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Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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Voice message [Feb. 28th, 2012|08:45 am]
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Hello, yes, now I've got it sir, thank you.

What happened to my Kingdom? I was walking in the woods outside the castle, when a great wind came through.

I truly hope it was a rogue court magician summoning the weather do his bidding, and not what it felt like to me. It felt like...

It felt like the Fates cobbled this path.
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[May. 19th, 2011|08:13 pm]

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The kids didn't come with me this time. Neither did the animals. I'm here alone, and I ... I just need to be strong through this. I can do it, I'm just scared.

Is anyone out there that I know?
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[May. 18th, 2011|03:11 pm]
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For the record, death is unfavorable, even if it's temporary.

It seems as if I have a new crown.
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[May. 18th, 2011|03:58 pm]

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Angels, but mostly Raziel and Ariel. )

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
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[Feb. 15th, 2011|05:15 pm]
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(OOC) )

Whose skin will be my fucking boots for this insolence?

Restoring Uruk and sending me here will be repaid in your skull becoming a VERY NICE CANDLE HOLDER.
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[Dec. 19th, 2010|03:51 pm]
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I like the name of Osias. Perhaps I will go by that once this is over.
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[Dec. 11th, 2010|05:53 pm]

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Here we go again.

I suppose it's all part of the ineffable plan.
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[Dec. 7th, 2010|09:46 pm]

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I swear, if another stupid cultist or angsty teenager summons me again and asks what the meaning of life is, I'm going to snap.

There's only one cure for this, and that is shoe shopping.
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[Dec. 5th, 2010|12:31 pm]
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This all is hilarious, by the way. I wonder why I haven't been affected.
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[Nov. 28th, 2010|06:18 pm]

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What's all this, then? I know it doesn't seem like I'm ever very busy, but I was doing something before I was rudely brought here.
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[Nov. 24th, 2010|03:53 pm]
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Ariel, I insist you need more social interaction. You're coming along with me to Ms. Bonney's feast. My brothers will be there, as will your pirate friend, I believe.
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[Nov. 12th, 2010|01:39 pm]
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So it's coming up on Thanksgiving, which means that it's coming up on time for the annual Pirate's Feast at chez Bonney.

[Key West address] Party starts next Thursday the 25th, ends whenever the food runs out and everyone goes home. Or Sunday afternoon, whichever comes last.

I'll provide the turkey and the ham and the cornbread, bring your own plateware and your own side dish to share and there'll be more than enough to go around. Bring your spouses, bring your kids, bring your household pets and random passers-by off the street, the more the merrier.
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[Nov. 10th, 2010|05:40 pm]
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Oh dear, time flies when you're experiencing all manner of incredible things. The candy I passed out was unfortunately quite mundane, but I did, however, find one of the sweets that affected so many.

I did quite enjoy being able to listen into people's minds. It was enlightening.

And how are my dear friends, this evening?
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[Aug. 29th, 2010|12:09 pm]
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I love it here! I bought bouquets for every room of the house, and the shopkeeper wasn't even scared or worried. She asked how a little girl would carry all those, and if I needed any help. Hee!

Samad has been playing with the forget-me-nots for twenty minutes now. He's making a terrible mess of them. Don't worry, Calliope, I'll clean it up.
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[Aug. 24th, 2010|02:19 pm]
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Brothers )

Navi )
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[Aug. 22nd, 2010|01:04 pm]

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I'm in a really good mood lately.

... thank you, Meph.
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[Aug. 20th, 2010|05:32 pm]
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Napalm )
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[Aug. 17th, 2010|10:56 am]
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The word 'impossible' really needs to be redefined. I'm starting to get bored with achieving what people deem it.
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[Aug. 14th, 2010|11:10 pm]
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Ezekiel 23:20
There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.

The word of God, ladies and gentlemen.
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[Aug. 14th, 2010|09:44 pm]
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[Current Mood |amused]

Hey, um, it's Gabe. A friend of mine thought I should remind people that I can also look like this. People who know their Christian shit probably know that I can take on a male or female form, so if I greet you lookin' like this, it's still me. Just, y'know. A lot shorter, with tits.
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[Aug. 13th, 2010|02:12 am]
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So, uh. Hey.

I just got here, was heading home after doing the wings bit for a lady with twins. Can somebody, like, tell me what's what? I get that this isn't where I'm used to, and I know the Sovereign Lady's here, I can feel Her, but beyond that I'm kinda clueless. I don't know if my synagogue's here, or even where my favorite coffeehouse is. I need some help.

Oh yeah. I'm Gabriel, but most people call me Gabe. I'll probably meet a lot of you if I spend a lot of time here.
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[Aug. 11th, 2010|10:16 pm]

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Johanna, please watch my new kitten. I just got her, and she deserves a good mother.

I'll miss you, my love. See that someone that needs my talisman gets it, or give it back to Bill.

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[Aug. 11th, 2010|02:27 pm]
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[Aug. 9th, 2010|10:18 pm]
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[Aug. 7th, 2010|09:39 pm]
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There is something to be said for a lifted burden.

I've been starting to set people on edge with my lighter mood. My subjects are starting to grow suspicious that I may be planning something.
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[Aug. 6th, 2010|09:32 pm]
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"When the devil himself holds your heart's desire, sometimes you dance with the devil."

I wish I could go back to being eighteen. All I had was a backpack with some clothes and notebooks, and $200 I stole from my dad's wallet, but...

It was easier. I knew what I wanted. I wasn't...

Sometimes I think it would've been better if I hadn't turned up in Milliways... after.
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[Aug. 2nd, 2010|08:16 pm]
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Fine, fine, I'll come down off of the mountain, yeesh. Guess it'll give me a chance to watch over my children, though.

Right, introductions. My name is Uzza, but if you want to call me En no Ozunu, that's fine too. I went by Lars when I was in Sweden. But I still like Uzza best. I'll probably respond to anything you call me, though.

Brother, is that enough? Happy now? Oooh, look, chips.
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[Jul. 28th, 2010|02:34 pm]
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There are about 3.7 million Christian churches in the world, and about two thirds as many synagogues.  Wouldn't all that space be better left to nature? Your God can hear you within your walls, you don't need holy walls to speak to the Creator.

It's a silly tradition, to build temples around your faith. If it's so flimsy it needs a house around it, then maybe your faith's not worth having. And no matter the size, false idols are false idols.

I'll be gone for a couple days. Personal business.
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[Jul. 24th, 2010|03:06 pm]
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It is done.

I trust that the majority of you are present, accounted for, and alive?
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[Jul. 21st, 2010|07:41 pm]

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I woke up this morning in my flat and was promptly assailed by a large tornado. It appeared to set me down in my flat again. However, upon arriving at my company, I discovered that my things and my nameplate were in my own Vice-President's office. The incompetent twat was in my chair. CEO of my company. As in, not me.

While that is going to be taken care of very quickly, I would like an explanation for the tornado, given that something is obviously amiss.
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[Jul. 14th, 2010|09:08 pm]

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I am not as dead as my brothers would like, so it would seem.

Jenny. She is not here. The world is like a flower deprived of sunlight because of it. London, is it? It would appear I'm not too far from home, either. Though I do find it troubling that I am suddenly not dead.
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[Jul. 12th, 2010|03:09 pm]
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Hmm. After further investigation, I appear to have traveled a few years into the future. And nobody seems to know who I am. Makes life easier, but I never expected to miss notoriety. At least I replaced someone who has a job similar to the one I performed in my own life.
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[Jul. 11th, 2010|06:21 pm]

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I'm done. I'm going to try to go home.
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[Jul. 11th, 2010|12:33 pm]
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I'm starting to regret living with rock stars. I tripped over a corpse this morning, and when I got a glass of milk last night, I heard what I hope were sex noises, but I can't be certain.

But Geist is curled up on my chest, so it's not all bad.
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[Jul. 11th, 2010|08:27 am]
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Time to go out again. But I'm sick of small-time.

Calliope. Come with.
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[Jun. 16th, 2010|12:14 pm]
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This is a castle.
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[Jun. 15th, 2010|06:22 pm]
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You know, I'm starting to think there's no life at all for a single virgin goddess around here.

There are wars, but Christ they're boring. I'm bored.
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[Jun. 15th, 2010|01:27 am]
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I'm done sharing a face with a madman.

I figured I should be tacky for a while.
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[Jun. 6th, 2010|10:33 pm]

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EEEE PUPPY! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! Well, he's not really mine, but I love my surrogate puppy!

And I just laid down my vocals and he was wagging his tail the whole time. Hellhounds dig grindcore. Good to know!
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[Mar. 8th, 2010|11:57 am]
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[Current Mood |bouncy]

I'm double booked from Friday through Sun, have a gig everyday until next Friday and will be opening a bar at noon on St. Paddy's itself. Not including tips, I don't have to work for a month. And, as is customary for patrons to buy the musicians drinks all night long, I might not know my name come next Sunday.  God, I love this holiday.
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