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Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Mar. 13th, 2012|06:09 pm]
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To whomever left the parcel on my doorstep ... thank you. It's lovely. I never got to celebrate White Day before.
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[Mar. 8th, 2012|10:38 pm]
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... I think I fell asleep again. Sorry. I must be the only angel who's also narcoleptic. What did I miss? New arrivals? Yuki won't stop yelling at me.
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[Jan. 9th, 2012|03:10 pm]
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Oh, I think perhaps I have a true calling as an actress after all ... Jae-sun dongsaeng, or anyone in Korea, did you see the news report? I "fainted" at a photoshoot! Now I'm to be allowed to "recover" at my home or apparently I own a little place in Seogwipu on Jeju Island. Idols are apparently supposed to work until they drop, but I'm not interested in dying again!

Uzza-sunbae )
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Locked to Uzza [Dec. 31st, 2011|12:55 am]

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My dear Uzza, what's this I hear about a young lady appearing in your shrine? Sada-chan was very amused in the telling of the tale.
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[Nov. 27th, 2011|10:45 pm]
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Mr. Caffrey?
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[Sep. 26th, 2011|06:29 pm]

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BB )

Peter )

Since my friend doesn't seem to be having any luck, I'll ask the place at large. Anyone have any expertise at authenticating sculpture? I got my hands on a little jade piece, and while it's amazing, Chinese/Korean is not my expertise. Can anybody help me out?
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[Jul. 30th, 2011|02:01 pm]
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I said yes, of course. Oh, it was so romantic!
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[Jul. 30th, 2011|02:25 pm]
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Lakshmi? I am sorry. Truly.
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[Jul. 27th, 2011|03:49 pm]
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Father, lunch is on me this weekend. ALL of this weekend.
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[Jul. 25th, 2011|10:05 pm]
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[Current Mood |angry]

Uzza )
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[Jul. 10th, 2011|09:10 pm]
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Siblings, Mary has died before her natural time.

Sadako is taking care of things insofar as resurrection is concerned, and Mephisto is looking after her soul -- if there is one being who I ensure will not harm the purest soul, it is the one bound only to punish the wicked.

Do not fret, she will be fine.
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[Jul. 4th, 2011|12:37 pm]
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I really hope nobody else was hurt in that tornado. I'm all right, but it does seem to have ... carried me to someplace else.

I think this is London, but I'm not quite sure. Either way, it's very strange, but at least it's a nice day!
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[Jun. 1st, 2011|06:20 pm]
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I just got a really incorrect fortune cookie. Over all these years, it's the first one that's ever been wrong. I do not need to slow down and enjoy life, silly biscuit.

Gabriel, I've dusted off this form for the time being, until you and Lilo have finished your business. She told me.
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[May. 26th, 2011|02:15 pm]

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Azrael )

Uzza )

Zepar )
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[May. 25th, 2011|08:15 pm]

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[Current Mood |amused]

Uzza-sama )
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[May. 13th, 2011|11:03 pm]

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Uzza? Could you use any help at the temple?

Cal )
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[May. 5th, 2011|03:54 am]
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I was told that those who are new to this world post to this forum to meet others who are not originally from this time or place. That, and that I am too reclusive and should socialize some.

My name is Clavis.

My social duties have been done, now, Sada-chan. Happy?
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[May. 2nd, 2011|08:11 pm]
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Ever since hearing of the destruction, I haven't felt well at all. I'm dizzy. Sick and don't think I can
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009 [May. 1st, 2011|03:38 pm]
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This newest devastation in Australia has left me beside myself with grief. I can feel Mother Earth's pain every time I see a picture, or every time I hear about. Gaia is weeping. Mother is groaning. I cannot help but hear her pleas for relief and respond to them in the best way I can.

I'll be going to the site of the wreckage and putting all of myself and gifts into the recovery. If anyone would like to rise to the occasion with me, that would please me greatly, and you can tell me here or give me a call at [phone number]. International, day or night, it does not matter. I will be leaving the outskirts of London and heading there via portkey Tuesday morning.

Whoever is responsible for such damage has my utmost in the way of disgust. Such a reckoning is far past even my grandchildren, my grandchildren who slew Niobe's brood after she dared to stab the back of her old friend, my daughter. To think they learned nothing of vengeance from the grandmother that bore stars, moon, sun, and a grand deal of knowledge and foresight is nothing more than folly. How dare such power be misused? Horrendous. I feel anger very rarely, but now my wrath is coming on. The moon, the sun, the stars, sky and space above and below have served me well, but I dare not allow them to cross with my dismay.
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[May. 1st, 2011|01:49 am]
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I hope everyone has endured the hardship of recent weeks, and that they are well. Though today may seem dark, tomorrow's dawn will seem all the brighter because of it.
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[Apr. 18th, 2011|12:53 pm]

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Mom would kill me for saying it, but sometimes freedom isn't all it's cracked up to be.
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[Apr. 7th, 2011|10:12 pm]

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Uzza, your temple is finished, and most of the town is also repaired. It was just easier to finish the temple, because the flood waters didn't do much damage to it. The town's a little more touchy.

Gabriel, I got a favor to ask.

Miku, I've graced you with better spacial awareness. No more running into doors for you, pumpkin.

Sada, you should introduce the kids to your papa. I have a feeling the two of them would really enjoy themselves at a temple.
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[Apr. 2nd, 2011|03:31 pm]
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I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes. ~e.e. cummings

Enoch. )

Lakshmi. )

How is everyone else? Even if I do not know you, I wish to hear from you, for I may need to know you in the future.
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[Mar. 16th, 2011|08:48 am]

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Ugh, and I was just starting to get used to things the way they were.

Edit: Does anyone know a doberman breeder who doesn't dock tails or clip ears?

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[Mar. 14th, 2011|11:23 am]
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I am sorry if anyone has been attempting to get a hold of me lately. I am fine and have conveyed such to people, but I am Hindu. Everything is my child, and my children have been grievously harmed. Trees, fish, animals, humans, everything holds a special place in my heart and I find myself overwhelmed. I have not been able to cease my weeping.

Uzza )
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[Mar. 8th, 2011|05:26 pm]
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Uzza )

I was told by the old Russian maid in my building that today is International Women's Day in some countries. I rather like the idea; it appears to be Men's Day on every other. Ladies, I do hope today is a pleasure for all of you.
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[Feb. 17th, 2011|10:35 pm]
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OOC. )

Iku, honey, are you coming for dinner anytime soon? I want to know what to cook for you!
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[Feb. 13th, 2011|01:37 am]

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Uzza )

Azrael )
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[Feb. 10th, 2011|09:25 pm]
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Granted, I know being reassigned to watch over you lot is technically a promotion, it's not one I'm sure I want. Every time you all change genitals, it's another month's worth of paperwork for me. So, let's keep the killing each other and sinking continents to a minimum, shall we?
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[Jan. 21st, 2011|08:16 pm]

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Uzza )

Fuck me, it's almost Valentine's Day, isn't it. Ugh.
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[Jan. 17th, 2011|06:59 pm]
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I am taking a one month sabbatical from the temple. I will still check in from time to time, but I think I may try to reconnect with my son, as well as spend some time in Amsterdam. I deserve a bit of a vacation; I spent all last week worried sick.
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[Jan. 5th, 2011|07:45 pm]
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Would any young ladies care to accompany me on a shopping trip? (Or men, if they are particularly fashionable.) I need new clothing for an outing.
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[Dec. 31st, 2010|09:03 pm]

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I lost track of time and thus wound up spending the New Year in Japan; what a charming idea to celebrate the calendar change by releasing messages into the air with peoples' hopes and dreams. Who knows, it may even come through for them.

A very happy New Year to my friends and colleagues; I will be in Tokyo for another day or two. I'll return home well before our appointment next week, Raziel, I assure you.
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[Dec. 29th, 2010|04:48 pm]

Sada, Iku, Skwisgaar, I hope you have all gotten your pochibukuro. NO OPENING THEM UNTIL NEW YEAR'S. Siblings, I have sent you nengajo, they will arrive on the first.

I love this time of year so much!
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[Dec. 17th, 2010|01:17 pm]

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Uzza )
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[Dec. 12th, 2010|04:31 pm]
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Well, all right then. It seems this is where the party's being held.
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[Dec. 12th, 2010|01:54 pm]
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Would anyone like to go ice skating with me today? There are fairylights everywhere, and it is a lovely day for skating.
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[Dec. 6th, 2010|02:20 pm]
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... did I take another really long nap? Oops. And what's everyone all upset about?
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[Sep. 4th, 2010|02:39 am]
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Excuse me?

Can someone tell me what's going on? I'm.. did I die or something? Oh god, I think I got shot and now I'm dying.

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[Sep. 3rd, 2010|08:56 pm]

I've forgotten what it feels like to be off of the market. I missed it. But I refuse to compromise, and I only find women I truly love once every five hundred years or so. I'm truly blessed.
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