Oct. 19th, 2007


A Sensual Surprise

Title: A Sensual Surprise
Characters: Lady Une, Treize
Challenge: uninvited guest
Team: OZ
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Series: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Author's Notes: First time posting . . . this is what boredom does to me; it apparently awakens my dormant muses. I haven't written any fanfiction or drabbles in almost two years, so please don't be too harsh.

Lady Une stepped out of the remnants of her bath water and donned her robe. Draping a towel about her shoulders, she tossed her damp chestnut hair behind her as she exited the bathroom. As she walked down her normally rough carpet, she noticed it felt velvety. She looked down to see rose petals covering the floor.

Startled, she pulled her robe more tightly around her as she glanced around nervously.

"There you are," his calm, velvety voice murmured into her neck. "I've been waiting."

"How did you-?" Une began, but was immediately silenced as his gloved hand turned her head slightly and lifted her chin into a passionate kiss.

Oct. 17th, 2007


Getting through the night

Title: Getting through the night
Team: Gundams
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Uninvited Guest

Wufei flipped the Preventers gym lights off – nobody else was here at 3am anyway. After bowing, he moved straight into the first kata - trying to dispel the dark thoughts following his nightmare.

Ten minutes later, he was in a thought-free state, concentrating on his body’s movements and systems, when he felt, rather than heard, a click behind him. He turned slowly.

“Heard me, eh?” a shadow sighed.

“What are you doing, Maxwell?” he gritted out, irritated.

“It helps you... with the nightmares, doesn’t it... can you teach me?”

“How did you...?” he started, “Ah. Of course I will.”

Oct. 15th, 2007


Prompt #18

"Blah blah blah, that is all that the Gundams and Oz do!"

"Does that mean that they won last week's prompt?"

"Yes.  They both tied for 10 points each!  The Preventers and White Fang didn't have that much to say."

"Ah, the quiet types!"

This week's prompt is #18 - Uninvited Guest

You get ready for a nice weekend alone with your boyfriend/girlfriend.  You have the movie picked out, the fireplace roaring, and the popcorn in hand when "DING DONG!"  That's right, Great Aunt Ruthie, the guy next door (he smelled the popcorn), the friend you haven't seen since you were five and the most undesirable individual you can think of are at your door demanding entrance.  They won't stay long, just a week - but what a long week that will be!  Romantic weekend ruined!

Does Duo need a place to crash just until his place is "fumigated for interstellar cockroaches"?  Has Wufei pitched his tent on Quatre's lawn?  Is Lady Une overstaying her welcome on the colonies?  

Yes, give our characters an uninvited guest!  But do it only in 100 words.

January 2010





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