War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



May 12th, 2012

Filtered against Evil and Moriarty and Katherine

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I got to add a new photo to my portfolio because Elena let me get her ready for prom! So here it is!


[Pretend this was posted closer to when people are leaving for Prom and what not, I just don't know when I'll be back at my computer.


May 10th, 2012

Filtered to Magic Users, also Claudia and Irene can read as can Helena/Emily

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I have a question about what's been going on with Helena.

The cause of what is happening to her with Emily is because of an artifact from home, so some kind of magic. Is there some way that Emily's consciousness can be removed from Helena's body and then placed in another body somehow?

I really have no idea if this would work but the two of them fighting for control is destroying Helena and it seems wrong not to give Emily a chance to live as well, even if she was a created identity.

Filtered Against Evil ++

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So, women of Lawrence.

I've been hearing the shoe complaints, I mean I am Cinderella afterall, shoes are kind of my thing.

So, I will be opening a shoe store here in Lawrence. What I'd like to know is any requests for the products or anything, planning process needs input. It's really too bad I can't use elves here for my shoes they were the best before, but it's okay I'll manage.

So, yeah, input on what you want to see in a shoe store here. Go!

May 5th, 2012

Filtered from Lucifer and Evil

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This place is in dire need of more shoe stores.

I'm so bored.

April 26th, 2012

to Lexi and Stefan, team Wicked, and Anakin

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If I dont' make it throough this, it's on both of you to prottect Elena.

(ooc: Later edited the filter to include other, important people.)

April 10th, 2012

Filtered against Evil, Moriarty and Katherine

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I love it when there's a new season for fashion. All of the different outfits and shoes! And the weather is also really nice today. It's a good day. I think I'm going to get today's coffee for the coffee blog and drink it outside.

[Team Help!Elphie*]

I think something's wrong with Elphie. I mean, she's being all moodified. Worse than usual and she won't tell Elena or me what's wrong. It's not like when she was all messed with by Lucifer but she also isn't her normal moodified self. It's different.

Has she said anything to any of you? I just want to help her. I'm worried and she brushes me off whenever I try to ask. Like she's hiding something.

[*Team Help!Elphie consists of those who were helping when she was all crazy because of Lucifer. So Caroline, Damon, Elena, Sam and Thor. With added Jeremy action! If I forgot someone in this list who is still around that was helping then, feel free to see this as well <3]

March 30th, 2012

filtered against evil

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Looks like the Seal couldn't bear it without me.

[RENT people]
Are you guys still around?

March 23rd, 2012

Filtered from Evil/Katherine/Moriarty

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Night out. I got free tickets to a club in Kansas City for a few friends and I'm hoping to get in there as a dancer. Totally less seedy than the place I'm in now. Less temptations all over the freaking place.

I have five tickets. Line up Line up.


Babe I'm sorry, crossed the line. I know that okay? Can we just start over?

March 19th, 2012

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Can we just go back to having winter? Please?

Morrible is going to kill me
At least Moriarty can't control the weather

[OOC: Unfiltered because Elphie is not liking the weather and was all ready paranoid thanks to Moriarty. And anyone in her household, Elphie is currently like...in a closet or something because of her phobia of thunderstorms.]

March 11th, 2012

Elphie House Filter, Anakin, Damon, Lexi

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Tony's alone so I'm going to filter to him as Katherine doesn't know he is. I'll just tell him I'm bored and to entertain me, have him come to Elphie's and lead him to the master bedroom on the first floor. There Caroline and/or Lexi can be hiding to knock him out so we can get him to the basement where Galinda will seal him in so the compulsion can wear off and we can have him start taking vervain. So, Lexi if you can come over now that would be great to get everything in place.


I'm bored. Entertain me.

March 7th, 2012

Filtered to those in law enforcement

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My wife is being stalked. I need to know what can be done to keep the bastard away from her. And I need it done now.

[Filtered to witch types]

I know protection can be put on people to protect them from others, but what can be done about someone stalking another? I need to keep this bastard away from my wife.

February 25th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil, Moriarty, Katherine, Molokov, and now bonus Loki!

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Is there an official Glitter Fan Club? If there's not, there should be. I think I should start one. Emily, you can be my VP. We'll found it and run it and it'll be wonderful! I have no idea what a Glitter Fan Club would actually do, but there it is.

[Mom & Dad]

Я не люблю выходные больше, потому что я тоскую без Вас парни. Я даже не имею школы, чтобы отвлечь меня, и это не никакое развлечение.

Только, таким образом Вы знаете, когда я возвращаюсь к моему времени? Я спрашиваю собаку. Я надеюсь, что Вы - готовы к этому!

[I don't like the weekends anymore because I miss you guys. I don't even have school to distract me and it isn't any fun.

Just so you know, when I get back to my time? I'm asking for a dog. I hope you're are ready for that!]

February 24th, 2012

Filtered from current evils, including Loki

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Until further notice, my brother Loki needs to be added to all evil filters. Should you see him, do not approach him. Contact me with where you saw him and leave as quickly as you are able without drawing attention to yourself. Should you have no choice but to speak with him, believe nothing that he says and do not, under any circumstances, go anywhere with him. Disregard this advice and I cannot promise your safety.

Can you tell what he did to her? I'm still looking for him, but if you need me to come back to the complex, I will.

Keep an eye on your cousin. Do not let her do anything rash.

[Filtered to magic/witchy types]
You will pool your resources. You will fix my friend, Darcy Lewis. And in return, you will all, individually, have a sworn oath of aid from the god of thunder which you may call in at any time, for any reason. Please. Edited: From what I understand, she is trapped in an unending loop of nightmares. I don't know how it's done and cannot really begin to speculate.

February 19th, 2012

filtered against evil, moriarty, katherine, dawn and jimmy

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Um, it looks like maybe things are under control and if so yay. But if something comes up and people need to be kept from doing bad things or need to be protected from the crazy, I can put them into bubbles. Perfectly safe bubbles that will keep the bad in or out depending on the situation needed?

February 18th, 2012

Filtered Against Evil + (Moirarty, etc)

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I'm bored.

Who likes glitter?

OH! Or, hey, Uncle Jacen, how'd you like the phone call? Isn't Dr. Phil a hoot?


I need you to talk mom out of the house arrest.

Think you can do that much for me?

February 17th, 2012

Filtered to Galinda

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Hi, I know you have no idea who I am, but I'm Jenna. I'm Elena and Anakin's daughter from the future. Would it be too weird to ask you for a hug aunt Galinda? Because really, I don't like this.

Some big tough Jedi I am

February 13th, 2012

Filtered to Lexi, Vicki, Elena, Elphaba & Galinda

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Okay, girls! When I was out shopping yesterday I got us reinforcements for tomorrow. I have sappy romantic movies starring Rachel McAdams, Julia Roberts, Katherine Heigl aaaand even some old Audrey Hepburn if we get bored. Plus, I've got loads of chocolates, alcohol and tissues. We're in this one together. We are battening down the hatches and we are coming out of this one alive!

February 5th, 2012

filtered to friends (anyone he talks to regularly)

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How are you guys in the wake of the whole… Smiley, paralyzed thing?

February 4th, 2012

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Angel's gone Back to...
Fuck this
One hit isn't gonna

... Roger can you come over.

January 26th, 2012

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Before I start to really freak out does someone want to tell me what I'm doing in Kansas? Because this board is loaded with a whole lot of crazy including a person that looks disturbingly close to the joker from those comic books. I'm seriously trying to stay calm here, but it's not exactly easy when every other word is 'apocalypse'. If someone could just tell me this is all one big joke, like for my birthday or something, I would really appreciate it.
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