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War Is Coming Communications.



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March 15th, 2012

Filtered to Jaime

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JAIME LANNISTER! How is it you never told me about this?

March 14th, 2012

Filtered to Jaime

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Do you even realize how much of an asshole you've been lately?

Do you even care?
You are an asshole for making me cry
Do you even realiz
I really should just quit while I'm ahead
If Anders wasn't here, I would turn tail and run and never come back
But I can't run in this place
Why does shit like this always bloody happen to me? This is payback for the Qunari thing isn't it? Or is it payback for my bloody existence?
Why do I even care?
I should just tell Anders all ready so he can punch you
I refuse to be this heartbroken over a man
Why am I even bothering? You won't understand

February 15th, 2012

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[OOC; while Cersei has managed to be directed towards a computer, she doesn't know how to use it. She's a quick learner though!]

January 19th, 2012


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I'm not like F Robert, or A
I did nothing wrong and you have no right to be upset with me.
Mother said when I was King, I cou
What is the point of being King if I can't do what I want to do?

I have had keys for the main areas of the palace made for you. They will not open everything, just because you are my f my protector does not mean I do not want some privac but the majority of the rooms will be available to you, should you require entry. If you would like a living space, I will have one set aside for you.

January 16th, 2012

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mlsfkhalkdfhnadlfh i believi hav founed a sekret passsages

i wil retrunr
after i hav had many adventurs

December 29th, 2011

Filtered from evil

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Interesting day. I do so enjoy when those happen.

I've purchased a premises in Lawrence for use for our training, its reasonably isolated, not far from here and can be fortified I believe against the evils that we face?


Your brother has arrived. Jon Snow

I expect you'll want to talk with him before deciding which dwelling he'd want

December 22nd, 2011

No evil!

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I have purchased a building in town, and am having it renovated to meet my standards. Evidently it is impossible to find an existing, suitable palace in Lawrence, no matter what kind of funds are at one's disposal.

Once my new palace is complete I will be having quite a celebratory feast. I will inform everyone of the date when it is closer to completion.

If anyone is skilled in cooking, I can now afford to hire them to create the meal. Other servants will be needed for other things, also. I do pay well, but you are expected to be excellent or you will be ki thrown in the dunge flogged? beaten? terminated from service with no pay. I do not offer second chances.

Currently I require someone to make my apartment 'festive', and someone to clean my clothes.


I have hired a servant. She is called 'Candy'.

I instructed her to prepare me dinner, but she keeps taking off her clothes.

December 20th, 2011

Filtered from evil

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Odd how the singing affected most of you. I chose to believe it didn't dare do that to a Lannister

And no one heard me sing a ballad of the War for Cersei's
Just in case any of you did though, know that I
Never mind

Did I have volunteers in the end for joining me in setting up training here, Just to confirm it

December 12th, 2011

Filtered from evil

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We've had a group of newcomers arrive and I'm aware there is something ongoing in Bobby's home. Is there still to be a method of training for the newcomers.

This needs to be worked out with haste.


You have been quiet of late? Something wrong?


How have you been?

December 7th, 2011

Anti-Evil Filter

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I know this has been mentioned before, and probably explained by someone who did a much better job than me, but we've gotten some new people since then, and it seems like it should be said again - as a warning to those who are new, and a reminder to the rest of us.

By now you probably all know Lucifer is out and trying to end the world. Obviously, we should steer clear. Problem with that is that he likes to harass us - he doesn't just wait for us to run up to him and do something stupid. He likes to harass us on the internet, as I'm sure a lot of people saw the other night... That's why anti-evil filters on these posts are important. It's probably not terribly dangerous, since it's just talking on a computer, but, still - it's a way he can screw with us, and one we can prevent, so we might as well do what we can. He doesn't need any more information or advantages over us.

But more importantly, he can go into people's dreams. I don't know if he can actually hurt you there or not, but he can definitely use your weaknesses against you and kriff your thoughts up enough that you... stop being rational, I guess. It's happened a few times already - most recently to Allana. I don't know what he did to her, but she

We don't know who he'll go after next, or have any way to know when he'll do it - or even if it can be prevented, really. So, I guess, just... be on your guard. Don't give him anything he can use against you, if you can help it - and if you see him, try to remember that he's just trying to get to you. Don't let him get what he wants.

December 6th, 2011

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I'm staying with my parents for a while. Do you think you could grab some of my things for me? Daisy's toys and food too?

I know I told you I'd be around if you needed anything but

I'm leaving the complex for a while, and I think it's best if I'm not around Arya as much. I've been bringing her food sometimes during the week and looking in on her and such, so she might need to be looked in on more now.

Someone should warn everyone if Lucifer is in people's dreams again. The newer people don't even know he can do that, do they?

Thank you.

November 26th, 2011

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Thank you Jessica, it was a wonderful feast and a kind thing to do for those without anywhere else to go.


Bringing up Ned Stark? Really boy? It was hardly the time or place


Are you feeling better today? I am sorry for how the evening ended for you

November 16th, 2011

filtered against evil and Arya

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All these posts about that ridiculous video game and whacking people with swords has reminded me...is anyone especially good at teaching people how to use swords? The new girl who came through the seal a little while ago, Arya, was apparently learning in her reality. I told her I'd see if anyone around here could take over teaching her. It might be good for her, maybe it would make her less homesick and help her feel like she has control over something. A lightsaber is enough like a sword that I could maybe practice with her if I had a sword of my own, but not enough to make me a good teacher, if I wasn't already out of the running for that due to having pretty much zero experience with children.

So, is anyone up for that?

October 20th, 2011

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Oh humans. Every so often I remember why exactly I love you guys - and here I was thinking alchemy went out of fashion about the time they stopped burning witches and started calling it an Alternative Life Choice.

Consider this a friendly reminder that there's always an easier way of getting what you want.

How are th
Pup'd disagree with me but it's weird not having y

Hypothetically speaking, if I needed the big guy to look the other way for an hour or two would you be able to do something suitably stupid and attention-grabbing?

October 19th, 2011

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By the Seven I think I miss having the Northern Bastard around. It was at least interesting discussion, he'd tell me why I was an example of all that was wrong in Westeros. I'd point out we weren't IN Westeros, he'd threaten me with his pet wolf and call me Kingslayer. And round went the cycle. Might not have their blood but he was a Stark.

Anyway, getting on with things. Joffery, how are you settling back in. Or are we still stuck on what you believe you discovered back home?


I've decided there's little point in hiding my past, not when its so easily available. It's somewhat refreshing

October 5th, 2011

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Its getting rather colder than it has been around here.

Are you expecting a Winter this year? I do hope not.

September 30th, 2011

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September 22nd, 2011

Filtered against evil

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So it seems a plan is being worked out for the twin killer. Frankly I support all plans to that effect and am for the first time grateful Cersei isn't here with me.

That said, what about the other one. He's equally dangerous. This nonsense about not being able to kill them is ridiculous. Are we just supposed to let more die?


How are you settling in? It's not the most perfect of situations you'll agree but perhaps we can do something about that.

[Princess Daenerys]

If you would Princess, might you come to my rooms. I wouldn't ask only I would feel more confident in keeping you safe from these madmen if you were to stay there

September 21st, 2011

Filtered against evil

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What is being done in response to these murders? If none of you step up, I'll have to do what's necessary

September 17th, 2011

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Looks like we've got ourselves a bad case of the psychopathic crazies on the loose. Not that being crazy is always a bad thing. Still.

Know how we civilized people deal with those types back in Gotham?

Here's a clue: it has nothing to do with Arkham Asylum. Or, well, some will say that it does, but it doesn't. Not really.

I've got a better way.
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