Mar. 18th, 2009


WEEK THREE. Thread. Amelia && [open]

CHARACTERS: Amelia Keller-Bones & Ethan Doyle
SETTING: The Library, Monday of week four
RATING: General public
SUMMARY: Amelia is trying to hone her power and force a vision, something that she hasn't been able to do in the past despite her numerous attempts.

Oh, and I, I say damn your mood swings. Damn your mood swings. I'm calling out, I don't really care for your city anymore. I spend the night, I lay awake and miss you when you go without me. What's wrong with you? Monday, Monday, Monday... )

Jan. 31st, 2009


Who; Ethan Doyle and open to all!
Where; Doyle’s Books
When; Afternoon on a Monday
What; Meeting Mr Doyle
Rating & warnings; None yet