[Sep. 19th, 2012|08:48 am] |
I might take another run to the joke shop sometime today. But what would be really bloody awesome is.. Quidditch. I miss playing that game.
And, Halloween is coming up. I wonder if we will become our costumes again. In which case.. I might dress up as a king. Hmm, I like that idea. |
[Jul. 17th, 2012|06:14 pm] |
I am almost done. The Bludgers just aren't right yet, but everything else is nearly perfect. So if anyone is interested in playing Quidditch we are so close to being ready! |
[Apr. 30th, 2012|03:36 am] |
Damn, glad that's over. Finally. And I can wear clothes again! Well.. been able to for a while, that incident wasn't permanent the whole time after all. Great to be able to use magic against those things too. |
[Jan. 8th, 2012|07:11 pm] |
Sod it.
( Hermione. ) |
[Jan. 5th, 2012|05:26 pm] |
I've really got to get a proper job. The skill set is a little odd, true, but I'm going barking mad without anything to do. I just don't feel cut out for a teacher.
Anyone have any ideas? And don't say going to university, I can't imagine I'd do better there. This world just doesn't need Aurors, and that's always sort of been the plan. Well, it would be the plan, if I had a plan, which I admit I really didn't.
Anything? |
[Dec. 27th, 2011|11:59 pm] |
Uncle Remus? Uncle Sirius? Mom Lily? |
[Dec. 6th, 2011|05:57 pm] |
I have to admit, this place isn't too shabby. I can walk down the road without people screaming at me that I'm a murderer, then trying to murder me. No Voldemort or evil cousins...
And I've gotten quite a few compliments on my mustache. |
[Nov. 5th, 2011|09:03 am] |
( Harry ) |
[Nov. 2nd, 2011|11:58 am] |
That was fun, but I seem to have lost my shoes. |
[Oct. 29th, 2011|12:18 pm] |
We're trying to do a Dementor sweep but this is a rather large world, you all might have noticed. Where do they seem to be the worst; Hermione and I will head there as soon as we can.
( Dumbledore )
( Hermione ) |
[Oct. 24th, 2011|05:22 pm] |
I'm not sure I fancy turning into my costume for Halloween. That sounds like bad business no matter which way I go.
Glad I've got my wand with me, at least.
( Hermione ) |
[Oct. 9th, 2011|08:01 pm] |
Anyone seen my hat? |
[Sep. 25th, 2011|06:08 pm] |
Rather hate to say it, but I'm still sort of bored. I spent a year running around like a madman, trying to find a way to kill an immortal madman, and now there's no madman to fight or run around like, so I think I need a hobby.
Wish Quidditch was a sport here. |
[Sep. 8th, 2011|05:33 pm] |
Bollocks. None of the places I know are really here. I never really got why wizards were so uncomfortable around Muggles, but now I sort of do. You get really used to the places you know.
Anyone got any suggestions for a way to waste a perfectly good and boring Thursday? |
[Sep. 1st, 2011|09:36 pm] |
( Hermione )
I don't suppose this world has broomstick makers either, do they? |
[Aug. 28th, 2011|07:42 pm] |
Hey, Harry, do you need help catching up at school? |
[Aug. 22nd, 2011|06:31 pm] |
Um, well. This is confusing. I know after everything, probably shouldn't really be confusing anymore, but I can't help it, all right?
He's dead, right? Ron? Hermione? Ginny? Are any of you about on this thing? |
[Jul. 10th, 2011|08:27 pm] |
I am enjoying my summer so far! I just finished my latest book, and I'm looking for something else to read. Anyone have any suggestions? |
[Jun. 2nd, 2011|05:01 pm] |
I barely survived finals. Those have to be the worst marks I've ever got. I had no time to study.
Emily, do you, maybe, want to go out for tea or something? I don't really know anyone here and you seem very nice. |
[May. 13th, 2011|07:47 pm] |
This is not Hogwarts. Where am I? |
[Aug. 6th, 2009|11:24 am] |
Well, summer is here, but have I seen any of it? Not really but that's okay I suppose. Dad has given me a writing postition for the Quibbler since one of his main writers is out for a few moths after getting sick a few weeks ago. Not sure how serious it is, but at least I have a job so I can pay for the classes I am taking in London. After this week I a have a short break then return for the fall session of classes. I am not sure what I want to take, but I'll figure it out.
My birthday is coming up too. On the 29th of this month. I think I should plan a party. Or something.
( Private to close friends and Colin ) |
[Aug. 3rd, 2009|09:41 pm] |
I am still so utterly amazed with computers and everything you can find on them. I still prefer writing things out by hand, but the world at your fingertips is difficult not to adore.
My birthday is coming up in a little over a month. I have to admit, I'm looking forward to it. |
[May. 28th, 2009|05:47 am] |
Ron, I really need to talk to you. |
[Apr. 21st, 2009|07:34 pm] |
I went to Washington D.C. today. It was quite interesting. Although I don't know what is different, but this is my world now, so I suppose what is different doesn't matter anymore. |
[Apr. 11th, 2009|11:26 pm] |
I am so happy that I don't glow anymore! That was so annoying and a bit frightening, if I'm honest with myself. At least I didn't work at night, right?
Work has been going well. I am thinking about taking a small vacation. A week off or so? I have been very stressed out at the firm and just finished a big case. I need to spend more time with Ron or I fear something bad will happen. I miss him |
[Mar. 28th, 2009|01:20 am] |
I just turned off the light in my room and I'm glowing in the dark. I'm bright yellow! I look like a bloody lamp! My hair is even glowing a bit. This is bizarre and I'm not sure I am enjoying it. |
[Feb. 27th, 2009|03:29 am] |
Some people just scare me. There was some crazed guy at work today, screaming about Merlin knows what. I thought he was going to kill us all for a moment before security got to him. |
[Feb. 18th, 2009|08:54 am] |
I think I am going to like this world. Definitely. |
[Feb. 13th, 2009|10:33 pm] |
I'm so glad to be done with work for the weekend. I'm going to do something for once. But what? |
[Jan. 9th, 2009|02:07 am] |
I still think we should start a club for people with weird names, even if Meat isn't my real name. If only so we can all go get drunk and make fun of each other.
Could be fun. |
[Dec. 29th, 2008|07:55 pm] |
Whoa! That was the most bizarre thing to ever have happened to me! Where on earth am I? What is this place? This is not possible! This is some sort of illusion...right? |
[Aug. 25th, 2008|09:51 pm] |
For goodness sake, Ron, you can stop cursing. It's not that bad, is it? |
[Aug. 21st, 2008|12:08 am] |
Someone tell me what just happened please? I should be home, at the burrow, but now I am here. |
[Aug. 20th, 2008|06:42 pm] |
Um, Ron? Harry? Is this some kind of joke? |