. I may have to check that place out... sadly I know of no one over there...
I know no one there as well. All my people are either here or gj.
And CJ is chock full of wank it seems, and the owner doesn't even understand the code the site uses!
Wow. I guess ij is the standard for journaling sites.
At this point, it seems to be the case. However, Scribblit isn't open yet and I am betting that they'll be IJ's main competition. They seem nice, are 18+ only, and they have a nice design. Also, prices will likely be similar to IJ.

CJ, so far, is a bad value at $75 for a permenent account, technical problems, and an owner that seems intent on sabotaging herself from a PR standpoint. IMO, not worth it and still a step above LoJo.
Excuse me, but please get your facts straight before making assumptions. The owner of CJ doesn't pretend to know everything about the code there, nor is she ignorant to the mistakes she may make.
The owner of CJ doesn't pretend to know everything about the code there

Therefore she DOESN'T understand the code and the OP's facts are straight?
:-( Someone commented somewhere that he got into a fight with a user. And then didn't want to link it and give the site a bigger black eye. I wish they had.
There's a link to one of the drama llamaing sessions in CJ's news, which now might be broken because of the name change. I made [info]commiej_news, which is where you can find a lot more examples of the tone there.

I had gotten two journals there, which were deleted when they had site problems. I reregistered one again, but after seeing the kinds of posts the owner makes and the problems they've had, no thanks! So I deleted the account.
I think this really says it all.
Oh holly hell. It's nebris's?!?!?!

Okay, you win! That's... spectacularly horrifying! XD

And who are you to make snap judgments?

I understand the code, thank-you-so-much.

Tell me, are you a programmer? Are YOU well-versed with the coding mess that comprises the LJ code? I wager the answers are no and no.

Until you are, leave it up to us programmers, will ya?

I'm someone who knows their own limits, ZOMG!

Hahahahaha, you guys just get funnier and funnier!

Actually, I'm just someone who knows their own limits and limitations, which is something you might try doing yourself.

Also, I have a suggestion for your mascot: Trot(t)sky, because you seem to have gone to the Mena Trott School of Blogging Crazyspeak.

And blaming LJ for your screwup was the best laugh I'd had all day.


Re: And who are you to make snap judgments?

Here's my snap judgment...I'm now going over to CJ and deleting my journal. One less account for you to deal with.
LOL. CJ can't really handle the traffic, and if you've been watching syn_promo - Aristo made an RSS feed of their news comm? Yeah, that was to keep track of the wank. The owner of the site doesn't know how to work the code and is incredibly condescending and bitchy.

Next time, I'm making us JIFFY POP!
Awwwwwww yeah. XD

I'm condescending and bitchy?

You're certainly not making yourself look very good, coming over here and complaining about CJ.

We have well over 14,000 accounts and growing. It looks to me like the users there are perfectly happy with how things are going.

Re: I'm condescending and bitchy?

What, all 594 that are active in some way, or the 2,496 that have ever updated? Or the 80 that have updated in the last 24 hours?

I wasn't a math major, but any of those numbers =/= 14,000.


Re: I'm condescending and bitchy?

No, that would be you... see, this is our home. You're the one who's come over here, in an attempt to... what, exactly? Make our impressions of you worse?

Having observed the way you behave towards users who aren't "perfectly happy with how things are going," I for one will be quite happy if you just stay over there on your little pile of whatever and keep your crazy to yourself and people who actually want to put up with it. But if you don't like your reputation, maybe you should try not cussing out members of your userbase when they question your policies. Even LiveJournal doesn't do that.

Re: I'm condescending and bitchy?

I'm hardly "coming over here" when I've been here longer than well over half the people on the site. As to what I said, perhaps you should take a mental step back and read back over your news posts. The tone of quite a few of them isn't exactly professional.