Oct. 14th, 2007


A Night In

Title:A Night In
Team: Gundams
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Dialogue only

“Heero, throw me the remote.”
“Y’know, we could watch this movie... the girl’s a prostitute who falls in love with her...”
“Hey, don’t give me that look! How ‘bout this - ‘A man wakes up to find he’s the only person left alive in...’”
“Well if you don’t want to watch a movie, there’s a game on...”
“You wanna do something else? I think I saw the cards under the side table. Or, maybe we could go bowling! Yeah...”
“Yanno, Heero, if there’s something you want to do, why don’t you just say something...ERK!... ....mmmm... uh, babe... upstairs, now!”

Oct. 8th, 2007


Obedience Training

Title: Obedience Training
Character : Heero, Wufei, Duo
Challenge: Dialogue Only
Team: Oz
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

“I’m exhausted; he kept me up all night.”

“You need to be firm with him, Heero.”

“But Wufei, once he gives me that look…”

“You’ve gone soft. He needs discipline. If you send him to me for training, I’ll make sure that he obeys your every command.”

“You’ve done this before?”

“I’ve encountered similar with Trowa and Quatre.”

“Really? I didn’t know.”

“Heero!!! Oh…hi Wufei. Heero, little One and a Half made a mess, where’d you put the carpet cleaner?”

“Damnit Duo, weren’t you watching him?!”

“I was!”

“Listen you two, enough is enough - that puppy needs obedience training.”


Prompt #17

For the best job perks, you really want to work for either Preventer, Oz, or the Gundams.  Their dental, vision, and health benefits may not be great, but the vacation time may be worth the 10 points each.  White Fang ain't got nothing.  ^_^

This week's prompt is #17- Dialogue Only

"You know, I have been waiting for this prompt."

"You have?"

"Yeah!  It means I don't have to write anything but what the characters are saying. If I am feeling a bit mysterious, I can make the speakers somewhat ambiguous so that the reader can interpret the drabble in several different ways."

"Hey, that's good thinking."

"I know.  So, when can I get started writing?"

"How about right now?"

Yes, folks, you too can write some dialogue only drabbles - but you must do it in just 100 words.  ^_~

January 2010





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