[info]vampiress_diva in [info]07refugees

greatestjournal's gone screwed up again. For those of you who still has journals there DO NOT try to upload icons for you will lose all but ten of them. Plus they once again locked out new journals.


And who are you to make snap judgments?

I understand the code, thank-you-so-much.

Tell me, are you a programmer? Are YOU well-versed with the coding mess that comprises the LJ code? I wager the answers are no and no.

Until you are, leave it up to us programmers, will ya?

I'm someone who knows their own limits, ZOMG!

Hahahahaha, you guys just get funnier and funnier!

Actually, I'm just someone who knows their own limits and limitations, which is something you might try doing yourself.

Also, I have a suggestion for your mascot: Trot(t)sky, because you seem to have gone to the Mena Trott School of Blogging Crazyspeak.

And blaming LJ for your screwup was the best laugh I'd had all day.


Re: And who are you to make snap judgments?

Here's my snap judgment...I'm now going over to CJ and deleting my journal. One less account for you to deal with.