Feb. 13th, 2009


WHO: Sunny Jenkins & Calvin Watts
WHAT: Awkward grocery shopping. Who knew there could be such a thing?
WHEN: Week two. Thursday afternoon
WHERE: A market in the city
RATING: G for the moment!
((OOC: Also, sorry about posting twice in a row. >_>;; Is that bad RP etiquette?))

Since when was deciding between white and wheat such a trial? )


WHO: Sunny Jenkins & Amelia Keller-Bones (& OPEN)
WHAT: Begins with jogging at some ungodly hour of the morning.
WHEN: Week two. Wednesday morning.
WHERE: Out by the forest
RATING: G as of now, will edit if it becomes necessary.

It was the literal crack of dawn and Sunny wasn’t in bed. )

Feb. 8th, 2009


WHO: Calvin Watts & Sunny Jenkins
WHAT: Meeting again.
WHEN: Week Two. Tuesday.

It was a musty sort of tune that clogged the ears and weaved through the mind. )