[Jan. 12th, 2012|01:45 pm] |
I'm going to be doing a song on the soundtrack for the film I was just in. Clearly, they haven't heard my singing voice. I apologize in advance to everyone for the headaches I'm about to give you! ♥ |
[Jan. 12th, 2012|12:16 pm] |
I feel like I haven't done much but home and work recently, not that either place is unpleasant in any sense of the word. I really need to get out of the house. |
Locked from George Weasley. |
[Dec. 19th, 2011|10:28 pm] |
Does anyone know what George Weasley likes? I don't think I know him. I love Secret Santas! |
[Dec. 1st, 2011|10:58 am] |
Oh, thank God. I've never been so happy to experience ripping pain and the need for a new couch. Dean, hospital, now please? |
[Nov. 17th, 2011|02:51 pm] |
I can't believe I'm about to say this without irony.
Avengers, assemble. |
[Nov. 15th, 2011|09:34 pm] |
Out of one frying pan and into another, it would seem. This world can be cruel at times. |
[Oct. 26th, 2011|03:30 pm] |
Pumpkins I have = many Days until Halloween = not many
Carving party, my place [London flat address] now until we're done! |
[Oct. 21st, 2011|05:48 pm] |
Shooting's all done on my new movie! And I promise, it's good this time and good for you.
I've got the world's most handsome boyfriend, a job I love, and all the friends I could ask for. It's like my childhood dreams came true. |
[Oct. 9th, 2011|06:10 pm] |
Does anyone want to go dancing? I miss it! |
[Sep. 28th, 2011|01:07 pm] |
Shana Tova
It's been a while since I've felt it would be, but this one will. |
[Sep. 26th, 2011|06:29 pm] |
( BB )
( Peter )
Since my friend doesn't seem to be having any luck, I'll ask the place at large. Anyone have any expertise at authenticating sculpture? I got my hands on a little jade piece, and while it's amazing, Chinese/Korean is not my expertise. Can anybody help me out? |
[Sep. 19th, 2011|09:24 pm] |
I am at least glad to have my hair back. |
[Sep. 2nd, 2011|10:22 pm] |
I'm smitten with one of the most handsome men I've ever seen, my movie is coming along really well, and I got offered another part. I'm so happy! I want to share it with everyone. Maybe I should have a nice dinner and invite some of you. |
[Sep. 2nd, 2011|01:13 pm] |
Charles, dinner again tonight? |
[Aug. 29th, 2011|05:52 pm] |
Moz, are you settled? If so, I'd like to ask you on a proper date. |
[Aug. 25th, 2011|09:46 pm] |
Sadako, I owe you something. Chocolate? Dinner? Jewelry? Something. |
[Aug. 25th, 2011|01:32 pm] |
Well that was interesting. |
[Aug. 20th, 2011|04:31 pm] |
Boys are stupid. You'd think I'd have learned that after seventy-two years, but I'm a slow learner! |
[Aug. 16th, 2011|03:41 pm] |
It seems that whenever I'm single, my career takes off. I'm quite pleased with this! I'm excited to be a film actress in proper movies instead of silly ones. I'm going to celebrate with desserts! |
[Jul. 30th, 2011|02:01 pm] |
I said yes, of course. Oh, it was so romantic! |
[Jul. 29th, 2011|09:20 pm] |
I have recently acquired a castle in sweet Bucharest, and have found myself without companionship.
I shall gladly pay for all fees that come with the methods of travel chosen, but dear me, this place is far too magnificent to keep to myself. The idea of companionship is one I have recently grown rather fond of.
Do not let the reputation my name has seared before me unsettle you. I am not the monster this "Stoker" has made me out to be. Once, I was a man. A human being.
Many centuries later, I am not one anymore. That does not mean I do not have the same basic needs that come along with humanity.
( Penelope ) |
[Jul. 25th, 2011|08:10 pm] |
I think something's wrong with Father. I brought him ice cream, and instead of eating it, he gave it to Yuki.
( Asmodeus. )
( Edit: Charles ) |
[Jul. 24th, 2011|12:44 pm] |
Well, not exactly what I expected. |
[Jul. 17th, 2011|02:28 pm] |
Alice, would you like to go get a cup of tea? |
[Jul. 13th, 2011|04:18 am] |
Have the perpetrators of the St. Bartholomew explosion been caught, identified, or at least punished? I really hope so. Maybe I can help. I'd like to meet them for a.. talk. I heard Mary was in harm's way. I hope she's okay now. |
[Jul. 8th, 2011|02:04 am] |
Well this is certainly a new change of pace. |
[Jun. 28th, 2011|10:54 pm] |
I got bored so I auditioned for a movie part. I didn't think I'd really get it! Eeee! |
[May. 21st, 2011|06:32 pm] |
I should've asked this the moment I came here, but it slipped my mind.
In this place, is there an organisation called Cerberus?
Also, are there any skilled medical personnel who specialise in private treatments, and know something of genetic modification? If not, that's fine, it's not anything life-threatening. I hope. |
[May. 5th, 2011|03:54 am] |
I was told that those who are new to this world post to this forum to meet others who are not originally from this time or place. That, and that I am too reclusive and should socialize some.
My name is Clavis.
My social duties have been done, now, Sada-chan. Happy? |
[Apr. 30th, 2011|10:30 pm] |
( Zevran )
Edited to add: Can someone please tell me, I've seen games and things that are all about people I know. Is that the same for everyone here? Are there films and games and all for everyone? |
[Apr. 25th, 2011|01:23 pm] |
In this rather exciting time, I figured I had best let you all know that I am skilled in healing magic. If anyone needs me urgently, just let me know or simply find me at [London address]. It's likely best for me not to join a fight, but instead to heal the survivors. |
[Apr. 7th, 2011|10:12 pm] |
Uzza, your temple is finished, and most of the town is also repaired. It was just easier to finish the temple, because the flood waters didn't do much damage to it. The town's a little more touchy.
Gabriel, I got a favor to ask.
Miku, I've graced you with better spacial awareness. No more running into doors for you, pumpkin.
Sada, you should introduce the kids to your papa. I have a feeling the two of them would really enjoy themselves at a temple. |
[Apr. 2nd, 2011|08:39 pm] |
What a weird earworm for me to get! |
[Feb. 25th, 2011|08:37 pm] |
I think my daughter may wish to be born a bit early. Sadako, if you don't mind her rudeness, I'd appreciate your help. |
[Feb. 24th, 2011|11:24 am] |
Laughing so hard it hurts one's stomach is probably a good thing, right? Last week was funny! |
[Feb. 15th, 2011|12:55 pm] |
( ooc )
Master? I can't sense you. Please let me know you're all right. If not, I'll certainly have to have a word with whomever's kept you busy. |
[Jan. 9th, 2011|06:54 pm] |
Something is going to happen, something life-changing for my family. I don't know anything more specific than that, but... please, my darlings, be careful. The last time I felt this way, many of us died. |
[Dec. 24th, 2010|08:27 pm] |
( Sadako ) |
[Dec. 24th, 2010|10:00 am] |
Eee! Flat's clean! Now to get everything else settled for tomorrow.
Anyone want to go shopping today? We can people-watch the last minute Christmas shoppers. And get Italian sodas! |