War Is Coming Communications.

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War Is Coming Communications.



June 7th, 2011

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I don't want to talk about how I feel so alone and useless that sometimes I consider just leaving this place and setting out for some place like California. Maybe start up a shop on the beach out there and see were life goes. I drifted away from a lot of people I used to talk to and it just really, really sucks. And I didn't want to type any of that, but I started to talk about how my ficus was doing so well, and my fingers started to type all that instead. And no matter how much I want to delete this post, I can't.

I think Chuck the drunk prophet is right. There's something in the water.

I also don't think my new dog likes me. He keeps peeing on my floor and he's suppose to be trained.

Anti-Badguy Filters

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I've just got a book deal interview lined up for next week for something that isn't one of the Supernatural books. I'm probably going to be drunk when I go. I don't think I can handle going sober. I mean, I don't do a lot of things sober, even though I'm supposed to be trying to do that. I'm just really bad at it.

And even though this is kind of what I wished for back when the wishes were going around, I'm still not entirely sure it's going to work out? I mean, like... maybe it was a faulty wish, since I wished for something that I'd technically already had before, by wishing to get stuff published? I had a whole series out, maybe the wish was just like "Oh, look, done already, bye," and all these little magazine stories I was getting were just flukes, or, you know, something like that.

In other news I am really in the mood for pizza and I'm considering getting some for lunch and I think there might be something in the water because as soon as I drank some to help get rid of my headache I started feeling all ....honest? Like, really honest? Didn't we have this happen already? I'm pretty sure we did. It was very dramatic. I hope it stops soon, before I say something horribly stupid and tactless? Sometimes I do that. Even without forced honesty.

Oh God, no more water for me.

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Everyone's being so truthful tonight.

It's really kind of alarming.

June 6th, 2011

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I'm not actually Kryptonian. Or even human. I'm a clone. I was created in Cadmus Labs and am half Lex Luthor's DNA and half of Superman's DNA. I was created to be a weapon, but I don't want to be. Sometimes I'm afraid that one day I'll forget who I am and have no choice.

June 2nd, 2011

People Dean Harassed Last Night Filter

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So this is awkward Sorry I freaked out last night, guys.

June 1st, 2011

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I've got to get a job. Or volunteer somewhere or something. This sitting around feeling useless thing doesn't fly with me anymore.

Furthermore, I was linked to a Jedi for a whole week and not the first person told me, "May the force be with you". This hurts.

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i'M soryh,,/.

[ooc: drunk!emo!Dean! \o/]

filtered against evil

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So we've been talking about these teams and welcoming committees for awhile now, and I figured since we got a new arrival today now would be a good time to get the ball rolling on the welcoming committee front.

I figure we assemble a group of maybe a dozen or so people, who can either be on teams or not, who would look for new arrival posts where no one has commented with the important info/keep an eye out for new arrivals when they're out in town and:
-Link them to, or tell them the information from, this post: http://asylums.insanejournal.com/wariscomingcom/918211.html
-Offer to meet them and take them to the complex or wherever else they want to go
-Give them an amulet and/or tell them where they can get a tattoo
-Be available to field questions about where things are in Lawrence
-Try to know information on open jobs and getting a fake ID in case anyone has questions

Now, there's no guarantee that everyone who shows up here is going to be friendly or that, worst case scenario, someone on the other side won't use this against us. So, I'm going to say that if you're underage or a noncombatant you should keep your contribution limited to the network and let someone else go out to collect any of the new arrivals that you don't know personally. I think it would be reasonable to make exceptions on the underage rule as long as you have combat experience. Does that sound fair to everyone?

If there are no objections or additions I guess people can just leave their name, age, and experience level here so we know how many we have going out to meet people and how many would be network/information only. If you're going to sign on try to guarantee that you'll be able to check these boards at least once every couple days. We don't want to leave anyone hanging.

May 31st, 2011

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FREEDOM! No, don't be rude Bella, Chuck wasn't all that ba- Chuck and Jo, & bauble baby thank you for having me at the Roadhouse. It was an experience. I hope you enjoyed the muffins I left on the counter.

I'm taking recommendations for house plants since Kon killed all of mine. Suggestions?

May 30th, 2011

filtered against evil

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I think my dog is officially kind of in love with Clark. She's been looking for him all over my apartment since I took her home with me. I'm beginning to worry that she's in the market for a new owner after I left her at a kennel outside town back when we were warned about the killiks. I'd just picked her up before the whole tethering thing started, and I can tell she wasn't pleased about how much time she spent there. Dogs don't really listen when you try to explain about giant bugs and military blockades.

All of which reminds me, next time we get wind of something coming I can take anyone else's pets there along with Daisy. The place takes pretty much every kind of animal and it's out in a rural area a few miles south of Lawrence. I know a few other people have gotten pets since they arrived so I figured I'd offer a contingency plan for them in case the seal throws something at us that makes it hard to take care of them for a while.

How are things going with Cade? He's been pretty quiet again lately. Has he said why

Hey, so remember when we were going to hang out and go to the mall or something and then giant bugs invaded the city? What are you up to tomorrow?

Since I can now be more than ten feet away from your kind-of-guardian at any given time, do you want to come over tonight and make out watch a movie or something?

May 28th, 2011

Filtered against baddies.

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And the most terrifying bit of that nightmare was that he was a rubbish father? Not that he got knocked up or gave birth to me?

May 24th, 2011

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It smells like al- She eats all th- I have a headache. If anyone needs me, you can find me at the Roadhouse for as long as this...thing lasts.


Someone fix this.

May 21st, 2011

Filtered against baddies.

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Looks like we've got ourselves a zombie problem. Who wants in on tracking them down?

May 20th, 2011

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I never wanted to know what Tom Green's butt looked like in real life. :/ I would say it's good to be back in Lawrence, but...It's good to see mostly friendly faces!

May 19th, 2011

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No, really. What's wrong with a little public nudity every now and then? A man should have every right to walk around outside without his trousers on!

May 18th, 2011

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[Filtered to Bella]
How are you?

May 15th, 2011

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[Filtered to Clark]
Hey, you okay?

..I was thinking about doing what you suggested, maybe taking a few days.

[Filtered to Bella and Vi]
Haven't heard much more then a word out of you two. You guys okay?

[Filtered to Allana]
How does Rio sound?

May 2nd, 2011

against baddies.

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hullo i am LAvender brown.

so i was herebefore but now i'm back? but i am different, I'm 17 this time. Last Time I Was older? i hope I AT Least had a Boyfriend Who Was a good snog.

so hullo?

and if anyone laughs AT My Scars i'll hex you beyond the veil
i want to sleep forever

[ooc: Stephanie helped with the post, since Lav is staying with her and Ron atm. SUCK IT GINGER!]

April 17th, 2011

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You know it's kind of ironic nearly getting stepped on by a giant bug.

[Complex filter]
[ooc: post rescue mission thread, next morning.]
Breathing hurts. Are you guys feeling it too? Is something wrong with the complex?

you okay? need a heroic rescue?

[the morning after the Burt collection!thread]

April 10th, 2011

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Vi! Are you ready to steal me away?

Kon - You know where my spare key is. Water the plants for me? I have about a week's worth of food in my fridge. Instructions for how to reheat stuff is taped to the fridge.

And don't you dare get sent back Freddie.
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