[Oct. 30th, 2011|11:30 pm] |
Those of you in London might notice a giant ball of screaming mayhem rolling around. Worry not, it only picks up rubbish, wreckage, and evil monsters. Convienent, what?
Incidently, myself and my inestimable twin are taking bets on how large it will get before it falls apart, stops, or is destroyed, as well as other assorted wagers. For a list of the odds and rates we're offering, please contact us [here] at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, where we'd also be delighted to supply you with decoy detonaters, extendable ears, shield hats (solid protection against almost all known jinxes!), and of course our own personal brands of fireworks, as well as a large supply of other useful (not to mention terribly funny) tricks and charms.
We're offering a 10% discount until the day after Halloween, so if you need something to distract baddies, beasties, and things that go bump in the night, remember Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes! |
[Jul. 5th, 2011|09:21 am] |
Y'know, I used to think this Kerry chick had a well rockin' deal, being paid to spread the Vibe and all that, but... a Boho's gotta rest sometime. I've been working for ages, and that just ain't right.
In other words: running away from my tour guys for a bit. Someone give me someplace to hide? Or anything to do? I'd go skydiving again, but it isn't the same without Soren here with his pom-poms.
Edit: Oh, also! The Weird Names Club is recruiting again. Got a weird name by your world's standards? Tell me, and if I agree, I'll let you in and we can do rockin' things together. |
[May. 13th, 2011|07:47 pm] |
This is not Hogwarts. Where am I? |
[Apr. 21st, 2011|11:26 pm] |
Oh. Crap. Fuck! The date. I just noticed today's date. April 21, 2011. Cameron told me that date once and I never forgot it. Judgment Day. This is when Skynet took over and humans started to hide and get close to being wiped out. I really hope I don't go back anytime soon now. Let's just say there isn't much of my world left after today. If I was somehow sent back, I hope it's not present day. That would really suck. And this, on top of the wird little monster things I cam across? Had to get away from crazy plants twice now.
Anybody going to the bar? Like, very soon? I could definitely use a few drinks. Or a lot, actually. I can probably help pay too. But I need some kind of distraction from this. Well.. not this here in particular, but what I know of where I'm from. Just need something fun to do. |
[Apr. 9th, 2011|12:14 pm] |
Holy crap.
I BAKED A CAKE. ME. BY MYSELF. And nobody died! |
[Nov. 3rd, 2010|11:08 am] |
God, I feel like a proper Bohemian again. All-singing, all-dancing, all the time (except for when typing, apparently. Weird, eh?)
Like... rockin' Boho. Not Seven Seas Boho. Like I could punch Killer Queen in the face and bring back the Spirit of Rock by doing it.
Got the music in my veins. Must be how the Dreamer felt.
Just give me what I know is mine. People do you hear me? Just give me a sign...~ |
[Sep. 6th, 2010|02:38 am] |
I was right, I got arrested.
However, I took down a couple of Ga Ga drones. Not all bad. |
[Sep. 1st, 2010|06:31 pm] |
One of the kids nicked my phone. He only gave it back 'cause I bribed him with cake and shiny things. I also had to take him to an amusement park, which was kinda rockin'.
...So much for Meat, the feared Bohemian. I'm getting soft. Need to knock some Ga Ga heads together and get my reputation back.
If I get arrested? I regret nothing. Except maybe not doing it earlier. |
[Jul. 14th, 2010|08:19 pm] |
Today my penis won't listen to reason, or even idle threats.
Sigh. |
[May. 14th, 2010|07:31 am] |
Because I'm a curious little Bohemian, I've gotta ask this. Especially since I've not considered doing it for ages.
Are there any people out there with 'weird' or unusual names? If so, I kinda run a club for people with weird names... dunno why, it just kinda happened. Pretty rockin', truth be told. |
[Apr. 22nd, 2010|01:08 pm] |
You know what I'm learning?
I'm learning that I really shouldn't work with kids. Must've taught the little gits more rude words than anyone else ever has.
It's a fun job, though. They're really nice kids. |
[Apr. 1st, 2010|07:32 am] |
Why did I suddenly think cats were rockin'? It's taken me ages to get rid of 'em.
I think I'm gonna go skydiving today. Who wants to cheer on the amazing skydiving Meat? I promise I won't land on you. |
[Mar. 12th, 2010|07:38 pm] |
...Cats are rockin', right? I always forget. |
[Mar. 7th, 2010|07:04 pm] |
You know, now that I'm getting used to all the music around here, I'm starting to recognise a few Bohemian names here and there. It's pretty awesome.
The Lady Gaga I knew would probably love the person she named herself after. Brit, on the other hand, would probably die of shame.... it's not his fault he didn't know who Britney Spears was, though. |
[Feb. 10th, 2010|02:11 pm] |
I know it's a bit ironic, considering my name, but I really wish the guy in the next flat would stop playing Meatloaf songs. I like some of the stuff, but... yeah. Not what I want to hear all the time.
The guitar bits kinda remind me of the Dreamer and his chick, though. That's always a good thing. |
[Dec. 26th, 2009|03:46 pm] |
I drank way too much last night. And I have awesome presents.
I like Christmas when it's not all Ga Ga-fied. It's pretty rockin'. |
[Dec. 10th, 2009|10:57 pm] |
So... it's freezing, but it's not snowing.
I feel kinda cheated. |
[Nov. 16th, 2009|07:28 am] |
Oh come on, mate. This is fucking ridiculous! I know this isn't Bristol. Actually.. feels like London, judging from the sights I'm seeing. But I know the very slim chances of surviving a tornado without bodily harm, or whatever this was, dropping a bloke somewhere. Some broken bones at least. And yet I'm fine. Perfectly fine. Then again.. I'm Tony. Not really a surprise I came through it alright, I suppose. But seriously.. what is this. Sid? Maxxie, Anwar? Chris? Nips? Someone answer me. This don't work, then I'll just have to post another video blog instead. |
[Oct. 9th, 2009|11:48 pm] |
Soooo.... Halloween is coming up. That should be a lot of fun. Kinda curious if I should get a costume, and if I do, what I should dress up as. Or better yet? Maybe go to a very fun party. Where they have lots of pretty girls, cuz just looking at them on internet kinda gets old after awhile |
[Oct. 3rd, 2009|12:39 pm] |
Hey, guys. Internet buddies. Hell, that's Ga Ga-tastic. Whatever.
Anyone know a perfectly-legal way for a girl to amuse herself? All this waiting on contracts is boring. |
[Aug. 29th, 2009|03:19 am] |
...I'm covered in glitter. I'm a sparkly little Bohemian!
I want to go hug people dressed in dark clothing... or just hug people in general. Not really fussed. |
[Jul. 28th, 2009|11:54 pm] |
I keep nearly dropping my keys on the Underground. I should get a keychain.
...I still miss being green six nights a week. It's not really the same doing it to yourself. Or having other people do it to you. |
[Jun. 15th, 2009|02:31 pm] |
Zombies! Now, this feels more like home.
...Well, it feels like beating up Ga Ga drones. It's pretty fun, actually. |
[May. 19th, 2009|07:52 am] |
...I never thought I could get bored like this. I guess I just miss being painted green six nights a week.
And Brit. I really miss him recently. |
[May. 12th, 2009|03:26 am] |
You know, I miss people randomly throwing themselves at me on the streets.
Then again, I don't miss getting molested on-stage. That was just weird. |
[May. 3rd, 2009|11:13 am] |
Ooh, I feel all tingly~.
Whatever this universe is doing right now, I think I approve. Shame that Brit isn't here to enjoy it with me, though. |
[Apr. 10th, 2009|11:42 pm] |
No. I don't like this. Sorry. Whatever it was that just dropped me in a field full of cows? Can just take me back.
I'm going to have cow nightmares now. I know it. |
[Apr. 6th, 2009|11:14 pm] |
My wings have just gone back into my back. Maybe I'm losing them.
...I'll try and pop 'em out in a bit, see what happens. |
[Mar. 28th, 2009|04:24 pm] |
Erm, guys? Can someone tell the people at the theatre that I can't come tonight? I've kinda... grown wings... nice wings, but not exactly ones you can hide.
It's fun to fly about, though. I'm flying high, defying gravity, and you can't bring me down! |
[Mar. 4th, 2009|02:58 pm] |
Well, that concert-thing was fun. She says, several days after the event.
I think I did my voice in a little though. Damn. |
[Feb. 23rd, 2009|10:09 am] |
I believe that I am confused about some of the things that I have seen on the computer.
My parents are quite evasive, and I don't know who to ask.
So I suppose I shall ask here.
Are physical relations supposed to look so uncomfortable? Some don't seem too bad, but a lot of them are nearly violent. I am confused. |
[Feb. 16th, 2009|06:58 pm] |
So, you know, I'm married to a guy, and I like making him happy. I also like "gross" food (though escargot is totally not gross, but apparently people say it is).
[Feb. 15th, 2009|05:10 pm] |
Why is glitter so damned hard to get out?
I hate my co-stars, sometimes. |
[Feb. 1st, 2009|11:15 am] |
OH MY GOD what a RUSH!!! I've never been picked up by a tornado before, I mean not totally, I saw a couple twisters in person before but only from about half a mile away and that was when I was storm chasing with my aunt and that wasn't entirely the same as being PICKED UP by one!
Where am I?
This isn't Wawenakwa. I'm pretty sure this isn't even Canada. |
[Jan. 31st, 2009|10:23 am] |
Hey, if I were to put together a benefit show for runaway girls and victims of domestic abuse, would any other musicians be interested in performing?
Edit; ( Performers Interested in the Concert ) |
[Jan. 25th, 2009|07:45 am] |
Ow. Dammit, this universe is weird.
I never want to be a Ga Ga Girl ever again. Mostly because the glitter's so hard to get out, and the fashion sense is crap. |
[Jan. 18th, 2009|06:51 pm] |
The words won't stop... what the hell am I even becoming? Some kinda weird Ga Ga Girl-Bohemian hybrid? Do I even want to be a Bohemian?
This is just messed up. |
[Jan. 9th, 2009|02:07 am] |
I still think we should start a club for people with weird names, even if Meat isn't my real name. If only so we can all go get drunk and make fun of each other.
Could be fun. |
[Jan. 5th, 2009|02:55 am] |
Here's a question for you. A philosophical question. A question, in fact, for the ages.
Ages, gentle reader.
So let's say that you're in a pool or a hot tub with a lady. She's wearing a one piece, you're wearing trunks. Or if you're a lady, you're in the one piece and he's in the trunks. Or if you're a gay lady, two one pieces, and a gay dude, two trunkses. You're really focusing too much on the clothing.
So you're in this hot tub/pool environment, and you start smooching. Then you start smooching a bit heavier, and you move onto something that allows you to sit, and she's on your lap.
Now, my question, friends, is this: when you're both soaking wet, is it still dry humping? |
[Dec. 30th, 2008|12:01 pm] |
The world isn't the same without Brit. He died to save us, all of us, but... God, I miss him.
Rock'n'roll ain't nothing without your baby.
So much for this being the happiest time of the year. |