War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.


June 19th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil

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Why does the mother deer have to die in the Disney movie Bambi? It's very sad. I know that they're deer and people eat them, but these deer were special and poor Bambi was just a baby.

I liked his friends, though. Thumper and Flower were good friends. I'm glad that he managed to grow up after that. It makes me miss Buttercup and Lady, though.

I don't know which one to watch next, but I really like these movies.

What else am I allowed to do here? I'd like to go see what goes on in the medbay sometime if someone would let me follow them around for a day? If Katniss will let me that is.

June 18th, 2012


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Think you'd be up to watching Rex for a couple of days?

June 14th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty

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A friend and I would like to get out for drinks and whatnot so would someone be willing to keep an eye on ShortyAstor? She's more than able to take care of herself, but if someone could just make sure she's okay? Check in on time to time?

Hey, would you be alright on your own if I were to go out with a friend? I'm trying to see if someone can just check in on you from time to time but I know you can take care of yourself.

June 13th, 2012

Filtered from Lucifer and Evil, and Galen.

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So this guy, Galen Marek? Anyone know him?

June 12th, 2012

Filtered against evil, Moriarty, the Master, Romana

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A little banged up but hey, no more plastic trying to kill people.

As promised, I'm alive and well.

I was thinking maybe sometime today or tomorrow we can get your computer replaced, yeah?

Filtered against Lucifer/Evil

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I don't like this one at all. Or this one.

It's just... a very odd feeling, seeing my name on all of these books and movies, and I can't help but to read about them and that only makes the feeling worse.

I wish this seal would bring me my prince. He would get along very well here, I think.

June 9th, 2012

filtered against Evil, Moriarty, the Master, Romana

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June 8th, 2012

Filtered against all the bad people here

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Abby, I need you!

May 26th, 2012

Filtered against bad guys

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I wanna go home. It sucks here. I want my mom and Cody. But Galen's the best here so I'll be okay I guess. For a little while.

Detective Juliet just...left me with some lady I never even talked to! I'd rather be with you :( At least you talk to me first. She's nice and stuff but...she never even said hi to me before and now I'm supposed to just live with her like she's my mom or something and I don't like it.

May 25th, 2012

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I Ares, God of War accept Loki's arrangement and will not attack any mortal unless otherwise provoked or in justifiable self defense of myself or my champion. for now

Apparently threatening entrails gets you warm welcomes. I'll remember that next time.

May 21st, 2012

Filtered against bad guys

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Batman and Amy...I'm really sorry. I was scared and I was just doing what Mom said and I was rude so I'm sorry. Detective Juliet said it's okay if I tell my name, so I'm Astor. Oh and Galen sorry I didn't say my name but you can call me Astor if you want or just stick with Shorty I like that too :) Dexter call me that sometimes.

Hey Apollo...did you find Cody, yet?

Is everybody here a grown up? How long do I gotta be here til I can go back to my mom and Dexter and Cody and Sergent Debbie and everything? So far everybody seems real nice here and everything but it's cold and there's no beach and my friends aren't here. But at least Detective Juliet is nice and she's letting me stay with her for a little while cuz I don't have anywhere else to go or anything and her apartment is kinda nice and everything. And she showed me how to put on a filter so the bad guys don't get me here too like they did back home and she gave me a cool necklace and everything so I like it here okay so far. Except missing Cody. And this place makes my Inside Shadow kinda itchy and I don't like that but maybe it'll go away and its just cuz I heard about all the scary stuff like everybody getting all sick and everything.

Um since theres no kids and no beach what do I do for fun? Do I just read all this stuff? Some of it my Mom probably wouldn't want me to read because it's bad...like the guy that came in after me and was swearing and swearing but if I wouldn't get in trouble I'd have been swearing and swearing too.

I'm bored. :( Can you tell? 8D

[ooc: added in a little later]

[Detective Juliet]
Is it okay if I go with Abby to the reptile house tomorrow? And meet her lizard? I think that'd be pretty cool. And how come Ben's so grumpy? Is he always like that? :P

May 20th, 2012

Filtered against Lucifer and evil

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My head hurts
I have no freaking idea why I'm here
Nobody actually likes Kansas
If I were Ares I would have
Reverted to infancy by now
But I'm not
Because Ares sucks
And I don't

Give me answers and I'll
Give you something in return
That might be a stick of gum
Or something much cooler

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Where's Cody? What happened to him??
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