[info]vampiress_diva in [info]07refugees

greatestjournal's gone screwed up again. For those of you who still has journals there DO NOT try to upload icons for you will lose all but ten of them. Plus they once again locked out new journals.


What I meant is that she knows the code, she just doesn't know it like the back of her hand.
What did it for me was the inclusion of the adult content viewing options and her dismissal of it (the, "ignore it, I don't know how to fix it" or something to that effect), as well as claiming that the site is 18+ but initially NOT including those fields at sign up and now later saying that everyone needs their birthdate to be public or they'll be flushed. Sounds like pretty awful planning to me.
No where in any of her news posts has she said that it's mandatory to post birthdates publicly. The adult-content flagging system is part of the package deal LJ puts out for its clones to upgrade their systems with and it's really not something to even worry about since everyone who joins CJ is supposed to be 18 and older.

If you really have concerns over CJ and how the owner runs it, post your concerns in suggestions @ commiejournal.com and they'll be seen.
You have until January 1, 2008 to update your birthday fields, all accounts without a valid birthday field will be deleted after that date. For the most current information, check the News Community.

Was after she updated the ability to enter DOB at the time of account creation, and yes, prior to that announcement she did ask users to display it publicly in a thread now in old_news. I frankly don't care about my DOB being public since I always display it, so that's not the sole issue for deleting my account there. And her blaming LJ for a CJ site fubar in the latest post isn't very impressive either.

But then there's the "hoarding" issue too, and the loss of accounts and entries due to technical problems, so I'm rather left asking why people would join it unless it's to have that username on yet another site or you're a friend of hers.
Judging from comments I've seen at gj, there are hundreds of under-18 gj'ers who have scurried over to cj. So they really aren't 18+, considering that I'm sure most of these kids lied about their ages to get an account there.