[Jun. 3rd, 2012|11:55 pm] |
Those of you who were keeping watch for me at the behest of my brother can stop. I'm back now.
Those of you who weren't, hello, I'm Arkady. Would you like to go out for ice cream? |
[Nov. 18th, 2011|12:20 pm] |
They've lost hope now. Should have picked a name with less significance. Potential for ominous symbolism is too high.
Have to keep moving. She can find me and she said she wouldn't hurt me but there's a dead world behind her. I already have one, but it wasn't peace that took hers, no, not peace, pieces, so many pieces. Running like a river. All the names mean something. They've gathered spices, virtues, explosions, the Emerald City, the exceptional, the shredder, do they want to mix them all together? Snips and snails and puppy dog tails, that's what little boys are made of.
I can't find Simon. I keep running and wherever I run to he's not here. |
[Sep. 8th, 2011|09:40 pm] |
The Sword and Staff...no.
The Bottle and Glass...to the point, but no.
The X and Y...nicely satirical, but still no.
Alas, the Still Currently Unnamed Pub remains Still Currently Unnamed. Perhaps I should just put that on the signposts and resign myself to the situation. |
[Aug. 9th, 2011|01:23 pm] |
I'm back. You can tell Karl to stop worrying. |
[Feb. 15th, 2011|09:43 am] |
[Feb. 13th, 2011|08:09 pm] |
KK's gone.
Karl says she didn't say goodbye because she didn't have a chance to and it was just the vortex, but I don't know. I always said that maybe we were here to stop ourselves. Maybe that's what happened.
All I know is that it's just me and Karl now. |
[Oct. 28th, 2010|11:04 am] |
First I was a girl then I was a boy again then I was a pony and then I was rainbow colors and then I tasted like weasels then a giant taco came and tucked me into bed!
[Jun. 17th, 2010|01:41 pm] |
Does anyone round 'bout London need some fresh produce or some seedlings for the same? My sister knew I was coming, it seems, overdid things a bit and I don't have enough space for everything I've got. |
[Jun. 8th, 2010|05:38 pm] |
People move too fast. Trying too hard to become bees, but without the dancing. I want to smell all the flowers. |
[Jun. 1st, 2010|09:07 pm] |
Oh my.
A little help? |
[Apr. 9th, 2010|03:07 pm] |
[Apr. 5th, 2010|01:08 pm] |
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I bloody missed chocolate. I think I ate enough of them yesterday to not want another for... well another 10 minutes.
Another reason to keep civilization up and running, I'd say. |
[Mar. 19th, 2010|06:56 pm] |
I want to go out, I’ve got a slinky dress and everything. Who’s going to be privileged enough to take me? |
[Mar. 13th, 2010|06:27 am] |
Me So Horny.
Me So Hungry.
Anyone care to go out for a... bite? |
[Mar. 12th, 2010|07:52 am] |
If you don't like the rain you should stay out of Whitechapel today.
You've been warned. |
[Jan. 19th, 2010|02:21 pm] |
Holy shit, dry spell much?
Either I need more or less booze to put a stopper to that line of dreaming.
Maybe it was the curry... |
[Jan. 17th, 2010|11:11 am] |
The first class was a success! Thank you to all that came out and I look forward to seeing all of you in the future.
Also... way off topic but, where can I get the best Chinese food around here? I just realized that I totally haven't had any since coming here. |
[Jan. 10th, 2010|07:31 pm] |
There's nothing as good as groady-corner gyros and cold beer at 3am. The hour must have some effect on flavor.
Anyone in London thinking of road tripping to one of these metal shows? Any concert in which the cops and ambulances are there before it even opens has to be good. |
[Dec. 9th, 2009|03:48 pm] |
[Nov. 18th, 2009|10:05 am] |
They played Lady Gaga on the radio in the garage. It's now stuck in my head and when I finally get rid of it, some daft coworker whistles it.
I thought Minogue was bad, but no, she has handed her Mental Lint title over to the Gaga. |
[Oct. 30th, 2009|04:42 pm] |
KK! It's almost Halloween! |
[Sep. 18th, 2009|04:27 pm] |
Time is a strange construct. I am not certain what to make of it. |
[Sep. 9th, 2009|04:57 pm] |
It's raining. |
[Aug. 22nd, 2009|12:35 am] |
The stars have all spun around and lost themselves. Going backwards and bumping into eachother. Shh, don't fight.
I'm going to miss my tea party. |
[Aug. 1st, 2009|05:55 pm] |
The hell? I didn't do anything wrong! Why won't you people leave me alone? This is illegal! I didn't do anything! |
[Aug. 1st, 2009|01:46 pm] |
So I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100. |
[Jul. 29th, 2009|04:40 pm] |
I'm going to the market. Who wants to come with me? |
[Jul. 22nd, 2009|06:39 pm] |
Nice little universe you've got here. |
[Jul. 15th, 2009|07:42 pm] |
What is this? |
[Jul. 9th, 2009|12:39 am] |
I suppose there is one good thing about being marooned here: Real food. Not Starfleet cafeteria food, but real food. Real, delicious, greasy, food at my fingertips.
I'm currently indulging in some tacos. |
[Jun. 29th, 2009|02:12 am] |
Panicked Observation: OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO MY VOCABULATOR? AND MY MEMORY CORE? AND WHY AM I MADE OUT OF SQUISHY MEATBAG PARTS? Worried Statement: I appear to be a meatbag. I can only hope that perhaps my Master attempted some simple repairs and left his arc spanner in my motor core again. |
[Jun. 13th, 2009|11:09 pm] |
Silly shuffle-zombies, try to teleport without your heads.
It doesn't work that way! |
[Jun. 12th, 2009|07:34 pm] |
my name is keira. keira keira keira. i am seven years old.
abcde fg hijjlnmop qrstvwx y n z. now i no my abcs. next time wont u sing with me.
[OOC: Keira has just arrived with William Keane. Keane is sleeping. Keira is fascinated by the computer she found. She has no idea her message was sent out for others to read] |
[Jun. 6th, 2009|02:43 am] |
Wheeeeeels. <3
The red caboose is on the loose! :D And I can't rust anymore! I'm starting to love this human thing... |
[Jun. 5th, 2009|04:51 pm] |
It's raining. |
[May. 30th, 2009|11:47 pm] |
Today, music review site Pitchfork was hacked and an article was placed there by Robert Winchester. The article reads as follows:
"Few demos reach our ears that have anything new to offer. But a tape was given to us yesterday - yes, a humble tape! - that may literally change how you hear music. Tremendously Carousal, their name alone evoking rebellion and anarchic incident, slams into your frontal lobe with a hammer and refuses to stop until you turn the stereo off. Trust us, that's a good thing. The lead singer and guitarist - known only as The Littlest Wartooth - has a voice that is immediately raw and fragile. The drums, played by the cryptic Earl, are at the same time reminiscent of primal war beats and something we've never heard before. When they play a show, stab your mother, your best friend, and knock over your grandmother to be touched by the experience."
A link to a "song" for download is included in the review. Over the next week, similar reviews will follow in other online blogs.
So, how'd I do? |
[May. 20th, 2009|06:53 pm] |
I taught the paint-piglet and the chickens to do yoga.
That is all. |
[May. 4th, 2009|11:33 am] |
Dey won't let me play with the piggies on the farms no moooore.
...C'MON PIGS LET'S GO FIND MY HOUSE. We'll have a tea party! <3
[Apr. 28th, 2009|09:52 pm] |