Mar. 29th, 2009


CHAPTER ONE. Thread. Helen & Greggory. [Finished.]

WHO: Helen & Greggory
WHEN: Week Four, Tuesday afternoon
WHERE: Greg's Apartment, near the Hospital
WHAT: Upon the discovery of impending war via vision, Helen is rounding up her own troops and turns to a fellow Watcher that has a taste for... dangerous settings.

Helen had been able to pass the information on to the Watch as quickly as she possibly could. Somehow, it had not surprised the others. It seemed almost all cities would dissolve into chaos, the elements of the darkness evolving into cannibals. Harper, Stone, Carlyle, and Olsen stood together and discussed what could be done. Given her position and the pack she had chosen to oversee, the woman left the meeting with a purpose: to assemble a small group of Watchers to track Thane Raidan. )

Mar. 26th, 2009


WEEK FOUR. Open to all.

WHO: Everyone.
WHAT: The Elari host an event.
WHEN: Thursday, 8 PM onwards.
WHERE: Black Velvet.
RATING: Unknown. Possibly high.
The club is fuller than usual, a mass of writhing bodies which pretend to be some sort of formal occasion. The supernatural are all on form tonight - it's formals all around. The purpose of this little get-together? Charity? Hardly, it seems to be just because they can. This type's of things are becoming more and more frequent, held by the more prominent demons, vampires or others of Las Vegas. Parties to entertain everyone, to keep Las Vegas the place to be.

Black and white snuggle the club in sharp contrasts, crispy and clean. They've obviously gone all out on this thing. Humans play food and slave amongst the party goers and there is a general feeling of euphoria through out the room - some mood altering demons perhaps?

Mar. 24th, 2009


CHARACTERS: Brendan O'Rouke & Ivan Kozlov
WHEN: Week four, Tuesday evening
WHERE: Just outside the city walls in O'Rouke territory
RATING: General Public
SUMMARY: What happens when a werewolf comes across a drug dealer?

There must be some way out of here, said the joker to the thief, There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief. Businessmen, they drink my wine, plowmen dig my earth, none of them along the line know what any of it is worth. )

Mar. 23rd, 2009


CHARACTERS: Ben Stone & Abigail Murphy & {OPEN}
LOCATION: The crime scene outside of After Hours
WHEN: Week Four, Monday night
RATING: General public, for now
SUMMARY: Ben goes to the scene to see what he can find out with less... public eyes

Night time was never completely quiet, not in this city, but there were some places that were less chaotic )

Mar. 21st, 2009


CHARACTERS: Grace Williams & Abigail Murphy
LOCATION: The crime scene outside of After Hours
WHEN: Week Four, Monday afternoon
RATING: General public, for now

He's there in the dark. He's there in my heart. He waits in the wings. He's gotta play a part. Trouble is a friend. Yeah, trouble is a friend of mine. )

Mar. 18th, 2009


WEEK THREE. Thread. Amelia && [open]

CHARACTERS: Amelia Keller-Bones & Ethan Doyle
SETTING: The Library, Monday of week four
RATING: General public
SUMMARY: Amelia is trying to hone her power and force a vision, something that she hasn't been able to do in the past despite her numerous attempts.

Oh, and I, I say damn your mood swings. Damn your mood swings. I'm calling out, I don't really care for your city anymore. I spend the night, I lay awake and miss you when you go without me. What's wrong with you? Monday, Monday, Monday... )


WEEK CHANGE: week four

week four;
15th March - 28th February
As can be expected the cold weather continues. It's very windy out but this of course doesn't bring Las Vegas to a stand still.
coming up.
It looks like After Hours is doing well. Though, that really depends on who you're asking. If you ask the two bodies which appear unceremoniously dumped behind the large building I'm quite sure that isn't the answer you would get. What killed them? Unsure but the LVPD are crawling all over it.

Thursday sees Black Velvet open fully to the supernatural public, for once. It looks like some black tie function, some event to keep the upper classes entertained for a little while. How long will it say their kind of party though? Especially as The Watch seems to have got word.

please comment here with any news, advertisements, gossip/rumours, ideas for upcoming plot prompts or anything at all you want the game as a whole to know.