Jun. 29th, 2008


A Typical Day in the Yuy-Maxwell Household (1-3)

Title: A Typical Day in the Yuy-Maxwell Household (1-3)
Characters : Duo, Heero, & Esmerelda
Challenge: Past prompt - character’s children
Team: Oz
Rating: G
Word Count: 100 x 3
Author’s Note: …I can totally see the two of them adopting an orphan, especially one that looks like Duo.

A Typical Day in the Yuy-Maxwell Household (1-3) )



Quatre Raberba Winner
Title: Family
Challenge: Past prompts: Quatre Raberba Winner
Team: Gundams
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
A/N: I felt bad about not being able to write Quatre before...

Quatre didn’t entirely believe his father’s disappointment, but it still hurt. Growing up he had basked in the love of his family, yet the first major decision he made for himself had forced them to reject him.

He’d tried to make a new family with the other pilots - after all, they all wanted the same things. But Heero wouldn’t admit to anything so needy as wanting companionship; with Duo, Quatre always felt guilty over his privileged background; and Wufei didn’t seem like he’d ever needed a friend.

But Trowa... Trowa made up for the rest of them put together.

Jun. 23rd, 2008


Prompt Extension

Due to a lot of chaos and disorder in my life this week, I am extending last week's prompt to this week as well.

What this means for you:

- more chances to play with past prompts!
- many more opportunities for your team to win!
- rabid plot bunnies that demand 100 words!!

If you are just coming in to the asylum on this round the "Past Prompts" prompting is under the nice little cut below.

We will resume our regularly scheduled prompting next Monday. ^_^

Jun. 22nd, 2008


Duo's Pet

Title: Duo's pet
Challenge: Past prompts
Team: Gundams
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
A/N: for the ‘pets’ prompt

They’d been stuck in the grotty safehouse for weeks, growing restless and cranky.
No-one was surprised yesterday, when duo stomped into his bedroom, snapping the lock shut behind him. But he hadn’t reappeared since.
“What’s he doing in there? He’s so... quiet,” Quatre asked worriedly.
Trowa shook his head, “I think Heero upset him.”
“I only said it was a stupid idea to have pets, given our ‘lifestyle’. Its common sense!”
Knocking and shouting yielded no response. Eventually, Wufei kicked through the door, to discover Duo, lying on his stomach, teasing an enormous rat with the end of his braid. 

Jun. 16th, 2008


Prompt #53

The Gundams came out of nowhere to snatch the trophy this week with a mere 10 points.  I think Duo may have been responsible, but it is hard to say.

This week's prompt is #53 - Past Prompts

In honor of of this asylum's one year anniversary, we are having a prompt free-for-all!

Maybe there was a prompt for which you didn't get a chance to write, or maybe you feel that there was one in which you could have written more, or maybe you just have a favorite prompt you just want to see again.  This week, go crazy!!

The past prompts are listed in the asylum's tags (prompting post is included) or you can locate them through the asylum's memories.

Only one rule this time - please place the prompt you are revisiting in your author's notes.  This will help me with  tagging and memories.  Also, team competition is still on this week (they don't get the week off just because we are throwing an anniversary party), so be sure to give your teams some love.

Help us celebrate our one year anniversary!  Go nuts - but only in a 100 words. ^_^

January 2010





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