[info]vampiress_diva in [info]07refugees

greatestjournal's gone screwed up again. For those of you who still has journals there DO NOT try to upload icons for you will lose all but ten of them. Plus they once again locked out new journals.


Do you believe everything you read on the Intrawebs? If so you are being deluded.

Have you thought to ask users who are there and quite happy? No, you'd rather believe this other person, who doesn't know jack about running an LJ clone site.

Okayyy...have it your way. You'll miss out, along with anyone else who takes this person's word as gospel truth.

Happy Holidays!
I don't think I'm missing anything if you have to come here and tell me about it.

CJ issues

Is this your "get new customers" sales pitch?

We're all, I would hope, aware that *any* site has features that will make a vocal group of people very happy. Some have features that make bazillions of people happy--note the popularity of MySpace.

I don't like MySpace; the features they're most interested in promoting are not the ones I care most about. What I want from a journaling site is:

1) Easy customizable views: I want to see pages with my choice of layout, not other people's godsawful red-text-on-black-with-blinkies, nor dark-grey-on-light-grey six-point type.

2) Account stability. Sounds like CJ's got some problems there.

3) Privacy. I don't mind submitting a birth year to register (although I think it's an absolutely ridiculous requirement; it's not like nobody on the internet knows how to lie), but I will NOT go along with a requirement to have it viewable on my profile page. Which, I suppose, means I won't have a CJ much longer.

4) Hosting terms I can agree with. Which includes "no deletions by owner whim." I'm not interested in putting real content on a site that says "we can delete your account, any time, no warning, because we think you're not following the spirit of the TOS." What, your language skills aren't good enough to describe the actual behavior you want from your users--they have to be mindreaders as well?

It sounds like CJ is "hey, here's a journal clone. We don't know what we're doing with it yet, and we haven't got the bugs worked out, but we're cool people and we're gonna do nifty weird things with it." CJ may suit the needs of many people. It's not what I'm looking for in a journaling site.

I have secure places to throw content. I want a social atmosphere I can feel safe in--a site with stable terms, where the amount of advertising, if any, is at an agreeable level (and not "maybe we'll have it someday, and you'll just have to cope with whatever we decide on"), where my friends find enough of the features that matter to them, to build a community, not a collection of blogs.

Re: CJ issues

I concur. It sounds more like a place that caters to "emo" teenagers rather than rational adults who actually have something to express.