RP Tutorials

July 2021



April 14th, 2012



[No Subject]

Okay I'm sure it's becoming rather annoying to see my screen name pop up here, but I now have a s2 generator question. Since s1 wasn't working out for me. Well two questions actually. After scowering the net I have yet to find these answered.

1) Is there a way to change the namefield on an s2 generator layout?

2) Is there a way to change the subject line on one?



An RP comm idea!

ETA: The asylum is [info]illustratedpsls, and it is now open!

I've been thinking about this idea for a few days now, and I'd like to hear feedback.  =D

Do any of you guys have an interest in an RP-ad community, that panders to players and games that are based on animated/rendered fandoms? This concerns fandoms such as animated TV series, animated movies (traditional and CG), video games, anime & manga, general artwork, etc. I do have a general idea of the rules/requirements, the most important one being that all ads must only be for animated/rendered RPs: play-bys are not accepted, and this covers games that allow a mixture of animated and PB.

I've been role-playing for 14 years, I'm an avid gamer, and I enjoy watching 'toons; it's very hard to find other people who enjoy playing in animated sandboxes, with zero play-bys. Myself and a couple friends enjoy our cartoons and games, as they are. However, as the general public is interested in PB-orientated sandboxes, it is often frustrating to find just one other like-minded player.

I have a few years experience of managing communities and games, and I'm online everyday for several hours, so I have time for this. Are there any players out there who'd be interested in buildin' the number of animated players, within a catered community?