May. 5th, 2009


CHAPTER TWO. THREAD. Abigail and Ben.

WHO: Abigail Murphy and Benjamin Stone.
WHAT: After worrying over him for a few days she finally bites the bullet and goes around.
WHEN: 5th February, 2208. Afternoon.
WHERE: Ben's apartment.
RATING: G, currently.
It had taken five days to make her come out here and see him. Five days of worry, distraction and five sleepless nights. )

May. 4th, 2009


Who: Benjamin Stone and Dante Archer
Where: Congreve Hotel room
When: Mid-afternoon Feb 5th, 2208
What: Ben and Dante meet to 'talk'.
Rating: who knows with these two

A meeting of the minds... so to speak )

Apr. 20th, 2009


CHARACTERS: Amelia Keller-Bones & Ben Stone
SETTING: Backroom/training area of the library, morning February 4th
RATING: General public
STATUS: Ongoing
SUMMARY: A check in with the library denizens before the big Watch meeting later that afternoon.

I wake up exhausted it's not morning, it's back to sleep to re-dreaming. We're alone and we're happy, but there you are, angry with me. Are you all right? I can stand up straight. Are you all right? Can't you get me off your mind? )

Apr. 19th, 2009


CHAPTER TWO: The Watch Meeting.

WHO: Everyone within the Watch is allowed to attend.
WHAT: Brett called for a meeting. A meeting is had. They get to discuss the up coming...everything.
WHEN: Afternoon, 4th February, 2208.
WHERE: The Watch safe house.
The house was quiet for a little while, that was until people began to arrive for the meeting. It wasn't a must and it was open to everyone who could make it. Brett was sat atop a kitchen counter, back to the kitchen as she gazed out over the collection of people who had turned up. There was already some chattering going on, people catching up on this and that and Brett let the chatter wash over her, calming her nerves and grounding her some.

The kitchen and dinning room are open plan, a large oak table with numerous mismatched seats sits in the center of the dinning room while french doors, which open out onto a patio, lets in a lot of light.

After a moment she coughed, hopfully loud enough to carry over the noise of the others and shifted in her seat as the noise level dropped enough. "I thought it'd be a good idea to get everyone together after...what happened. We need to talk about the next step, what is going to happen, where we go from here. I don't think any of us expected what we saw, what happened, I know I didn't expect to. So, what do we do about it?"

Please note it is assumed everyone is in attendance from the start. Rather than starting new comment threads please jump into each others. Much easier that way.

Mar. 23rd, 2009


CHARACTERS: Ben Stone & Abigail Murphy & {OPEN}
LOCATION: The crime scene outside of After Hours
WHEN: Week Four, Monday night
RATING: General public, for now
SUMMARY: Ben goes to the scene to see what he can find out with less... public eyes

Night time was never completely quiet, not in this city, but there were some places that were less chaotic )

Mar. 2nd, 2009


WEEK THREE. Thread. Helen & Benjamin.

WHO: Helen & Benjamin
WHEN: Week Three, Thursday mornign
WHERE: The University Library
WHAT: Ben is still assembling the library in the way he would like and, always willing to lend a hand to a friend, Helen allows Ben to put her to good use.

Today, the thirty-something year-old widowed mother of one looked like anyone else as she pushed the heavy door open and slipped inside the place of traquility and knowledge. A simple black bookbag slung over one shoulder, her hair loose and comfortable over her soft, rose-colored sweater, maybe others would think her a doctoral student. As she passed by a few tables with students hunched over their open texts in deep concentration or light slumber, Helen wondered about their lives for just a moment. Who would ever think that the resident librarian and this homely, down-to-earth looking lady were key in protecting their eyes from all of the evils that went bump in the night--and day? )