May. 4th, 2009


Who: Benjamin Stone and Dante Archer
Where: Congreve Hotel room
When: Mid-afternoon Feb 5th, 2208
What: Ben and Dante meet to 'talk'.
Rating: who knows with these two

A meeting of the minds... so to speak )

Apr. 21st, 2009



WHO: Dante Archer and a very young Elmira Black
WHAT: The destruction of the Black family and the abduction of Elmira Black.
WHEN: December 16th, 2086, late night
WHERE: The Black family estate
The eyes of a child. )

Apr. 13th, 2009



WHO: Thane Raidan and Dante.
WHAT: Thane asked Dante to drop in after he heard of his meeting with Grigore. He's a curious little cat.
WHEN: 4th February, 2208. Sunset.
WHERE: The Morningstar, Thane's penthouse.
RATING: Currently G.
His motions were lazy as he watched the sun begin to set, the burst of orange lighting the city which would soon come out to play. )

Apr. 11th, 2009


WHO: Dante and Grigore
WHAT: Dante questions Grigore on the interrogation of Greg Wessel, on behalf of the Raidan of course.
WHEN: 3rd February, 2208. Directly after the interrogation.
WHERE: Dante's suite at the Morningstar
RATING: tba, probably high

an interview with a vampire )

Apr. 9th, 2009


CHAPTER TWO. Thread. Helen & Dante.

WHO: Helen & Dante
WHEN: Sunday, February 1st; late at night
WHERE: Non-specific Church
WHAT: Helen has taken to a church to find some peace and to privately cope with the aftermath of the slaughter at Black Velvet...

She had been in the church for a few hours now, once things had been settled at the hospital and amongst the leaders of The Watch. For much of that time, when with the others, Helen had remained quiet and especially cautious of leaking her true feelings into the Ether. They might have thought her silence was because of the physical pain or general weariness that they all felt, but it was much more than that. These were not feelings she particularly wished to share with them, with any of the people in their group, and so she turned to the one being that Helen knew she could always go to: God. )

Mar. 26th, 2009


WEEK FOUR. Open to all.

WHO: Everyone.
WHAT: The Elari host an event.
WHEN: Thursday, 8 PM onwards.
WHERE: Black Velvet.
RATING: Unknown. Possibly high.
The club is fuller than usual, a mass of writhing bodies which pretend to be some sort of formal occasion. The supernatural are all on form tonight - it's formals all around. The purpose of this little get-together? Charity? Hardly, it seems to be just because they can. This type's of things are becoming more and more frequent, held by the more prominent demons, vampires or others of Las Vegas. Parties to entertain everyone, to keep Las Vegas the place to be.

Black and white snuggle the club in sharp contrasts, crispy and clean. They've obviously gone all out on this thing. Humans play food and slave amongst the party goers and there is a general feeling of euphoria through out the room - some mood altering demons perhaps?