War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



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February 18th, 2014

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I've decided that I no longer want my soul.

It would probably rip me apart at this point and I'm not really seeing why anyone would want to end up a drooling, slobbering, useless mess for the rest of their days, so I'm gonna take a pass on the whole messy resolution to my situation.

I understand that may be a conflict of interest for some of you. If any of you insist on trying to find me in an attempt to force that thing down my throat, then do so at your own risk.

If this doesn't bother you or if you really don't care, then have a nice life as I won't be hanging around Lawrence anymore. Or not. I actually don't care either way.

February 17th, 2014

Be Gone Evil and Heaven and people who are blah

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Hello, Lawrence, did you miss us? Katerina and I have landed safely and are driving back home as we speak. I miss the warmth of the Bahamas already.

We have gifts for friends and family.

Gifts Under The Cut. This Includes gifts for Lexi, Lee, Spike, Rose Tyler, Bo Hess, Regina Mills as well as family and their significant others )

Filtered away from evil, heaven, hell, Kenzi and Bo

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Deals. How do they work? Can I, say, make a deal here to change things at home?

February 15th, 2014

Be gone lingering evil

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I think I want to go dancing tonight. Does anyone want to join me?


Is everything okay between you and Crowley now? He's not going to smite me for getting you wasted, is he?

February 14th, 2014

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I think I'm going to sit here and glare at all the Valentines stuff..Tonight may be a movies and ice cream sorta night instead. When your ex decides moments of happiness like these are designed for to tearing your heart out I think a little boycotting is reasonable. So Bah Humbug V-day.

February 5th, 2014


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How do you feel about Karaoke?

No lingering loyalists or whatever it is now

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I need a night of karaoke.

Who is in for karaoke, beer, and a good time?

Because I had to look at cows today and I need to get the country off of me.

No remaining evil or Harry

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I don't know how to help Harry realize this is real. Time isn't working obviously, is there anything else that can be done?

February 4th, 2014

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I stabbed Spike.

Greaves House residents

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So, there was construction going on for another building here at Greaves House awhile back. Sort of got halted for Apocalytic things, but I'm getting it started up again next week. Any of you lot living here have any particular amenities you'd want around already offered?

[Harry L.]
Hey. How're things, mate?

January 29th, 2014


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[Peter V.] [after this voicemail]
»Hey, sorry I missed your call, mate though I sort of doubt you'd have been able to say it to me directly so
»It's all right, you know. Didn't do it for gain or anything, just, you're my friend, it's what friends do
»Aside from that...how're things on your end, mate?

»Hey, how're you doing, love?

[Filtered to Buffy]
Settling into the Apocalypse-diverted world any better, love?

January 28th, 2014

Filtered to Drinking Buddies

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Anyone else feel like getting smashed?

It's almost February
Do you
I miss

Voicemail left on Spike's Phone )

January 21st, 2014

No evil

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I question Aidan Turner's career choices. Not only is he in those films, but apparently he's also in some teen franchise, playing a werewolf, of all things. Not that I have an issue with werewolves, my best friend is one, but really, considering what I am, he's playing a werewolf. At least it's not Twilight shit.


Anyone else having issues since the battle?
Started craving blood again.
Didn't have any but

So, how is everyone?
Okay, that's a load of bollocks, Mitchell.
Failing at the social thing.

I could use a drink. Booze, not blood, obviously. Anyone want to come?

January 19th, 2014

Filtered to friends (no Henrik)

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I can't

I'm sorry.

[ooc: Guess who has her feels back on! For reference, she was in Crowley's basement, getting the Lexi treatment and has now bolted upstairs to one of the rooms there and locked herself in. This post comes after several attempts that were deleted as fast as she posted them.]

January 16th, 2014

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The soul is the self, the "I" that inhabits the body and acts through it. Without the soul, the body is like a light bulb without electricity, a computer without the software, a space suit with no astronaut inside.


I'm fully functional. My mind is intact. This information is highly inaccurate.

What else have we got on souls?

January 10th, 2014

No lingering loyalists

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So, the Apocalypse was evaded, the world was saved... what's next?

January 9th, 2014

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Welp. Lost my job and can't even say I care all that much. Oops. It was fun being money Buffy for a while though.

January 7th, 2014

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Since I figure my darling family will drama about this at some point, yes, I turned my emotions off. I mean really, be honest Cage Buddies, if you lot had the option to do it, you would have too. And since I have no intention of being locked up like an animal until I conform into what they want me to be, I'm not in Lawrence any more.

And before anyone gets all self righteous at me, I'm not even killing anyone. Mostly It would just be more effort than I can be bothered with. So, we all clear? I don't give a shit and you can all burn for all I care. Just leave me alone.

December 21st, 2013

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[Filtered to friends]

Apparently this is the day for emotional messages. Well, I refuse to say goodbye. Or even potential goodbyes. I don't accept the idea that we're not all coming back.

But what I am going to say is thank you. For giving me a chance. You guys didn't have to, but you did anyway, and I am more grateful for that than words can express.

Now, I have to go and pick the perfect shoes to kick Lucifer's ass in.

[Filtered to family]

I love you. All of you. We may fight, and argue, and scream at each other, but I have never stopped loving all of you. Always and forever.

Caroline, you may be new to the family, but I love you too. You're my sister.

[Filtered to Stefan]

Oh, Stephanie. My husband. The love of my very long life. There is so much I could say to you. I love you. With all my heart, and I am so proud to be your wife. Being with you has made me truly happy in a way I've never been before. Thank you for loving me, for being willing to open your heart to me. It hasn't always been easy, but it's definitely been worth it.

December 19th, 2013

Filtered Against Lucifer

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The answers in war are never simple. I believe we can all agree, however, that it is time. We move. Now.

Detroit, Michigan is 801 miles away. Do we have a way to transport an army to this point? As many as are willing to fight with us. The front lines will, of course, take on Lucifer himself. He will be surrounded by supporters attempting to stop what we intend to do, and that is where the others will come in. Exorcise if you can, if there is time, but we may no longer have a choice. When under attack, quick thinking and intelligent decisions need to be made. Self-sacrifice is not an option unless it becomes a requirement.

You all have a part to play in this, and I would prefer to not deal with any bickering or in fighting. We stand together or we do not stand at all. You may choose to trust me or you may hate me, but you will follow or we will lose. And losing is not something I do well.

If you are all ready and willing to stand together to end this once and for all, we leave in forty-eight hours. Find transport and soon. Further strategy information will come, and suggestions will be looked at. I am not unreasonable and any help will be welcomed.

[Sam Winchester]

You, however, tie up your loose ends and go ahead of us. Do what it is you need to do. We will be there as your backup if needed. Jacen will accompany you and distract Lucifer to give you your edge on him.


Stay in touch. Do what needs to be done and let me know how it's going. If we don't have to move this weak and somewhat pathetic army at all, even better.
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