Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Sep. 6th, 2010|03:43 pm]

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... I don't think Pup was fixed. Because he's uh, frisky.
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[Sep. 2nd, 2010|01:09 am]
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So hell, since the guys (and girls) are gone, one of the Gears said to me the other day, "Hey, why don't you manage another band? It'd keep you from hacking off the limbs of your employees... a little."

So yeah, sometimes those guys have good ideas. I'm open to it, been to school for the job, anyway. Who's got a band that needs a manager? Touring, recording, whatever.
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[Aug. 27th, 2010|01:21 pm]
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Dude, I just found a crapload of Nathan's half-finished lyrics. I want to go record some of this shit, it's hilarious.

A little taste of the genius which is Nathan Explosion's rejected lyrics:

I want a fucking sandwich right goddamn now
Cheese from Swissland and meat of a cow.

... Stellar work, Nathan.
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[Aug. 23rd, 2010|09:16 pm]

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It's too quiet in the Haus.
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[Aug. 20th, 2010|05:32 pm]
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Napalm )
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[Aug. 15th, 2010|06:39 pm]
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Whoops, wrong turn at Albuquerque!

Anyone got the date? I'm from here, I just don't know when it dropped me into.
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[Aug. 11th, 2010|10:08 pm]
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They're gone.
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[Aug. 11th, 2010|02:27 pm]
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[Aug. 11th, 2010|12:51 am]

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Hey, Damon, want to get lunch tomorrow?
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[Aug. 10th, 2010|12:04 pm]
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Skwisgaar's girlfriend's zoo has monkeys, so I went and was lookin' at them and saw one givin' another one a BJ.
Monkey blowjobs, you guys.
This world is hilarious.
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[Aug. 10th, 2010|12:01 pm]
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I'm fine. Stop asking.
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[Aug. 9th, 2010|09:46 pm]

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Went into court, prepared t'do my thing. De judge looked at me et groaned "Oh bloody Mary. Not you again."

Hadn't even started talkin', mes amis. I t'ink is time to send her something aged to satin-smoothness et embarrasingly expensive.

I've named de little fox-eared snake Shadow Booker, since he hides in de bourbon decanter whenever he gets a bad vibe off people in de office. Wit' my range of clients, he (pretty sure is a he) is becoming a patron of dat shelf.
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[Jul. 31st, 2010|10:22 pm]
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Since when did I have a cat? He looks strange, and keeps hiding in my pockets. Lord knows why.

I almost wish I was back in the convent. Weird stuff like this just didn't happen there.
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[Jul. 31st, 2010|12:53 am]


There's a snake with derpywings down my shirt and on my boobs. It won't leave, and it keeps twining around Pup's ears.
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[Jul. 30th, 2010|03:08 pm]
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Now, where the fuck is about seventy percent of my fucking library? If I found out that the redhead took them, I'm going to kill someone.

Edit: Now what the hell is this weird thing clinging to my pants cuff?
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[Jul. 27th, 2010|01:30 am]
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[Locked only from old-Miniver]
If I didn't know better, I'd think everything that's happened since I got here has been one of those elaborate nightmares where people see the worst case scenario of where they'll end up if they don't get their shit together, and then they wake up screaming and become hermetic vegans who live the rest of their lives in a desperate quest of penance and self-redemption that involves contemplating worms while flogging themselves in the basement of a monastery.

Which um... I guess is an overly elaborate way of saying like... what did I do to piss off the legions of Hell itself? I mean... does anybody actually like me? I mean old-me? I mean... I know this was some kind of weird vengeance thing about some other guy or whatever but like... I also heard this ain't the first time I've been almost killed by demons or just really really pissed people off.

Shit. I don't wanna end up like that.
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[Jul. 24th, 2010|03:06 pm]
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It is done.

I trust that the majority of you are present, accounted for, and alive?
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[Jul. 23rd, 2010|08:41 pm]

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Skwisgaar? Can I come sleep with you until my daddy comes back? It's fine if you say no, just -
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[Jul. 23rd, 2010|09:10 am]
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Seven days.

You kids be good.
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[Jul. 21st, 2010|09:42 pm]

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I need to go out. I'm crawling out of my skin, I have to do something and ... I can't be here.
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[Jul. 21st, 2010|11:33 am]
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The fritz-patrickry was that??? Detroit does NOT get tornados!
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[Jul. 20th, 2010|12:06 am]

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Just had my birthday a couple days ago. Know what that means... now I am a MAN. I, Lyle Bennet, have just turned 18. Oh yes. So, if someone could point me in the direction of some pretty ladies, or better yet send them to me? Because that would be really awesome. It really would.
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[Jul. 17th, 2010|07:12 pm]
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Vacation time starts on Monday, but since this is the weekend, it's technically the first day of it for me.

Taking some much needed alone time out of the 'haus.
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[Jul. 13th, 2010|06:21 pm]
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This is another world-jumpy thing, right?

Wow okay traveling by tornado ain't like... my favorite thing ever right now.

Is Pickles here yet? The spinny ride like ditched my ass in London somewhere.

Hey. My name's Rodrigo Jesus Jiménez here. This place has a sense of humor. Which I'll probably appreciate more as soon as I'm done losing my lunch.

Seriously, why a tornado?
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[Jul. 13th, 2010|11:25 am]
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Oh great this placeagain
LikE i need this today. Hey, anyone around see a fuzzy hippie guy, about 5 and a half feet tall?

Or maybe a metal band?
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[Jul. 11th, 2010|06:21 pm]

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I'm done. I'm going to try to go home.
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[Jul. 10th, 2010|12:00 am]

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I kind of want to go on a road trip somewhere. Maybe I could go see the whales or something!

Hi, Skwisgaar. Hee.
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[Jul. 7th, 2010|01:15 pm]

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I need to spar. Like, yesterday.

Anyone want to let me smack them around?
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[Jul. 6th, 2010|07:41 am]
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I just had to fire my son's nanny.

She had on Dora the Explorer. The kid isn't even a year old and she's subjecting him to THAT bullshit?
The point is, I hate Dora, The old nanny is getting nothing more. Not even a "Get the fuck out" gift basket.
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[Jul. 4th, 2010|03:02 am]

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Skwisgaaaaar, I bought you something~
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Fête du Canada [Jul. 1st, 2010|01:03 pm]

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I would like to wish my fellow Canadians a Happy Canada Day. Please ensure that you take all appropriate precautions regarding the use of fireworks during your celebrations.
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[Jul. 1st, 2010|12:43 pm]

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T-minus three days until Happy Blowing Shit Up Day! Who's with me?
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[Jun. 28th, 2010|08:26 pm]
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I like crafts!!
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[Jun. 27th, 2010|11:25 pm]
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It's really so damn hot lately, you know? I am definitely not a fan of this. I know other people aren't either. So I have come up with a solution. Well.. a temporary one, anyway. It'll do until I manage to fund a water park and get a contractor to make it a reality. But for now. I have a pool. It's a very big pool. Enormous with more than enough space. Nice and cool, indoors pool. I just had the pool boys whose company I contracted, thoroughly clean it an hour ago and they will continue to do so before each opening time.

I'm opening it up for public use now. During the day, at least. And until such a time as this damn heat wave eases up a bit. Or a lot. So if anyone wants to stay cool, feel free to come over to my manor. I will leave the outer door entrance to the pool room unlocked, it's just on the east walls of the building. Anyone is welcome.
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[Jun. 28th, 2010|01:16 am]

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Please tell me I'm not the only person getting tempted to jump into fountains during the day.

Too. Goddamn. Hot.
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[Jun. 26th, 2010|12:30 am]
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So I've been a bit of a homebody lately. It's about time I cracked myself out of that.

I know a couple good places here in Chicago, anybody want to join me for dinner and dancing?
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[Jun. 22nd, 2010|08:03 pm]

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Nothing makes me want to dance like mangoes.
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[Jun. 18th, 2010|07:45 am]

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[Current Mood |calm]

Miniver, Palm (and Pup!), and April -

Ice cream?
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[Jun. 17th, 2010|01:41 pm]
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Does anyone round 'bout London need some fresh produce or some seedlings for the same? My sister knew I was coming, it seems, overdid things a bit and I don't have enough space for everything I've got.
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[Jun. 15th, 2010|06:22 pm]
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You know, I'm starting to think there's no life at all for a single virgin goddess around here.

There are wars, but Christ they're boring. I'm bored.
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