War Is Coming Communications.

February 23rd, 2011

February 23rd, 2011

Filtered to Dean!

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Are you trying to draw the feds in again?

Filtered to Nathan!

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So..you suddenly care and all, that's great. But do you realize you're messing up someone elses stuff?

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filtered to other people looking for Cade

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I'm out looking for Cade right now but I'm having a hard time locking onto his presence, it's kind of all over the place, I'm sure you can all feel it. My question is: who else is out looking for him and where have you covered so far?

Also if anyone finds him reply here so we all know?

Edit: My grandmother found him and brought him back to his house. Crisis averted? I don't know how to sign off and sound official on a coordinating thing. Did I just coordinate something? Wow.

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[Filtered to Jacen]

I'm confused. Why is this mind control okay?

[Filtered to Anakin]

Hi! You don't know me, but you're a Solo and I have a question.

Filtered Against Baddies. And Quinn. Just cause.

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Nathan's acting all polite and shit.

Who broke him? Cause I don't like him this way. It's weird. And unnatural.

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[Filtered to River]
Are you all right?

i think we should
they're all so loud
I dont't feel

[Uncle Luke]
You okay?

[ooc: Leia gets a blank post. D}

Filtered to Jaina.

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Just desserts. Aren't they delicious?

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I wake up after readjusting to this timezone and go to the kitchen to cook something. AND NATHAN IS IN THERE. WHY?

I don't like this. I don't like this at all.

How are you doing?

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So I was watching the news and it was saying that people are being attacked by wild animals or something? And I'm like "OMG that sucks! Why would anyone want to hurt people?"


Filtered away from Caroline!

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Why are all the hot chicks around here like demons and vampires and stuff?

Filtered to Force Users.

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Who mind tricked the idiot?

backdated to last night

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[Filtered to Han]

I've located Cade, he's Luke's great grandson and on some sort of drug. I will be staying with him for the night to ensure he is all right. I will be back in the morning. I'm sorry about this.

Filtered against baddies and children

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Alright. Scratch LSD off the list of earth-drugs to try. That wasn't what the guy selling it said would happen. Sorry about the trouble, yada yada, I'm not good at the humble pie so roll with me on this one.

[Force folks]
I...am not used to people actually giving that much of a damn about me. I feel like somebody mushier would have a big speech here, but I don't know how to make my brain work like that, so I'll just say thanks.

First off, thanks for making Nathan shut up. Hilarious, and you probably saved his life considering my plan at the time was hunting him down and murdering him, but an entire personality change when a "leave him alone" would've done the job seems...excessive. No moral judgment here, I'm the last person that should ever be doing that to anybody, but I can't say I completely can't understand the messages I'm reading now.

If it hasn't worn off already, show me where he is. I'm pretty sure I can undo it. Won't say I'm not appreciative of the family defense and I won't say she didn't save his life, considering in my unpleasant state of mind my plan was murder, but without moral judgment one way or the other I will say there might have been better ways to get the same result.

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It seems as though Anakin, your grandfather and I will be moving out of the complex to try and diffuse the situation and also to have more room. Would you be interested in joining us?


After the drama of yesterday, it seems we will be moving out of the complex with Anakin and possibly Allana. Would you want to share a room with me or have your own?

filtered to housemates + kurt + dan + elena + damon.

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Okay, so I know recent events have caused kind of an uproar. Now I know more details I don't know what to think about it, really I don't. That aside, I've been talking to Epiphany and Bella, and we've been thinking that maybe it's about time this place had elections to decide who is in leadership here. I mean we should have some say in who is boss and all right? Just because someone has a big gun doesn't mean they're best suited for the job.

[Filtered to Kurt]

[Filtered to Dan]
And um, I have something important. Really important I need to tell you.

Might as well get it out of the way

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omg i hte my undead lfe. why iz it hott for guys 2 be vamps. like a guy iz a vamp n evry1 thiks is hot n stuff n he gets lot of action.

butt lke a girl is a vamp n everyone freaks out. not fair. like wtf i dint ask to be like tis. its like tv has boobs everywhere but no penis.

imma monter. imma never get a date. unless its lke edward cullen ten id have to off myself.

n id bad cuz i can do mind control. but lyk if i did it bad ud all kill me. cuz vmaps are bad. right. u all hate us.


sooooooo lonely
one is the loneliest nuuuuumbah

kurt! lets goa karoke!

puk u suk u suk u suk!


filtered against baddies.

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I take pain killers and wake up to everyone at eachothers throats? We're in the middle of an apocalypse, we don't need to fight eachother ontop of everything else already trying to kill us. I've caught something while scanning the boards of an election at the complex. Some of you know I've not been living at the complex for a while, I've been staying at Lavender's so I think an on sight leader type isn't the worst idea. Though lets keep it clean and not rip each other to shreds?

I shouldn't have woken up toda
more pain killers please?

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Should you choose to leave the complex because reactions to your mind trick and want to, I'd like to offer to let you stay with Jacen and me.

I don't believe that they are thinking logically and things have blown up larger than any of us expected.

I've offered to let Jaina stay with us should she choose to leave the complex due to the way that some people are reacting. I hope that you're all right with this decision.

Also, what are you an Anakin arguing about now?

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Alright. I'm getting the sense something isn't good with us right now and I refuse to let it fester.

People are pissed about the mind trick and believe me I get why. No one should get to do that. But at the same time we're all in this crazy place together.

So this is me opening a discussion. Keep your hands and powers inside the message board and try to play nice. Or I'll smack a bitch.

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So someone gets mind controlled and everyone gets upset. Yet when one of our own gets killed on our doorstep no one seems to care or do anything about it? None of you deserved to even know Romana for the way you clearly neglected to do anything! Those of you that have powers did nothing to protect her, so why should I expect that you can protect us, or even yourselves, for the next time something happens? I will not ally myself with people that neglect ones they call friends.

[OOC: Unfiltered because Irrational Angry Leela is Irrational. THANKS ALEMA. :P And cue Leela taking K-9 and leaving the complex. Because she's going to do something bad. AGAIN, THANKS ALEMA. :P]

[Filtered to Hardison and Parker]

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Felicia's coming over for dinner tonight. Hardison, try not to nerd so hard.

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Left on Damon's bed is a signed copy of The Scarlet Pimpernel wrapped in a black I <3 NY shirt]

After getting Galinda's help, Elena also left a For Good-Wicked Snow Globe in Elphie's room.

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Valentine gift for Prue Halliwell )

Additional image )

to Elena

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You know me too well. The shirt is just my style. I will treasure it along with the book.

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I feel up for punching someone. Too much tension and frustration and stress and anger in this place.

Someone want to be punched?

Filtered to Galinda, Bonnie, Elena and Caroline

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I don't know who left the present in my room, but thank you. It's beautiful a little weird touching beautiful.

It's sitting on my bedside table
What does it mean?
I love this
I love her

Filtered against Baddies, Booth, and Hardison

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So, I'm going out! I'm going out for a bit and I wanted to know if there is anyone else that wants to come?

I need to get out of the complex for a little while I haven't decided what I'm doing yet, but I'm open. The only requirement is that I'm pretty sure I'm going to need at least a drink.

Anyone up for it?

Text to Bones

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Are you busy?

[Text a bit later sent to Sweets!]
Any objections if I ask Bones to move in?

against baddies.

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So I've been thinking. What better way to reopen the cafe then an open mic night?! Besides I think everyone here needs to take a...whats the phrase - a chill pill.

[filtered to Booth]
Not to be rude, but how long is your friend staying here?

[added later to Sweets]
So NOT in the mood to be social
So you're Boothy's friend that lives in my place now. And yes, techincally mine since my names on all the papers.

Hi, I'm Lavender.

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Okay, Kurt Hummel, seriously, where have you been all my life. You and your fashion sense are both amazing.

So are jeggings! I swear these things are like the best things in the fashion world right now! They're comfortable, sexy and practical for getting with the slayage! I think I am in love.

[Filtered to Andrew]

Uh...look about the other day

I'm sorry
I'm an idiot
Oh God I really am an idiot!


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So. Bowling league anyone?
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