Jan. 31st, 2009


Who; Ethan Doyle and open to all!
Where; Doyle’s Books
When; Afternoon on a Monday
What; Meeting Mr Doyle
Rating & warnings; None yet




Jan. 30th, 2009


CHARACTERS: Brendan O'Rouke & Lucy Barker
SETTING: mid day after this
SUMMARY: Well, if there is a threat on her life, even a vague one, Brendan thinks that Lucy should know.

It's easier to lie and be safe. Time and time again I'm half stalled. One giant leap of faith is easy, when everyone you ask is so sure. )

Jan. 28th, 2009


WEEK ONE. Plot point.

Two days after this a...gift is left for the Ua Rauric pack; a freshly killed, mutilated dog. A warning from the Moroi that they should watch their step. Attached is strip of material which smells strongly of Lucy, yet another warning.

Jan. 27th, 2009


WEEK ONE. Thread: Evie & Brendan.

WHO: Evie and Brendan
WHAT: She returns home after he reached out to her via the ether, just a small thing but she knew where she needed to be. So she goes home to cook him dinner.
WHEN: Week One, after this.
WHERE: In the packs home.
I said I can't explain, yeah, You drive me our of my mind, Yeah, I'm the worrying kind, babe, I said I can't explain )

Jan. 26th, 2009


Who: Anna and Brett
When: Week One, Monday Late Night
Where: The Sanctuary of Samyaza
What: Anna looking for something within herself.
Rating: G

You can tell me all your thoughts, about the stars that fill polluted skies )

Jan. 20th, 2009


Who: Oberon and Open
When: Week One, Monday Night
Where: On top of skyscapers, then down to the city streets
What: Oberon jumps off a skyscraper to make the people below believe they are viewing a suicide. Then he decides he needs to produce a body.
Rating: TBA

Suicidal instincts. )

Jan. 18th, 2009


Who: Lucy and Open
What: Spaghetti sauce spilled on her. Ouch.
When: Night. 7ish?
Where: Front of restaurant for some air
Rating: PG-13 I suppose.

Two more hours of this? Yeah right. )

Jan. 10th, 2009


WEEK ONE: Thread, Rook and Brendan

WHO: Rook and [info]feelingyou
WHAT: A chance encounter
WHEN: Very early on Tuesday morning.
WHERE: A clearing not too deep into the woods.

A Girl On A Mission Of Mercy )

Jan. 7th, 2009


WEEK ONE. Thread: Evie & OPEN.

WHO: Evie and Brendan
WHAT: Needing some time for herself she has a bit of a walk.
WHEN: Week One, Monday, Dawn.
WHERE: In the forest surrounding the city.
Darkness hugged the house like a lover, snuggled tight to the walls as the rest of the pack slumbered quietly. )

Jan. 3rd, 2009


WEEK ONE. Thread. Lilith and Michael.

WHO: Lilith and Michael
WHAT: Moments after this
WHEN: Week One, Monday, Afternoon.
WHERE: Black Velvet, Michael's Office.
RATING: G currently.
Was it the question or that sharp tang of pain she had felt which had her moving? )


week change: week one

week one;
3rd January - 17th January
Crisp, cold with a hint of frost in the air. It's unlikely you'll be out sunbathing or looking to show too much skin at the moment. Though we are gifted with clear skies and the promise of no rain.
goings on.
The supernatural world is still twittering about the surprise marriage of Aislyn and Nicholi Bellamy which took place just over a month ago.

Then there is the whole Raidan thing, them moving in like that has people wondering what exactly is going on. Was the marriage a move of love or a move of power?

We're not sure but Joséphine Madoré probably has something to say on both matters, especially as we've heard she's coming home.

please comment here with any news, advertisements, gossip/rumours or anything at all you want the game as a whole to know.