War Is Coming Communications.

March 1st, 2011

March 1st, 2011

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I'm....tired. I can't even remember the last time I was tired.

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So sudden roof landings? Not fun. Not being able to get your power to flame back on even though this whole thing was supposed to be fixed and I'm pretty sure I didn't touch anyone in the last five minutes anyway? Also not fun.

Uh. I need a ride.

Filtered to Family and Force Users

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Something incredibly strange just happened. I set the bed on fire and I'm not quite sure how. Luckily I was able to put it out relatively quickly without it spreading far. That is unusual for me, quite honestly. I cannot sense anyone. I cannot feel the force at all.

Where are you? Are you safe?

I apologize for the bed. Or if I startled you.

Filtered against Baddies

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Okay, no one's allowed in my apartment for a bit... not until I clean up the blood.

And anyone else having blurry vision? It's like a switch was thrown and I went from high def to technicolor. Doesn't help, I think I smashed my hand through the mirror in the bathroom when it happened... it still hurts and it's not healing...

It should have healed already. Why isn't it healing?

Filtered Against Baddies

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I think my powers are gone.

(No filter because she's panicked)

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Ow. I just ran face first into a wall! Something is really wrong! Even more wrong....as I was thinking about an ice pack for my face....an ice pack appeared! That's not my power!

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I think I just exorcised a demon by touching it SOMEBODY BRING ME A BLIND GUY STAT!

(OOC: Unfiltered because he is FREAKING OUT MAN.)

Filtered to Force-types.

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Well. I think I finally figured out whatever it was I was being warned against earlier.

I only think so, though, and that's kind of a problem. I actually can't feel any warnings of anything right now and it's really- I don't- This must be what it felt-

Everyone's okay, though?

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The punching bag just kicked my ass.


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My head feels normal again! I'd say 'I guess it's over' but, uh, I guess not, if everyone else is having weird things happen to their 'powers' and stuff, too. So, uh. Crap?

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't glad it was gone though

filtered against baddies.

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Okay. Here's things that have happened so far. Making a list helps, maybe we can figure out what kriffing happened.
My head is
They're new..breathe

1) Many of you have different powers then you had yesterday. If so what are they. Keeping track is probably a good idea.
2) I sense new presences in the Force.
3) you're all very loud. Stop.
3) I can still use the Force. Do not feel any different physically or mentally.
4) This is bad, yes. But panicking will make it worse. We need to figure out what happened and think logically. Did anyone do anything different then they normally did in the last 24 hours?
5) What kinds of things here can cause this to happen ? Angels? Trickster did you

Filtered to Quinn.

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I can't take care of Beth tonight.

I don't even know if I can take care of her again anymore.

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Idiots, what the 

I haven't felt like this in a long time. It's diff

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...Someone fix this. I mean, this is cool, but I just melted my favourite laptop. :(

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oh my God

Okay, that is not normal. Something's wrong with me? I can't sense dem
I'm electri

Jen, I'm locking myself in my room and you really probably should not come in. It's not safe. I don't know what's Also we're going to need new lightbulbs? Sorry?


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Puck either just tried to eat me or he tried to give me a really bad hickey with pointy fang like teeth which resulted in my favorite shirt getting ruined because there is now blood on it.

And then I kicked him across the room. Literally across the room. As in Puck was airborne.

Then he turned into a blur and ran into a wall.

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This may sound strange, but is there some sort of communal set of tools anywhere? One of the cupboard doors in the main kitchen... fell off. Or something, maybe it was loose? I think I may've broken it off but that doesn't- Anyway, I'm pretty sure I could fix it if I had the right tools.

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Hi, you're all sparky and stuff right?

Filtered to Jen

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Hey, so, I know we don't really know each other? But the people I thought I could trust...I can't. I think I need help and I don't know what to do.

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...the fuck?

Filtered to Galinda, Bonnie, Elena and Caroline

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I think my powers are gone. I just tried to degreen myself and it didn't work. And um...I sort of tried casting other spells and none of them worked.



[OOC: Just pretend this was posted around 9 am because I know I won't be awake then. Also, Elphie is pacing incessantly and even though she's upset and flaily, no telekinesis is happening!]

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Okay I am done. I am done done done with this seal crap. I am not here for its amusment I am not here to please it so why I currently...my husband looks tasty and not in the...is this how he feels...

Fucking vampires

Least I don't sparkle. I think I'd cry if I sparkled.

Filtered against Evil

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What the. I just sent my clock flying without touching it. This is not normal. What's going on?

Filtered to Booth

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I think I just flew. I tried to jump for something and I flew.

Filtered from baddies

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I had to calm down after...whatever it was that just happened because Sherry was ready to clock me if I didn't.

How Is this because of those seals? 
Plug them up and fix this already.

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I  just blew up my alarm clock 'cause it pissed me off, how the f
I don't think this is a good thing

So, lightning. That's awesome.  Add that to the list of new freaky powers I somehow magically got last night...

Anyone making progress on how to get rid of this crap?


I can still feel you. It's like you're in my head, what the hell?

filtered against evil intentioned

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Well, I have no idea what's going on as usual in this gorram place but the infirmary will be open all day; I called in to the clinic so I can deal with any injuries caused in this recent bout of insanity. That said if someone is unable to come to the infirmary for any reason feel free to leave a comment here and I'll try to get to you.

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Just out of curiosity, has anyone disappeared and reappeared in white lights?

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I would be okay with this if there wasn't someone running around out there with my powers

To whomever woke up this morning with the power to blow things up or freeze them? It's important to stay very calm until you get a handle on it. Sit on your hands if you need to

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Text to Chuck )

Filtered against Evil (including Azula)

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My firebending is gone. In the hands of someone that doesn't know how to control it my bending could be extremely dangerous. I believe that my sister's bending is also gone, without it I'm sure that she will be up to something. She relies on her bending and I believe that she is more dangerous without it because desperation will set in. She is crazy, as I've said before.

Has anyone suddenly gained the ability to harness fire, mainly through hands, but also feet.

I'm sure that this is an accident that can be righted, but I'd feel better if whoever has our bending came forward so that I could help you learn how to keep it under control.

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God I'm hoping that whomever has it is okay, but is anyone experiencing heightened senses? Maybe faster than normal healing?

Or a small speed boost, wouldn't be much more than normal, but fast enough that you'd notice it. Because I'd like to know where the virus I carry went off to. Because you might have my quirks and you have to be incredibly careful... There's a concoction that can help keep it controlled.

Crap this is so fucked up...

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I'm in s omuch pain is this what corrdelia felt?

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My fire!

Explain how these powers have been changing?

Filtered against baddies

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I cannot fly. At all. My shift at the station ended late last night, so I moved to jump up and fly off like I do and.. nothing. I couldn't even use my speed to go to the complex in two seconds. Or anywhere in the world, really. Also? Walking around crowds in the city is oddly quiet. At least in the thought range. Can't read anyone.

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So much for that gravity thing.

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All right. Who the hell makes bubbles?

filtered to Leon and Sherry

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I need to talk. Now.

filtered to Ava

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So! Looks like we've swapped powers. My big suggestion is that you avoid water. Painful stuff. Now, what kind of stuff can I do with your power? I swear to use it somewhat responsibly.

Filtered to Adam

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So uh, Melinda told me you might have my powers. Telekinesis and astral projection. I can show you how to handle them. First and foremost? Try not to get angry. Anger is a trigger for the telekinesis.

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doe sanyone have lots and lots of liqupr? that I canhave?

Filtered from Puck

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I'm feeling like...really sick. So can someone come up and take Beth forever for the night. She's in her room in her crib and her overnight stuff is all packed and she's so so lucky Mommy put her crib in the devils trap or I could have just

I'm lying in bed and she's napping now, light is not fun. Just one of those headaches. Still, least I'm not climbing down buildings or setting things on fire right, yay for escaping this one

Filtered Against Baddies

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I need alcohol and the cops took my fake. And I haven't had a chance to get it replaced yet. Anyone feel like being generous?

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Who: Charlie McGee
What: Waking up without a fire raging in her bedroom, Charlie assumes that her power has simply disappeared. It seems that. instead of that, she's simply traded one ability for another.
Where: Charlie's apartment
When: Late morning, present day
Read more... )

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I guess that I must be the only one to be relieved that I'm rid of my original power. I have something else now. It's a little confusing. A sense of calm, some telekinesis, and an awareness of things I've never paid attention to. To whoever has my fire now, be careful.

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So I guess this is the part where I ask if someone's got a couple packets of blood lying around or an in with a butcher in town? Should just go straight to the source.

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[Winchesters, Ruby (yes, she's technically a Winchester now, but she gets her own filter), Harvelle-Shurleys]
If you could refrain from having any major drama for the forseeable future it would be appreciated. My vessel is not functioning as expected.

You're back. You're not supposed to be b
I'm s-
You lied. There is nothing about this which makes the fall worthwhile. How did you stand it?

[Blank Message Is Blank]

Filtered to Puck

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I have a present for you, Puckasuarus.

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What's up in your neck of the woods? Developed any interesting abilities?


Where did you go off to? I wanted to show you my shiny new power!

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NOTHing Is ibueatiful and eVERYTHING hruts

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