Apr. 15th, 2009


CHARACTERS: Greg Wessel & Grigore Nicolescu
SETTING: Abandoned warehouse in the free zone, evening of 6th February
STATUS: ongoing
SUMMARY: It's time to awaken.

I can just close my eyes and forget everything. My house is empty every memory blown away. Oh the sound of the wind throught my bones makes me laugh at all the bodies I kissed and never knew. Oh the soung of a lover's sympathy falling down to the floor just barely out of reach from me. No, I will not go back. )

Apr. 11th, 2009


Who; Grigore Nicolescu and Greggory Wessel
Where; Empty warehouse in the free zone
When; Evening of February 3rd
What; Grigore has his fun, and Greg gets turned
Rating & warnings; R (for violence)

So he waited until he was called. )

Apr. 6th, 2009


CHARACTERS: Greggory Wessel and the two vampires holding him captive
SETTING: Empty warehouse in the free zone, evening of 1 February
RATING: R (for violence)
SUMMARY: Greggory ends up on the losing end of the Black Velvet battle and gets left for dead. Unfortunately, he's not dead yet which is something of a delight for the two supernaturals who took him to let him suffer through his remaining days.

He wasn’t dead yet. It was that very thought in those first few moments of his return to consciousness that made those brief moments the worst in his life. Surely after the mess he got himself into at the club, it would finally be over. )

Mar. 29th, 2009


CHAPTER ONE. Thread. Helen & Greggory. [Finished.]

WHO: Helen & Greggory
WHEN: Week Four, Tuesday afternoon
WHERE: Greg's Apartment, near the Hospital
WHAT: Upon the discovery of impending war via vision, Helen is rounding up her own troops and turns to a fellow Watcher that has a taste for... dangerous settings.

Helen had been able to pass the information on to the Watch as quickly as she possibly could. Somehow, it had not surprised the others. It seemed almost all cities would dissolve into chaos, the elements of the darkness evolving into cannibals. Harper, Stone, Carlyle, and Olsen stood together and discussed what could be done. Given her position and the pack she had chosen to oversee, the woman left the meeting with a purpose: to assemble a small group of Watchers to track Thane Raidan. )

Mar. 26th, 2009


WEEK FOUR. Open to all.

WHO: Everyone.
WHAT: The Elari host an event.
WHEN: Thursday, 8 PM onwards.
WHERE: Black Velvet.
RATING: Unknown. Possibly high.
The club is fuller than usual, a mass of writhing bodies which pretend to be some sort of formal occasion. The supernatural are all on form tonight - it's formals all around. The purpose of this little get-together? Charity? Hardly, it seems to be just because they can. This type's of things are becoming more and more frequent, held by the more prominent demons, vampires or others of Las Vegas. Parties to entertain everyone, to keep Las Vegas the place to be.

Black and white snuggle the club in sharp contrasts, crispy and clean. They've obviously gone all out on this thing. Humans play food and slave amongst the party goers and there is a general feeling of euphoria through out the room - some mood altering demons perhaps?