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War Is Coming Communications.



October 11th, 2013

Filtered to Werewolves

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A werewolf died. In the blast. One that didn't have pack here. His name was Josh.

Now we all have differences, in abilities, attitudes whatever. There are far too many alphas in one city for any one of us to really be okay with.

But this goes beyond that.

I want to make sure he's buried well, and remembered. 

Any objections?

October 6th, 2013

family and friends

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Sounds like the Seal took a bunch of people overnight.

Is everyone all right? Still here?

October 5th, 2013

No evil/known possessed

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I saw there's classes and stuff to take here. Is there an age limit? Cause I'm only 15 but I think knowing stuff about the wild things around here is probably pretty useful since they're probably super different from the ones back home. Especially considering the whole world-going-batshit thing that's happening. Knowledge is power, right?

Since the world is going insane and on it's way to ending, is school really on the agenda and all? Cause I think school should totally not be on the agenda.

Hey, you're quiet. Stop that, lady.

September 26th, 2013

No wild things

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Soooo what's a 15 year old with an uuuuber over-protective werewolf father supposed to do for fun around here?

Omg okay hi! I'm Jesse and I already kinda talked to Tonks and Remus a tiny bit and I heard there's several of you here. I'm sorry if this is really weird but this is really awesome for me right now.

September 25th, 2013

No evil

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I was thinking this morning, about everything that's been happening this week. It's been a crap week, that much is obvious, and I take it it hasn't gotten much better for a lot of people. At the same time, thinking about everything that's happened and what I've been reading on the boards, people are helping each other through the hurt and sticking together and that's... well, a really good thing, I think.

Whatever Lucifer is trying to do, right now, it's kind of destined to backfire. Isn't it? So many people here have loved ones from home, and if not, friends they've made here. People who understand and who care and are willing to listen or talk or bring you ice cream or get drunk with you or whatever. We can help each other, and we care about each other, and that's exactly what we need to keep doing. It's not all that different from what I was facing back home, and the people in my life were what got me through back there. At least for when I was there.

I don't know. I'm just feeling weirdly optimistic and frankly more like myself for a change. I'm sure it's not going to stick, and I'm not about to let my guard down over it. But dwelling on the bad parts is just going to make it worse. No one wants that.


I'm sorry

I'm assuming you've talked to Mum. How are you two holding up? I still have no idea what to say to her.

September 23rd, 2013

Filtered to Tonks

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I'm sorry I
I just can't
I think I'm ready to

Perhaps we should talk.

September 17th, 2013

Magic Users/Witch filter

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With everyone starting to organize where their strengths are, we should as well.

First off, who is still here? Secondly, where do our strengths lie so that we can get a better picture for who goes where?

For those who are new, I'm Morgana. My strengths are elemental magic and spells. I have also been known to have sporadic visions.

September 15th, 2013

no evil

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So, storm chasing isn't as cool as it is in the movies. But we're getting people out that need getting out, so don't worry about that so much. Clark and I are on it.

August 28th, 2013

Filtered to friends (and family!)

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Apparently there's karaoke! I can't say no to karaoke.

I'm meeting up with someone called Rose who I don't actually know, so you all should come too. Because karaoke! And fun! Who's in?

August 26th, 2013

Filtered to Ted and Andromeda

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Hello to the both of you. I'm sorry I didn't make my presence known sooner but I've been a bit busy. It's good to see you and I truly hope you're settling in well.

I imagine I'm considerably older than either of you remember. Things do change, after all, given the many years since you last saw me. Regardless, there is something I'd like to discuss with you both. Back home, in our world and in my time, many things were kept secret, and I'd rather be open and honest with you now.

Ted, you already know your daughter, though as the tiny thing who was all knees and elbows, I'm sure. And Andromeda, it seems you're only getting to know her, and you're incredibly lucky to have the chance to do so. She's an incredibly brave and strong woman with a heart too big for her own good and a sass to make Sirius proud.

And, if it isn't quite obvious, I'm quite taken with her.

I know I'm no one's first choice for their daughter's companion. If you've done the maths, you'll know I'm a good thirteen years her senior. I've barely a knut to my name, not even at home. And my condition is hardly a secret. But I do care for her. And, to my incredulous surprise, she for me. I wish I had more to offer but I've given all of myself and that may be the best I can manage, even here.

I suppose I simply wanted to be open with you. And to let you know that I'll do everything possible to make her happy. I'm not asking for your blessing-we're hardly at the point of marriage. But I do ask that, should you disapprove, you consider what I've said carefully.

August 23rd, 2013

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[Filtered to Family & Friends + Lupin]
So we're going to try this thing to get me not go crazy over blood and so I won't almost hurt people or anything. It's starting Monday and I won't be around for a while. You can still reach me on my phone, though, and I can check the network from it.

[Sam Winchester + Bobby Singer]
Hi. Um, Kol is going to try this thing with me that will keep me from going crazy over smelling blood again, where I get desenitized against it and can be around it. I just wanted to let you two know so you don't think you have to kill m.

August 22nd, 2013

Filtered against evil

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Life really never stops being weird around here, does it? At least by now I've come to expect it.


Not sure if you've noticed, but the Seal seems to have brought my parents. Both of them. So... that's weird.

August 12th, 2013

Filtered Against Evil

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Well then. It's good to see that no matter where we go, prejudice will never fully die. Race, gender, religion, and species. There will always be one person in a crowd.

Pretty sure I need a drink.

[Dora and Lily]

Have you two had the chance to formally meet, yet? If not, I'd like to do the honours.

No evil or Vicki

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All right, I'm heading this off before it really blows up.

Yes, there was almost an incident at camp. Yes, Vicki acted on her nature. Yes, I compelled her to stop because I talked her into going off vervain before we all left for camp. For this reason exactly. Sure, I could have stopped her other ways as well, but let's face it, this was the easiest and would ultimately cause the least damage. She'll go back to her vervain as soon as we get back.

No, I have not otherwise been in her head for anything else, but I don't expect the community at large to believe me. But it's the truth. One of you witchy types, go on and cook up a truth serum, I don't care, I'll answer your questions. Just be careful what you ask and remember you may not always like the answers.

Vicki is not a monster. She acted on instinct. But nothing happened. No one was hurt. And you lot shouldn't treat her like a leper when we get back over this for it, either.

Whatever they say about you, ignore it, all right? That bloke who called you a monster? He's wrong. Me, sure, I'll take it, I've done plenty to earn that title. You're not, though.

[Mystic Falls minus Vicki & the Gilberts (because Kol is petty, yes, yes he is)]
She needs to be trained. I think repeat exposure tests would help. Discuss.

August 11th, 2013


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Not the best camp ever.

August 7th, 2013

no evil, please & thank you!

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Filtered against Evil
So, today on Lily Potter's Daily Checklist:
✓1. Pancake breakfast for James, Sirius, Remus & Peter.
✓2. Meet Emmeline for shopping trip.
✓3. Start compiling Christmas stash for the boys.
✓4. Buy some fruit for James, he's looking pale.
Funnily enough, getting abducted to the United States was not on my agenda for the day.

July 29th, 2013

No evil

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Next round of hunter's camp: August 6-13.

Let me know if you want in.

And I got three hunts.

Let me know who wants those. We'll talk.

July 23rd, 2013

Filtered Against Evil

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No wolfsbane and now no chocolate or even tea.

I would highly recommend not being around me for the next 24 hours. Hell, I don't even want to be around me for


I apologise in advance for any ridiculous and/or mean things I may say. In fact, you might as well add yourself to the 'staying away' party.

[ooc: this was posted earlier, Remus was not out running errands, I was]

July 9th, 2013


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July 2nd, 2013

Filtered to magic users.

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Buffy and I were discussing my condition the other day and she suggested that we lure Lucifer elsewhere whenever he tries to get into my head. Is there any way to copy my mental signature and sort of stick it into an empty space?
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