Feb. 13th, 2009


WHO: Sunny Jenkins & Calvin Watts
WHAT: Awkward grocery shopping. Who knew there could be such a thing?
WHEN: Week two. Thursday afternoon
WHERE: A market in the city
RATING: G for the moment!
((OOC: Also, sorry about posting twice in a row. >_>;; Is that bad RP etiquette?))

Since when was deciding between white and wheat such a trial? )


WHO: Sunny Jenkins & Amelia Keller-Bones (& OPEN)
WHAT: Begins with jogging at some ungodly hour of the morning.
WHEN: Week two. Wednesday morning.
WHERE: Out by the forest
RATING: G as of now, will edit if it becomes necessary.

It was the literal crack of dawn and Sunny wasn’t in bed. )

Feb. 11th, 2009


WEEK TWO: RP Thread. Thane Raidan and Jane Benoit.

WHO: Thane Raidan and Jane Benoit.
WHAT: Jane is given something to do. Thane has decided that things are a little boring and wishes to spice things up, it appear it's Janes job to do just that.
WHEN: Week two. Thursday evening.
WHERE: The Morningstar, Thane's suite.
RATING: G currently.

He disliked the sitting, the planning, he liked the hot action, living in the moment and soaking it all in. )

Feb. 8th, 2009


WHO: Calvin Watts & Sunny Jenkins
WHAT: Meeting again.
WHEN: Week Two. Tuesday.

It was a musty sort of tune that clogged the ears and weaved through the mind. )

Feb. 6th, 2009


CHARACTERS: Jane Benoit and Blagdan
SETTING: The Raidan building, his quarters, Monday of week two, late or early (Tuesday) morning depending your prospective
RATING: Parental guidance probably suggested
STATUS: completed
SUMMARY: Jane needs to welcome her favorite sparring partner to her town.

Read more... )

Feb. 3rd, 2009


week change; week two

week two;
1st February - 14th February
Snow drifts in early in the week, only a light smattering which leaves the City of Sin a glittering place even during the day. It clears toward mid week leaving a little frost in the air.
goings on.
Nothing has been heard of Joséphone since her apparent return, perhaps it was all just rumours after all? OR maybe she didn't take too well to the news?

Thane has been surprisingly quiet of late, though that could be because they promised to be good. How long exactly is that going to last?

The Moroi are on their guard since two of their fledglings were killed. Unluckily for the Ua Rauirc pack or not one got free which resulted in them getting a little warning.

please comment here with any news, advertisements, gossip/rumours or anything at all you want the game as a whole to know.