[Dec. 18th, 2012|03:51 pm] |
I'm thinking Christmas Party. |
[Dec. 9th, 2012|02:33 pm] |
Why, yes, Christmas does come this time each year. Thank you so much. |
[Dec. 3rd, 2012|10:20 pm] |
[Dec. 2nd, 2012|10:57 pm] |
Brave New World? Check.
Lian? Check.
Toothbrush? Check.
Shirt? Missing.
You're welcome, Ladies. |
[Sep. 8th, 2012|01:10 pm] |
Hey, Dick. |
[Aug. 9th, 2012|03:59 pm] |
Hey Gojyo, you might wanna check your place for bat-shaped bugs.
The surveillance type, I mean. |
[Jul. 6th, 2012|10:33 pm] |
World saved? Check.
I totally deserve dinner and a movie. Just a hint. |
[Jun. 25th, 2012|09:09 pm] |
So. Aliens. In New York.
This happen a lot? |
[Jun. 24th, 2012|11:43 am] |
Everyone settled and enjoying live in Oz? Awesome. Now quit relaxing, we've got work to do.
Suit up, and I mean everyone. Old and new. We can't wait for Goldilocks to show up, there's clean up on aisle 3.
Get to Stark Tower in NYC as soon as you can manage. Within a few hours. C'mon, you assholes are superheroes. And that includes you, Bats. |
[Jun. 13th, 2012|04:50 pm] |
This guy I replaced is totally boring. Stupid job sitting at a desk all day? That's just ridiculous.
So now I need to find a good job. |
[Jun. 3rd, 2012|02:48 pm] |
Not exactly what I was expecting to happen after closing the portal. |
[May. 29th, 2012|06:49 pm] |
Yay, vacation.
Okay, Bats. Now it's your turn. I got this. |
[May. 4th, 2012|09:41 pm] |
Officially on vacation.
Bats, if the apocalypse comes, text me. |
[Apr. 29th, 2012|11:36 am] |
I can't believe people actually mistook those space creatures for goblins. They don't look anything like the real deal! And they don't smell anything like them, either. |
[Apr. 22nd, 2012|07:39 pm] |
That's more like it.
Avengers, assemble. You too, Fury. I assume you can at least shoot something? You know, with a gun? |
[Feb. 26th, 2012|08:18 pm] |
So not-Alfred in his ever infinite wisdom pointed out that I never had normal teenagehood, or whatever. Not sure I buy it, but whatever. Point is, apparently I need to go drive fast cars or go to a party or something.
And that'll magically fix everything, somehow. |
[Feb. 18th, 2012|12:45 pm] |
Awesome. |
[Feb. 6th, 2012|07:26 pm] |
This world got boring again. Which probably means zombies are coming. Or bees. Or zombies that when they open their mouths bees come out of them. |
[Dec. 28th, 2011|04:52 pm] |
Right then, what's the plan for New Years? I'm home, well for the most part. Vacation was fun. I've got everyone's presents, even if I'm a bit late.
Anyone having a party? Preferably one with lots and lots of alcohol? |
[Dec. 27th, 2011|06:13 pm] |
So, everyone have a good Christmas? Good. Great.
You're all invited to a party, December 31. Reception actually, kind of a big deal. I'm throwing it for Mrs. Stark. |
[Nov. 2nd, 2011|07:30 pm] |
So that went pretty well.
Based on that, I've got an idea. A pretty good idea, actually. See, where I come from, we were in the middle of making up a group of Superfriends, or something equally retardedly touchy feely.
We called it the Avengers.
The plan was to come in handy any time shit got that particularly real. I think this world needs one, and since Mr. Fury and the other misfits haven't gotten brought here yet, consider this open recruitment. For those of you wanting to keep a low profile, you know how to find me. I know, secret identities, blah blah blah.
Except you, Bats. Sorry about that. |
[Oct. 27th, 2011|07:26 pm] |
Mia. I need help tonight.
Let's go. |
[Oct. 24th, 2011|08:43 pm] |
Hey Eli, you know how you're always asking me to marry you? How about we do that. |
[Oct. 20th, 2011|05:24 pm] |
Right then. Let us consider the facts.
The building I am standing in is obviously on Oxford Street in front of Hyde Park, but consider that the metal used to construct it is of an alloy that is entirely unknown to my formidable intellect and also clearly not made in the foundries of Newcastle. The automobiles, if I am to assume are the conveyance travelling in the roadways, are considerably more advanced than the sort I was confronted with during this morning's constitutional to the Yard.
Second, there is a quality to the light that is not created by either gaslights or the primitive style of electric lumination that Edison has been experimenting with. Additionally, the people passing by on the streets are neither dressed appropriately for the evening, nor the unseasonably cold October London recently has been experiencing yet the air is no longer chilled.
Third, a great gust of wind greeted me as I left Baker Street this evening, and has deposited me here on Oxford.
In conclusion, fantastic though it may be, I must assume that transport has occurred beyond that of known origin, and that I, Sherlock Holmes, am no longer in my correct time.
Am I correct? |
[Sep. 30th, 2011|11:18 pm] |
Corinth, report to Gabey for you new reassignment. It's stuff with kids, so you should like this one.
And quit bellyaching, I'm trying to enjoy my honeymoon. |
[Sep. 18th, 2011|04:56 pm] |
The only bad thing about being continually honest is the amount of times in a day people hit me. Icing my jaw sucks. My fingers keep going numb from the ice pack. |
[Sep. 9th, 2011|08:31 pm] |
Well, I guess this is better than being a dude. |
[Aug. 29th, 2011|10:55 pm] |
Hey Mikey. |
[Aug. 25th, 2011|05:46 pm] |
Looks like most of the other new arrivals covered the whole freaking out and saying this isn't possible schtick, so instead I think I'll just see if anyone knows if there's a decent place to get a drink around here?
Oh, has anyone seen a British butler enjoying too much damn time off? |
[Jul. 18th, 2011|03:56 pm] |
J.Lo is dating the dude from Triunfo del Amor. Seriously.
... who apparently statch raped a little girl and gave her something. I'm thinking that we need to go get that guy some of that new super clap Japan's been working on. Let's make this shit happen.
Never thought my stories would bring about legit work. |
[Jul. 13th, 2011|11:15 pm] |
Remember when politicians could cheat on their spouses and nobody talked about it? Back before social networking?
I love that nobody has taught anyone in any political realm how to use Twitter properly. It's fantastic. I mean, lots of people have gotten photos of my penis in my lifetime, but none of them spread it over the internet.
... maybe because it's pretty unremarkable. Huh.
Mia, would you ever think about marrying me? |
[Jun. 17th, 2011|02:30 pm] |
Vampires are so frustrating at times. |
[Jun. 9th, 2011|09:04 pm] |
( Candy ) |
[Jun. 2nd, 2011|05:19 pm] |
You are all cordially invited to the Wedding/Baby Shower for Jade Sha Cortez and Naruto Uzamaki. This is not a girls only event, so no excuses from the males around here. We are having a party and you are all invited. Festivities will be held June 20th. There will be games, food, and a movie room! |
[May. 18th, 2011|05:14 pm] |
( Morrigan )
I almost wish the Circle had taught us how to deal with women properly. They were too busy trying to keep us from becoming Abominations or apostates that it slipped their mind, I suppose. |
[May. 14th, 2011|04:48 pm] |
As PITIFUL is these collective attempts are at coping with the effects of the wormhole and socializing with any puny SAP who finds this place, it will prove useful.