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War Is Coming Communications.



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August 23rd, 2013

Filtered from evil

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[If your character is on the fourth floor, feel free to have them hear a pained scream. That would be Cordy, having another lovely vision.]

Oh, god. kids...in the park. they're all dying. monsters

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[Filtered to Family & Friends + Lupin]
So we're going to try this thing to get me not go crazy over blood and so I won't almost hurt people or anything. It's starting Monday and I won't be around for a while. You can still reach me on my phone, though, and I can check the network from it.

[Sam Winchester + Bobby Singer]
Hi. Um, Kol is going to try this thing with me that will keep me from going crazy over smelling blood again, where I get desenitized against it and can be around it. I just wanted to let you two know so you don't think you have to kill m.

August 20th, 2013

No evil

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I have a dilemma. And not a which nail polish to wear with this dress dilemma, but seriously, do french nails if you’re having that issue. They work with nearly everything.

I’m creating my schedule and I’m currently at 12 credits. Do I want to take Math this semester and just go up to 15? Or should I do French instead which would bring me up to 17 because French is more credits? OR take both and be at 20?

People who have actually done college or just have insight! Math for the first semester or a language? Math is always important but I know with my major I need to have a fourth-level proficiency in a language before I graduate. So it's kind of also pretty damn important.

So French or Math or both?

August 19th, 2013

Filtered against Evil and Kids

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I was going to do this nice post about the shopping trip today, but instead I'm posting about a really painful vision. Human sized. Big claws. Weird third eye in the middle of the forehead. Lots of blood. I don't think these things die easy. More than one. It's going to attack a couple walking down Riverside Drive in the next ten minutes. Maybe less.

Filtered from Evil

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I really have to say you kids are way more responsible than me. If I'd had a chance to ignore the existance of school growing up hell yes I would have. Of course I had home tutoring and had to learn Latin.

You'd better enjoy it. Have Kegers. Dances. Ridiculousness.

Oh dude, spring break! Can I come! I wanna come! Would that make me lame?


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[no Buffy or Angel, jsyk!]

I know she needs people that care about her around and all, but is it that bad not to want to bombard her when she still just sees the evil bastard I used to be? There's got to be a bloody balance on this, hasn't there? Angel really knows how to Captain Forehead cn bugger off with his bloody presumptions

August 18th, 2013

No evil!

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After spending a weekend in the middle of nowhere for a story on the fair, I am in desperate need of city life. So shopping trip. Who is in for spending endless hours shopping for clothes and shoes that we need. Anyone who says its not a need just does not understand the gloriousness of shopping.

Cordelia? I am pretty sure you’re a shoo-in for this. Any other takers? Come on, people. I had to milk a damn cow. Help me out here.

Though, thank you for the barn date night. It wasn’t so bad and the candles were a nice touch.

But I am on to you. Stop trying to make me love the farm life.

August 17th, 2013

Filtered against evil.

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Okay, I'm a little confused. Did Wolfram & Hart send me here? And if so, why? I'm pretty sure they don't have a branch in Kansas.

Not that I'm complaining if they decided to give me a vacation from Casper here, but... feels like I should be doing more than typing on my BlackBerry and trying to figure out why nobody in LA will answer my damn calls. Can I fire Eve? This seems like the kind of thing I should be able to fire her for.

August 14th, 2013

okay, whatever scott, no evil. happy now?

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Okay, seriously? Like, no, seriously?! You want me to just believe that this isn't a personal vendetta against myself or the other people I know, because for the record? It totally feels that way.

Allison? Scott? Stiles? Is anyone here?

No evil, no kids

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Heads up, Lawrence - we might have a new and exciting round of fugly evil shit coming our way.

Not sure how serious a threat it is overall, yet, we've only got one dead we can connect to it, but it sure as hell wasn't a normal non-supernatural death, and one death is more than enough to be on the list of 'do not want', so everybody keep your eyes peeled, and be extra careful. Bring a gun with you, or someone who can use one, if you go out, especially at night.


I'm sorry. We'll get it. Promise.

Let me know as soon as they've got the results, okay? You do your by the books thing, I'll start on the hunting the fuglies thing, and when this is over, I'm calling weekend getaway.

[Family/Friends, sans Jules for sensitivity reasons]

Juliet's partner, guy who went missing? We found him. He was chewed on pretty damn bad. No EMF, and I didn't get any sulfur, either.

Jules doesn't want me impersonating an officer, so I can't get close enough to Juliet's gonna get us more information as soon as they know more / get an autopsy done, but, for now, we're running on "lots of teeth" and "there were leftovers" for clues.


Wanna come with me tonight, see if we can't pick up a trail or get a clue or something?

Filtered to Buffyverse who aren't Buffy

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Okay now I'm not Miss Tact. Tact is generally tiresome and I don't engage in it. But Buffy knows about how we are fictional here. Which alright, she could have found easier but does she know about Joyce?

I don't know how to tell her that when she's this little.

I'd mess it up.

Someone else do it.

August 13th, 2013

Filtered to Vicki

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Hi. You don't know me. I'm Cordelia.

I don't know exactly what happened at camp or whatever, but I kind of got the gist of it and I felt like I needed to say some stuff.

Where I'm from 99% of vampires are bad. Like, there are about two that I would trust from home. But things work differently here and where you're from, apparently, so I know it's not exactly the same.

Anyway, the point is, bad people don't feel bad for doing something wrong. You obviously do. So in my book you're not a bad person. I don't know how much help I could really be or anything -- there are probably better equipped people for the impulse control stuff, but what I am is a good listener. Even if people don't generally associate me with good listening skills. I do pay attention.

So if you ever want to talk or something, I'm around. Everyone needs more friends, right?

August 12th, 2013

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[No Evi Friends On No Evil. Or vampires.]
Hasn't anyone learned yet? After Katherine, after Hal, after Jerry, after
Why is everyone so keen to take just turn the other cheek when shit like this
Fucking hell. There's no fucking point. I'm not even going to bother. Fuck this. In fact, fuck everything. Fuck vampires, and fuck the Seal. Fuck Lawrence and Vegas. Fuck Lucifer and fuck Jerry. And you know what? Fuck me, and fuck all of you too.

I just
Goddammit Andrew, why'd you
I miss you. I don't fucking know what to do now. Everything's gone to shit and you
You'd want me to try.
It doesn't even matter. None of it. It should, but it doesn't. Fuck.

I hate today. Also headaches. Why are headaches even a thing? Fuck headaches.

[Roof Boys]
Going upstairs for another drink. Anyone interested?

August 9th, 2013

Filtered against evil

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So as it has been brought to my attention, there seems to be a market for my robots that clean. Aside from the two lovely ladies I spoke with on Kenzi's post, is there anyone who wishes me to build them a robot that cleans?

Tony Stark, I may require your assistance in this matter.

August 8th, 2013


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[ooc: ...and the inevitable explosion has begun.]

Friends (minus Buffy)*

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Well, I need a drink or 10.

[Normally, Buffy would be included in this filter but NOT this time. Because reasons. And awkward.]

August 7th, 2013

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[Filtered to Friends]
She's back. Again. She's pre-me. Just FYI.

[Sam W]
Got a hunt I could pick up?

no evil?

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Oookay someone directed me to this and told me this is where I could get information. I'm really hoping I'm doing this right, computers and me have never exactly gotten along..

I'm just lucky the thing was already on so I didn't have worry about that part.

August 6th, 2013

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[Filtered against "evil".... just in case. Even though it's stupid and clearly a trick. Obviously]

Okay, seriously? What the hell? Now I like to think of myself as an open minded person, but kidnapping me to be part of another experiment is too much. Calling this one the 'apocalypse'? Little over-dramatic really.

August 2nd, 2013

No evil

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Sniper recertification passed.
It's been a long day. I think I need to be among the living
right, whatever

I really hate L.A. And now I get sent there on assignment. That is how my week has been.
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