May. 19th, 2009


CHARACTERS: Amelia Keller-Bones & Charlotte Keener
SETTING: Morning, 9 February @ Stonevale
RATING: General Public
STATUS: Ongoing
SUMMARY: Amelia came out to the woods to learn and seek wisdom from Charlotte, so it's time for some learning.

Sometimes it's hard to look you in the eye, the mess I've created it stands idly by and I don't expect the dishes to do themselves, but that sure would be nice. )

Apr. 19th, 2009


CHAPTER TWO. THREAD: Brett and Charlotte.

WHO: Brett Harper and Charlotte Keener.
WHAT: She makes her way over the safe house early so she can get Charlotte to make her some breakfast. What? She needs comfort food!
WHEN: 9 AM, 4th Feb, 2208.
WHERE: The Carlyle Safe House.
I have this sinking feeling, something’s weighing me down, I am completely saturated. )