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Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Jul. 14th, 2012|11:09 pm]
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Ya reckon anyone's a willin' to babysit a set of twins?

The Honey and I need a night out or we're done gonna go insane.
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[Jul. 14th, 2012|10:06 pm]
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I don't know what I'm doing here. So much pollution. Do people realize what they're doing to this world?
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[Apr. 30th, 2012|08:31 am]

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Okay.. that was exciting. And crazy. Definitely crazy. Not the kind of crazy I'm familiar with, but definitely tops the charts for me here. Medli, you alright?

Dib? Since the threat is over. I can bring the plasma blaster back now, if you want. Also, want to say thanks too. It really helped against those things.
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[Apr. 28th, 2012|08:51 pm]

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These aren't the kind of alien I'm used to dealing with. For one, they're not half as witty as Irkens.

... Man, I must have gotten my brain fried even worse than usual. I'm defending the wit of those space roaches. Welp, back to blasting these guys. If anyone needs any plasma blasters, I've got a pretty huge cache here at home. They're pretty foolproof.
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[Apr. 24th, 2012|08:42 pm]

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Aliens. Okay, didn't expect that. It's usually future killer cyborgs that I had to worry about. But I have a gun. Will need something with more bang, though. I'd like to help. Maybe even with explosives, if I can get some. Also.. seems I'm also super strong for a while now too. Maybe I can chuck heavy stuff at them as well.

Hey, Weasleys? You guys still around? Does your shop have anything too? I remember the last gadget was very useful during the last big fight. For me, anyway. Please tell me you got some stuff.
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[Apr. 24th, 2012|05:19 pm]

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Whatever these things are, they make one hell of an explosion.

Who'd have thought accidentally blowing stuff up would come in handy one day? Lnywo, lnywo ihejanca...
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[Mar. 29th, 2012|07:34 pm]
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Holy crap, I'm a senior and prom's coming up soonish. Looks like I'm going stag - anybody wanna go halvsies on a limo? I guess I could just fly if I have to.

Taunton kids, let me know. This kind of ... sucks, actually.
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[Mar. 6th, 2012|03:44 pm]
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Uh hi, everyone. I'm Sam.

I'm new here. I mean, not new, because Dean said I've been here before, but that wasn't me, even if it technically was.

I got the basic gist of what's going on, but I still have a couple questions. Namely: does anyone know what controls the tornado that brought us here, if anything? That's actually the only real question I've got right now.
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[Feb. 10th, 2012|04:42 pm]

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Anyone want to babysit while I go flying and then blow stuff up?
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[Jan. 18th, 2012|03:35 pm]
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So for those of you unaware, Aveline and I have bought a house. It's a big one--well, not a big one, nothing like Varric's pile of bricks, but certainly bigger than my two-room apartment. It'll have to be, to fit both of us and our three kids. Well, two of them won't be around for much longer, as I understand it, college and things, but still, we want them to have their own rooms for whenever they are around, so it applies.

The point is, anyone willing to help us move things in and shift furniture and all that will get a night of drinks on me at the Unnamed Pub. Plus our undying gratitude. That goes double if anyone happens to have a pick-up truck.

Once everything is moved we'll be holding one heck of a housewarming party, so don't make any plans for [some future date].

And now, back to manly grunting as I try and lift this couch.
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[Jan. 15th, 2012|02:24 pm]
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Operation Dragon Swarm was a success, Prince is all taken care of, Rivaini's married with a child, and Hawke and her Two Magey Friends haven't blown anything up in a long time.

... now what do I do with my time?
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[Jan. 12th, 2012|05:50 pm]
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Anyone else just get a really odd sense of foreboding? Like something terrible is about to happen?
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[Jan. 12th, 2012|12:21 pm]
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I'm in classes and teaching classes with people five to ten years older than me. I really need to meet some people my own age.
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[Jan. 12th, 2012|02:32 am]

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So, I'm thinking of taking a trip to the firing range. I guess I could use some more practice. Already have the gun and ammo, so I'm all set. Would anyone want to go there with me?
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[Nov. 2nd, 2011|09:44 pm]
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Faster than 299,792,458 metres per second, but negative and backwards. Not possible, it breaks the constant. Forward, perhaps, in theory, but not backwards. The math is wrong. Did I fall through a metaphor?

The stars here are only one color. That's promising. The patterns are here, but they're not blue, not omnipresent. Still subliminal.

...he's not here.
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[Oct. 30th, 2011|11:30 pm]
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Those of you in London might notice a giant ball of screaming mayhem rolling around. Worry not, it only picks up rubbish, wreckage, and evil monsters. Convienent, what?

Incidently, myself and my inestimable twin are taking bets on how large it will get before it falls apart, stops, or is destroyed, as well as other assorted wagers. For a list of the odds and rates we're offering, please contact us [here] at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, where we'd also be delighted to supply you with decoy detonaters, extendable ears, shield hats (solid protection against almost all known jinxes!), and of course our own personal brands of fireworks, as well as a large supply of other useful (not to mention terribly funny) tricks and charms.

We're offering a 10% discount until the day after Halloween, so if you need something to distract baddies, beasties, and things that go bump in the night, remember Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes!
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[Oct. 27th, 2011|05:56 pm]

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Okay now look, this is extremely important. If you see ANYTHING that looks like a robot; robot man, robot toy, whatever is possibly robotic in some fashion, DO NOT APPROACH IT.

Cannot stress this enough, you lot got it?

My Rose, River, Eleven, Donna, Six, Other Rose, Jack & Human Ten... Person. )

Just My Rose. )
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[Sep. 25th, 2011|06:08 pm]
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Rather hate to say it, but I'm still sort of bored. I spent a year running around like a madman, trying to find a way to kill an immortal madman, and now there's no madman to fight or run around like, so I think I need a hobby.

Wish Quidditch was a sport here.
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[Aug. 12th, 2011|01:08 pm]
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I thought people in my decade liked metal.

You people have managed to turn it into an addiction this past half-century. I'd be hard-pressed to find somewhere without easy access to metal of some sort. Honestly I'm impressed.
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[Jun. 25th, 2011|10:39 pm]


You know, I go to the firing range quite a bit. I'm thinking about trying something else for a change. Maybe do a bit of combat sparring. Probably with knives, or just starting with unarmed and see how it goes from there. Need to make sure I stay in shape after all.
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...hello? [Jun. 4th, 2011|01:07 am]
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Oh no, I've broken it again

Hello!  Hi, ah... I think this is the right place, this time.  I hope.

There's this Nigerian fellow who says I owe him quite a lot of money and I'm really not sure what to do.  Does this... does this happen often?

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[Apr. 21st, 2011|11:26 pm]

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Oh. Crap. Fuck! The date. I just noticed today's date. April 21, 2011. Cameron told me that date once and I never forgot it. Judgment Day. This is when Skynet took over and humans started to hide and get close to being wiped out. I really hope I don't go back anytime soon now. Let's just say there isn't much of my world left after today. If I was somehow sent back, I hope it's not present day. That would really suck. And this, on top of the wird little monster things I cam across? Had to get away from crazy plants twice now.

Anybody going to the bar? Like, very soon? I could definitely use a few drinks. Or a lot, actually. I can probably help pay too. But I need some kind of distraction from this. Well.. not this here in particular, but what I know of where I'm from. Just need something fun to do.
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[Apr. 6th, 2011|11:57 pm]
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Hello, I am Kaito, and regardless of what you may have heard, I have a sense of humor.
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[Aug. 24th, 2010|06:49 pm]

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I'm going stircrazy. Someone needs to come shoot something with me before I go all Amityville Horror.
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[Aug. 18th, 2010|03:40 pm]
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I got a Diablo 3 beta invite.

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[Aug. 18th, 2010|02:19 pm]

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Raven and I were trying to have another kid before he disappeared. I still would like another baby - three's an uneven number, four would work better for me. (No, Total, you don't count as a kid, you're Total.)

This is a really awkward question - does anyone want to uh. Donate? The guy part? You don't have to really be a dad, I'm fine being on my own, but ... yeah.

[SUPER IMPORTANT EDIT:] NO TAKEN GUYS NEED APPLY. Navi is a no fly zone for drama!
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[Aug. 18th, 2010|11:37 am]
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Well, the start of the school year is just around the corner. I'm certainly looking forward to seeing our returning students as well as some new faces.
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[Apr. 11th, 2010|10:40 pm]
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So I finally figured out how to program the robot arm to work the espresso machine.

This is after I tried to give it back to the factory, but they said I'd made a very convincing argument for keeping it in the first place, and besides that it was already replaced because of the insurance.

Playing revolutionary though? Not something I plan on doing again anytime soon.
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[Mar. 24th, 2010|09:32 am]
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Opening night is Friday. I assume everyone's going to be there.
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[Mar. 20th, 2010|04:20 pm]

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Okay... that was weird. I was like, really religious. Like, disciple of Christ type. Just want to say, that's not me. I do believe in God. Didn't before, not with all the stuff I've seen in my life. But I believe. Just.. not in any of the witch burning stuff.

But I also remember, there was talk of a rebellion? Metal. You know, synthetics, robots, cyborg types. That reminds me a bit of home. I'm worried if people got hurt. But I need to know something, from any machine types here. Just a simple inquiry. Have you heard of it, or know of, an AI system called.. Skynet?
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[Mar. 12th, 2010|07:30 pm]

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I'd like to take this time to once again thank my lord Jesus for another day alive. I know some people might have been curious at times, at how our name initials are similar. You know, since my name is John Connor (JC). But there is only one Messiah, and it isn't me. Though my mother and other soldiers say differently

So.. President Christ? Master? Please let me know if there is any detailed way that I can serve. I will answer any request made by you or by God. Though if you have a story to tell, I'm all ears, listening attentively. I've read every parable in the Book with undivided attention. I've also been thinking about doing some missionary work or probably getting food to some homeless shelters. Again, thanks. For everything.

[OOC: John is under the illusion of being a devout Christian]
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[Feb. 25th, 2010|07:18 am]

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So, it's a couple weeks until Spring Break. I wish it was here right now... feeling a bit bored. Oh well, at least I haven't seen metal since I was dropped here. I'd probably be panicking now if I were back home.. since next year is 2011. Feels so much more relaxing here. I love this place. Still miss my mom, though.
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[Jan. 18th, 2010|07:01 pm]

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School is so awesome! It's just like papa said. I wish I could live there.
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[Dec. 13th, 2009|07:33 pm]
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I would like to assure the students and staff of Taunton that the culprit behind the bombing has been apprehended. The school is quite safe, and will reopen after the holiday break.

When the term begins, professors will have the opportunity to nominate senior students to become prefects. Leadership is an important quality to nurture in young students.

In the meantime, know that my door is open. Enjoy the holiday.

Oh, Miss Frost, I would like a word with you before the term begins.
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[Dec. 8th, 2009|09:19 am]

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God, I hate hospitals. Sam?
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[Nov. 30th, 2009|05:14 am]

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You know.. my mother had a saying: No one is ever safe. But I don't always agree with her, and okay, maybe that phrase is mostly true sometimes. But I'd think there'd be just a little safety since machines aren't taking over anytime soon. That bomb at school. I've been close to danger like that before. But it still don't feel right to me.

This is shitty. Same night I end up Homecoming King, I also avoid getting blown to bits at school. Fellow Tauntoners, anyone have any idea what caused that? is it those same jerks giving trouble as before? Robots? Terrorists, maybe? ESK? Please tell me you made it out alright. I saw you leave same as me, but.. just... just tell me you're fine now. And that no one died. I hope this doesn't happen again. Next thing we know, there will be security at eavery door, every class.
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[Aug. 7th, 2009|01:28 am]

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Hey, I'm not doing anything at the moment. Kinda bored. But I think I make a pretty good babysitter. Err, long as they're well-behaved, that is. I'd hate to be a gues star on The Nanny, if you know what I mean. But the ones here are mostly nice. I also have video games, if they're into that.
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[Jun. 3rd, 2009|04:50 pm]

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I take back everything bad I've said about muggle technology. This is bloody fantastic.

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[Mar. 29th, 2009|09:04 am]

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Holy shit, this is weird! Like, more than the usual. I didn't think this could happen to me. To others, sure.. thought it seems like everyone is affected. Me included. It turns out that I can shapeshift. It's limited to people, though, either male or female. But this is sorta awesome.. I guess.

Heh, I did sometimes wonder what it would feel like to be somebody else. I sure changed my last name often enough. Maybe it'll come in handy if someone is chasing after me. Or who knows, maybe I can pretend to be a celebrity or two.
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[Mar. 22nd, 2009|02:35 am]

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Cameron )
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