June 2009



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May. 29th, 2009


This is what we think of your ultimatum

WHO Anyone affiliated with the Raidan and of course party crashers
WHAT The Raidan Party
WHEN Midnight Feb 14, 2208
WHERE The Ruby Curse; the Raidan Casino
RATING R [possibly higher later]

To party with Raidan Royalty )

May. 20th, 2009


Chapter Two: Narrative Faustina

Who: Fiona 'Faustina' Neilsen
When: Night on the 10th
Where: The Vaults of Elari Corporation
What: Fiona finds a book of some interest to her.
Rating: G

It was blank. Careful inspection told her that ALL of the pages in the book were blank save the last. On the last page was a symbol, alchemical undoubtedly, meant to be the key to unlocking its contents )

May. 19th, 2009


CHARACTERS: Amelia Keller-Bones & Charlotte Keener
SETTING: Morning, 9 February @ Stonevale
RATING: General Public
STATUS: Ongoing
SUMMARY: Amelia came out to the woods to learn and seek wisdom from Charlotte, so it's time for some learning.

Sometimes it's hard to look you in the eye, the mess I've created it stands idly by and I don't expect the dishes to do themselves, but that sure would be nice. )


Chapter Two: Irissa and

Who: Irissa Raidan OT Jane, Dante, and/or Thane
When: Evening Feb 11, 2208
Where: Irissa's penthouse at the Morningstar
What: Irissa just closed the deal on the casino and is considering the party preparations.

Acquisition as a form of therapy )

May. 18th, 2009


Chapter Two: Emil

WHO: Emil Rycroft {Open Should Someone want to Disturb him}
WHEN: Evening Feb 9, 2008
WHERE: After Hours, Moroi Establishment
WHAT: Emil sits and watches and ponders.
And the Beauty and the Tragedy of it is-- Is that you don't know just how different you are )

May. 9th, 2009


Chapter Two: Fiona and Eden

WHO: Fiona Neilsen OT Eden McCoy [Elmira Black]
WHEN: Evening Feb 8, 2008
WHERE: Allure; a high end restaurant on the Strip
WHAT: Fiona is out doing her usual, reading. However, she still manages to meet someone new.
Manners say you should not read at the dinner table. Well, if you're not eating, it must be okay. )

May. 8th, 2009


Chapter Two: Narrative Irissa Raidan

WHO: Irissa Raidan
WHEN: Around 2:30 am on Feb 6th
WHERE: The Morningstar; Irissa's penthouse
WHAT: Irissa is told that the Elari Researcher is still alive and reacts predictably, badly, to the information. Well, if all she wanted was a dead body, she got one.

Results. All she wanted were results. Why did people have to constantly disappoint her? )

May. 6th, 2009



Who: Jeremiah Calcove & OPEN
What: The two-faced shape-shifter kicks back and relaxes, for now.
When: February 6th 2208, 2:03am
Where: After Hours
Rating: PG-13 for now.

An Arm and a Leg )

May. 5th, 2009


CHAPTER TWO. THREAD. Abigail and Ben.

WHO: Abigail Murphy and Benjamin Stone.
WHAT: After worrying over him for a few days she finally bites the bullet and goes around.
WHEN: 5th February, 2208. Afternoon.
WHERE: Ben's apartment.
RATING: G, currently.
It had taken five days to make her come out here and see him. Five days of worry, distraction and five sleepless nights. )


CHAPTER TWO. THREAD. Thane & Irissa.

WHO: Thane and Irissa Raidan.
WHAT: A chat between siblings. Thane turns up in her quarters, he's bored and thinking.
WHEN: 4th Feb, 2208. A few hours after this.
WHERE: The Morningstar, Irissa's suite.
RATING: G currently.
how strange, a thoughtful Thane? Never! )

May. 4th, 2009


CHAPTER TWO: THREAD. Evie and Brendan.

WHO: Evie and Brendan O'Rourke.
WHAT: Brendan returns home from meeting with the Elari.
WHEN: 3rd February, 2208. After this.
WHERE: In the Woods close to the Ua Rauirc home.
The scent of food washed over her and she smiled, wondering when Brendan would be back or he'd miss it all. )


Who: Benjamin Stone and Dante Archer
Where: Congreve Hotel room
When: Mid-afternoon Feb 5th, 2208
What: Ben and Dante meet to 'talk'.
Rating: who knows with these two

A meeting of the minds... so to speak )

Apr. 30th, 2009


Chapter Two: Fiona and Lilith [completed]

Who: Fiona Neilsen & Lilith (OPEN to Michael)
Where: The Black Velvet Club
When: Mid-afternoon Saturday
What: Ms. Neilsen comes to see her superior about the recent incidents.

One could call her return to Las Vegas as her return home, except that Faustina didn't so much care for the concept of home. Her home was wherever she decided that she wished to be at the time. Probably why though she owned an apartment, the place hadn't even been decorated in all the years she had owned it. As a member of the Inner Circle, she lived at the Elari Corporation, not on the top floors, but near it.

Michael had been gracious enough to bring her all the way home and then make himself scarce while she attended to her toilet. Yes, she needed a shower and to change her clothes. Having to deal with no one for nearly three years, and thus being slightly out of touch with just the sound of other human voices, she needed a little bit of time to get herself back together.

In her closet were three pairs of dress pants, a half dozen shirts (all of them white), a set of black jackets, and a pair of shoes. There was a dresser with under garments in it, things she didn't so much care to wear. Either way, she stepped across the floor and into the bathroom. There was a bath tub, shower, toilet, and sink...all of them beautifully appointed. The woman barely noticed them as she reached over to turn the water on. She could take a bath later. Right now, she needed to make herself presentable and go find out what exactly was going on. Michael gave her a few tantalizing details and it made her slightly interested, but not much more than that. It was hard to get Faustina terribly interested in things involving still living people. Give her long dead philosophers any day over the living people and their emotions and problems. They tended to make her absolutely insane.

She slipped into the shower and back out quickly. Then moved to get dressed. Black pants, white shirt, black jacket. Short black hair slicked away from her forehead. Fully dressed, she contacted the front desk to ask where Ms. Madore could be found. It was a Saturday, she shouldn't have been in the office, but she wasn't at home either.

Apparently the woman was at Black Velvet. So Faustina went to the club to see her. Her face was hardly one that many people recognized, largely because she was rarely around. So it was hardly a surprise that she would be stopped at the door.

"Fiona Neilsen for Josephine Madore, please," she remarked to the door guard. He didn't know her. So she waited patiently for one of those around him to go find the woman.

Apr. 26th, 2009


Who: Tara, Open
What: Stalker her home turf
When: Around midnight sometime after?
Rating:PG-13 for some language and bad tempers?

Sometimes we all need a break )

Apr. 23rd, 2009


Who; Grigore Nicolescu and Jane Benoit
Where; After Hours
When; Thursday, February 5th, evening
What; Tending the bar, bartending, if you will
Rating & warnings; TBA

She was woozy. )

Apr. 20th, 2009


Chapter Two: Fiona and Michael

who: Fiona and Michael
What: Michael comes to collect Fiona from her extended research trip thanks to all the drama going on in Las Vegas. Fortunately, he gets there in time to assist with dealing with a problem Fiona doesn't even know she has.
When Thursday, Feb 5
Where: The Vaults beneath Vatican City, Italy
Rating: R - There will be blood.

Ideas can never die, but even demons can )


CHARACTERS: Amelia Keller-Bones & Ben Stone
SETTING: Backroom/training area of the library, morning February 4th
RATING: General public
STATUS: Ongoing
SUMMARY: A check in with the library denizens before the big Watch meeting later that afternoon.

I wake up exhausted it's not morning, it's back to sleep to re-dreaming. We're alone and we're happy, but there you are, angry with me. Are you all right? I can stand up straight. Are you all right? Can't you get me off your mind? )

Apr. 19th, 2009


CHAPTER TWO: The Watch Meeting.

WHO: Everyone within the Watch is allowed to attend.
WHAT: Brett called for a meeting. A meeting is had. They get to discuss the up coming...everything.
WHEN: Afternoon, 4th February, 2208.
WHERE: The Watch safe house.
The house was quiet for a little while, that was until people began to arrive for the meeting. It wasn't a must and it was open to everyone who could make it. Brett was sat atop a kitchen counter, back to the kitchen as she gazed out over the collection of people who had turned up. There was already some chattering going on, people catching up on this and that and Brett let the chatter wash over her, calming her nerves and grounding her some.

The kitchen and dinning room are open plan, a large oak table with numerous mismatched seats sits in the center of the dinning room while french doors, which open out onto a patio, lets in a lot of light.

After a moment she coughed, hopfully loud enough to carry over the noise of the others and shifted in her seat as the noise level dropped enough. "I thought it'd be a good idea to get everyone together after...what happened. We need to talk about the next step, what is going to happen, where we go from here. I don't think any of us expected what we saw, what happened, I know I didn't expect to. So, what do we do about it?"

Please note it is assumed everyone is in attendance from the start. Rather than starting new comment threads please jump into each others. Much easier that way.


CHAPTER TWO. THREAD: Brett and Charlotte.

WHO: Brett Harper and Charlotte Keener.
WHAT: She makes her way over the safe house early so she can get Charlotte to make her some breakfast. What? She needs comfort food!
WHEN: 9 AM, 4th Feb, 2208.
WHERE: The Carlyle Safe House.
I have this sinking feeling, something’s weighing me down, I am completely saturated. )

Apr. 15th, 2009


CHARACTERS: Greg Wessel & Grigore Nicolescu
SETTING: Abandoned warehouse in the free zone, evening of 6th February
STATUS: ongoing
SUMMARY: It's time to awaken.

I can just close my eyes and forget everything. My house is empty every memory blown away. Oh the sound of the wind throught my bones makes me laugh at all the bodies I kissed and never knew. Oh the soung of a lover's sympathy falling down to the floor just barely out of reach from me. No, I will not go back. )

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