Mar. 2nd, 2009


WEEK THREE. Thread. Helen & Benjamin.

WHO: Helen & Benjamin
WHEN: Week Three, Thursday mornign
WHERE: The University Library
WHAT: Ben is still assembling the library in the way he would like and, always willing to lend a hand to a friend, Helen allows Ben to put her to good use.

Today, the thirty-something year-old widowed mother of one looked like anyone else as she pushed the heavy door open and slipped inside the place of traquility and knowledge. A simple black bookbag slung over one shoulder, her hair loose and comfortable over her soft, rose-colored sweater, maybe others would think her a doctoral student. As she passed by a few tables with students hunched over their open texts in deep concentration or light slumber, Helen wondered about their lives for just a moment. Who would ever think that the resident librarian and this homely, down-to-earth looking lady were key in protecting their eyes from all of the evils that went bump in the night--and day? )

Feb. 25th, 2009


WEEK THREE. Thread. Thane & Viviana.

WHO: Thane Raidan and Viviana Nolen.
WHAT: He decides to pay a visit, cause a little mayhem. The usual.
WHEN: Week three, Tuesday evening.
WHERE: After Hours.
RATING: R for death.
Walking into someone elses home and playing with their toys wasn't a nice thing to do, but then Thane had never really been nice. )

Feb. 22nd, 2009


Who: Tara Michaelson, Open
Where: Doyle’s Books
When: Saturday afternoon (backdated)
What: Looking for an interesting book
Rating: TBA
Status: In Progress

Reading is good for you? )

Feb. 19th, 2009


WEEK THREE. Lilith. Narrative.

WHO: Lilith as Josephine Madoré.
WHAT: After reciving the 'Moroi's' gift.
WHEN: Week three, Sunday. Midday.
WHERE: The Elari offices.
RATING: PG? There's a head but nothing grisly.

Tell the Moroi I expect to see them by Wednesday. Here, of course. )

The note would have been delivered by 5 PM Sunday to Viviana.

Feb. 15th, 2009


SETTING: Sunrise on Sunday, week three
STATUS: Narrative
SUMMARY: She received assignment to kill an upper-level Elari demon and blame it on the Moiri and Jane Benoit never botches a job.

Morning calls for pain relief, a line above the step beneath. The worst that you could do and the best that you could hope for, is hardly the best. )


WEEK CHANGE: week three

week three;
15th February - 28th February
The snow and ice have completely gone. It's still bitterly cold out though, a chill in the air which cuts. Heavy showers early both Wednesday and Thursday and light showers all day Friday.
goings on.
Dare it be said that the week was boring? It seems everyone is just waiting, uncertain where everyone else currently stands in the game which revolves around the city.

Who will be the first to make a move?S

Surely the Ua Rauirc pack will retaliate? Currently it appears not, they seem quite content with letting the Moroi leave a dead dog on their doorstep.

please comment here with any news, advertisements, gossip/rumors or anything at all you want the game as a whole to know.