War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



October 9th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil and Katherine and Jerry

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Watching those first few scenes of Jurassic Park (you know, before the storm hits, the fences fail, and all hell breaks loose) really makes me miss digging. Out there in the sand, sun beating down, digging like crazy and never actually knowing if you're going to come up with anything. There's got to be some kind of paleontology site around here somewhere. Or even archaeology, I'm not opposed to that, either.


Snow White wants to meet me regarding her grandson's schooling and the Evil Queen wants my help getting a job.

...what even is my life? Really missing getting chased by gorgonopsids now!

[Kon, Claudia, Anna, Lois]

If a ghost gives you advice, knowing he's a ghost, do you take it?

September 17th, 2012


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im back.

leave me alone justin

is there anyway to kill thes ghosts? please say yes

September 12th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Katherine, and the demon bitch Meg

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I'm going to be out of town for a day or so.

Meg's back.

Damn you Seal.


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She's back. That demon bitch who tortured me...she's back...

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Y'know boys, if you'd wanted to take me home, all you had to do was ask nicely.

August 28th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Katherine

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Okay so with the next full moon days away and it being a blue moon, does that mean something wonky will happen? Does anything wonky happen on like, special full moons here? I want to be sure I don't hurt anyone if it does given the crazy of this place

August 23rd, 2012

Filtered against all the Baddies

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I need a nice slice of vampire pie. Anyone know where I can go to get one served up?

August 9th, 2012

Filtered AGainst ALL THE EVIL

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Has anybody heard from Loki? He's been gone since like this morning, like before I was alive early.

And he's totes not answering my texts.

[Unanswered Texts To Loki]
> Hey, lets get ice cream!
> I want poptarts in mine.
> Hellooo?
> Are you mad at me?
> Loki?
> If you don't answer I'm going to worry.
> I know you hate making me worry.
> This is not okay if it's a joke or whatevs.
> If you don't answer I'm going to freak.

Filtered Against Evil, Katherine, Kon, and Mr. Dark

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Anyone have any new information on Clark, or where that son of a bitch might be keeping him?

[Filtered to Clint and Natasha.]

How are you two holding up?

[Filtered to Ariel]

You need anything?

[Filtered to Luke Skywalker]

How's Allana?

August 3rd, 2012

Filtered from evil, Katherine and Lois

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There's really no easy way to explain this other than I'm alive.

I'm really sorry about the confusion this whole thing caused, but I just want everyone to know that the werewolf didn't actually kill anyone and the people who were hurt are fine now.

Please don't mention anything about this to Lois yet. She's still with Clark, and I want to see her as soon as they get back so I can explain everything myself.

August 2nd, 2012

Filtered against evil, Katherine, Dark

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Odd question but I need to know...the werewolf that attacked...what color was the wolf's fur?

If I did it I'll let them lock me up on the fulls

ETA: It's been said a werewolf with dark fur, possibly black, was responsible for the attack last night. I don't believe I was responsible but given I have black fur as a wolf...

I'm willing to be locked up if it will make the people here feel safer.

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I want the name of the wolf that attacked me and Tess. Now.

| EDIT |
(Filtered to all monster hunters/specialists)
Silver bullets. That really work on werewolves?

July 24th, 2012

Added filter against Evil and Katherine

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This isn't Storybrooke. How did I Uh. I know I said I wanted to get out of Storybrooke. But that was to go to Boston. Not... wherever I am. Is there a reason I was directed to a computer and why I can't reach Granny or Sheriff Swan?

July 12th, 2012

Filtered to Connor

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With all the crazy going on I thought you'd be happy to know that I have not been kidnapped or anything dramatic like that. I'm safe and sound in my room.

July 9th, 2012

Filtered from Evil/Moriarty/Katherine/Gaia

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Okay people.

Life sucks, there's a psychopath out there killing people on his final run to his own personal death star or whatever. But until then.

I bring you meme!

1. Go to Youtube
2. Find a song that suits your personality or that has the best memory for you or you just plan adore
3. Post it.

Rules: Nothing that'll bring us down, basically unless you're Sam Winchester and emo indie crap is all you know. In which case I will allow it, but oh how I will mock you.

I meanwhile will be submitting the following. No one be surprised. '87 in the Garden bitches!

June 7th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, the Master, Romana

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Silver sucks. Thanks for the rescue though. Um...odd request too but, anyone got some extra meat they wouldn't mind parting with? I'm still healing and meat helps me heal faster. And I sorta ate all the steaks I had in my room.

God that week sucked!

Sorry for no doubt worrying you. Thought I stood a better chance as a wolf but those damn oversized Barbie dolls have rather painful bullets.

Obviously you did good on the full moon. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help. Believe me, I'd've much rather been chilling with you as a wolf than in a musty old basement.

Filtered against the usual suspects, Romana, and the Master

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Back-reading is fun and educational.

...wow, that Master, what a piece of shit. And his woman? Sounds like a brainwashed child. Good times; thanks for that amazing adventure, Timelords from Hell.

And a much less sarcastic thank you to those who helped get us back home.

I'll just be over here in the medbay, sleeping forever.

Come see me...?

I'm fine, I swear. I was fine the whole time except, you know, fucking starving

May 29th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty

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It seems there's at least two people missing unless I missed a post or anything about more missing. If anyone's interested, I could make an attempt at tracking the missing down. I can't gaurantee it'll work It may or may not work but the offer will stand if anyone's interested.

Filtered Against Evil, Moriarty, and Katherine

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Fuck this, I can't
I won't lose her again, dammit
How many times do I have to

Abby's missing. I went by her flat this morning. Rex hadn't been fed, she'd never leave Rex uncared for. If she were working or something, she'd have asked me to do it. And if the Seal took her, wouldn't it have taken him, too?

I checked the videos from last night, she never came home. And there's plastic people running around. Freaking plastic people. What if she's...

Okay, no. I'm going out looking. Can you shoot these things? Has anyone tried yet? Or do I need something stronger? I don't care what I have to do. Claudia, Vic, can you watch the room for a while?

May 5th, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer and Moriarty

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There's a million things to choose from in this refrigerator, but I can't decide what I wanna eat. #firstworldproblems

Moon rises at 8:17pm...what time should I meet you so we can be locked away by them? Also, where am I meeting you?

I'm leaving my phone to be on the safe side. I'll be back later tomorrow when the moon is gone. This whole thing sucks. Maybe next month, I can give you some earplugs and you can sit on me. You're pretty strong, right? lol
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