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Time:06:57 am
Who: Avery, Riley and Lucas
Where: The woods
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Subject:The Hospital
Time:08:54 pm
Who: Micah and OPEN TO ALL
Where: The Hospital
When: Any time across the 3 days

Micah was ready for the worst, but the worst came faster than he expected. As those who had been kidnapped were found, they were filtering into his hospital in varying stages of needing help as well those who'd gotten them out. Which had him running from one end of the hospital to the other, but he was relieved. They walked through those doors and they became his pack and instantly he worried about them less. They were safe inside these wall. That was exactly where he wanted them. Now it was just a matter of making them better.
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Subject:No Unnecessary Risks
Time:01:33 am
Who: Lia and Riley
When: Early afternoon
Where: The ranch

It was a miserable day. Again. The weather was still cold and rainy, and Lia found herself wishing desperately for the sun. Not only to brighten her own mood, but because keeping Sophia inside all day tended to make her daughter restless and bored, and when Sophia got bored, she got ornery. Thankfully Mrs. Haggerty stepped in when Sophia started whining, and took her to the kitchen to help whip up a fresh batch of cookies.

Lia took that opportunity to shower, since Sophia had woken her up early for breakfast and to play cards. She knew Riley was outside, tending to the animals. It hadn't taken long for word to get around the ranch about the fires the night before. And there was speculation that it was arson. That some people in town had gone missing. She had sent texts to Gin and Micah and tried not to be too impatient while waiting for their responses. She had no idea what was going on inside Delphi lately, but Lia did know she had no intention of letting Sophia step outside until things settled.

After she got out of the shower, Lia dried her hair and got dressed. She stood in front of the mirror, brushing the tangles from her blonde hair and trying to work through her own anxiety about what was happening.

He needed to help. )
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Subject:More Responsibility
Time:02:38 pm
Who: Frankie and Riley
Where: The cattle ranch
When: Late afternoon

Riley had spent a very enjoyable afternoon with Lia. He was still grinning when he emerged from his room to keep his meeting with the vet who was sure to be there at any moment. He ran into Tom as he was fishing out a cookie but the cookie went uneaten as Tom told him about the people found dead over night. “They looked like animal attacks. Like them wolves that blew through here a while ago,” Tom said and shook his head.

“I’m going to go out and check the fences. Make sure the barn doors are secure before dark. The vet’s coming as well. I want you to take care of it. And Tom, I’m not kidding. Get it done.” He caught Mrs. Haggerty leaving her quarters with Sophia in tow. He kissed the little girl on the top of her head and sent her to play so he could explain things to Mrs. Haggerty. “We need to be sure the house is shut tight. I’m checking the fences but I’m sure Savannah or one of the other boarders can help you. Lia needs to know too but I need to run. Keep Sophia safe.”

You could easily be implying that you've got something naughty on your mind with Mrs. Pollard, and you require a third person to take part )
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Subject:Clearing the Air
Time:02:51 pm
Who: Lia and Riley
When: Early afternoon
Where: The ranch

After spending a bit of time with Micah, Lia cleaned up a bit in the house she would eventually be moving away from. She wanted to be with Riley, obviously, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t miss the place. She and Sophia had made quite a few memories there, and Lia had always craved privacy. Something she probably wouldn’t have much of, living on a ranch. But she had a lot on her mind and cleaning had helped distract her for a while. Thankfully she felt calmer, and more clear headed, when she finally walked back to the ranch.

After taking off her jacket and shoes by the front door, Lia checked on Sophia first, finding her in front of the fire with one of the ranch hands, laughing and playing a game of from the deck of cards Riley had fished out for them the night before. Then she headed off to find Riley, smiling a bit and greeting a few of the boarders that spotted her. When she finally found him, Lia reminded herself not to let her emotions get the best of her. They were finally in a good place, and she didn’t want to screw it up so quickly by starting another argument. “Hey,” she greeted, walking over to give him a quick kiss. “Got a minute?”

expensive champagne and a five tier cake )
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Time:07:58 pm
Who: Lia and Riley
When: Afternoon
Where: the ranch

As predicted, Lia and Sophia were both soaked by the time they made it to the ranch. Lia had enjoyed chatting with Savannah, but once they were inside, she made Sophia take her jacket off, and then her shoes and socks, as not to track water and mud through the house. It was awfully quiet, and Lia noted that Mrs. Haggerty didn’t come immediately to greet them. Sophia was bouncing on her toes while Lia stripped off her own jacket. The overnight bag she had packed was soaked too, and she was hoping she could toss the pajamas and clothes into the dryer. “Can I have a cookie?” Sophia asked, completely unfazed by her wet clothes and dripping hair.

“After we get dried off,” Lia said, “if there are any cookies to be had. Why don’t we go find Riley first?”

you know we’re already married, don’t you? )
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Subject:Popping In
Time:06:33 pm
Who: Riley and Ember
Where: The ranch
When: Morning

Ember had spent a considerable amount of time moping throughout the morning, her low even worse because of the incredible high she had experienced last night. The engagement ring that she had re-united with had proved to be some sort of energy source she could draw from, but she didn’t know how it worked. All she knew was one minute she was bumping into walls for the first time in ages then the seemingly next, she couldn’t even become visible if she wanted to. Did she break something? Was she forever doomed to live how she had when she was first introduced to her after life? Her endless woe-is-me party had her feet moving in no particular destination, though she recognized the surroundings when she glanced around to take note of where she was. The ranch. With that Riley guy who got all in a huff about her in his house. Why was she going to the places the people she didn’t really get along with resided? She almost turned around, but remembered the good that had happened from her lingering at Lance’s. She got her ring back. Although, now she was wondering if it was more a curse than a blessing. Still, she was curious to what the Australian cowboy was up to, so she marched forward with every intention of spying in her boring status. Little did she know, all her wishing, hoping, and focusing on being seen again had paid off since her previous consequence of becoming solid with her ring’s assistance had faded.

Riley groaned. The light in his eyes was so unwelcome and the fact that he was awake had him immediately grumpy. His head thudded dully and he regretted most of what he remembered and everything he didn't. He did remember telling off Micah. He did remember interacting with Lia. He groaned again at those memories feeling ashamed of himself and not the least bit frustrated with his own behavior. He definitely owed some apologies. He had gotten up to give his staff the day off and then fallen asleep again on the couch in the living room. His couch cushion was covered in drool. He sat up, wiped at his face, and looked around for his shirt. He froze when he saw Ember. "Oh, this is not happening," he moaned and closed his eyes for a moment. "What are you doing here again?"

“I only have eyes for your abs. I think I’m going to call them the Rilettes.” )
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Time:08:59 pm
Who: Riley and Lia
When: Early evening
Where: The ranch

After finishing up her shopping, Lia had left to stop by the elementary school to pick up Sophia. Together the two of them walked home, Sophia skipping a few feet ahead and chattering about her day, and the activities she had participated in. Lia had laughed at Sophia’s enthusiasm, and asked the right questions to keep her daughter occupied during the walk. Once they were inside, Lia gave Sophia a quick snack as she unloaded the groceries and put them away. Then she suggested going to the barn dance for a bit of fun, and Sophia cheered happily, dancing back and forth in her chair at the promise of going out instead of doing her homework.

The two of them changed into comfortable clothes, and Lia braided Sophia’s long blonde hair before tying her own up into a messy ponytail on top of her head. After locking up, they began to walk hand in hand when Lia casually mentioned wanting to invite Riley to join them. Sophia beamed and began to wonder out loud if Mrs. Haggerty would have more cookies, or if she could see Ophelia before they left. Lia knew she should have probably texted Riley first, but she saw nothing wrong with dropping in to ask if he would want to come with them. It was late enough in the day that she doubted he had eaten dinner yet, and Lia was excited by the prospect of having an evening together as a family. And then maybe she could convince him to spend the night with her.

I'm surprised he hasn't told you yet. There's no secrets between you two apparently. )
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Subject:I'm Her Alpha
Time:08:52 pm
Who: Micah and Riley
Where: The hospital
When: Late afternoon

'You're her WHAT, precisely, mate?' )
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Subject:Getting Drunk and Protecting Families
Time:08:52 pm
Who: Patrick & Riley
Where: The Pub
When: Afternoon

Riley had finished running a few errands, making a few new appointments around town. He didn’t have a whole lot as there were only a few establishments that required his meat and then the market as well. His mind kept turning on the beer he’d wanted earlier and so he was wandering into the pub for some lunch and a beer or two. The business end of running the ranch wasn’t his favorite thing but it was part of the job and he did enjoy talking to the people. In Delphi there was the benefit of the feel of a small town system like he’d been part of back in Australia. What he wouldn’t give for a good cold West End or Cascade Special but Australian tastes weren’t to be found in the States anymore. So he settled for whatever O’Reilly’s cooked up which was pretty damned good if he were honest. One of these days he’d have to shake hands with the brewmaster.

Guarded Conversation )
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Subject:Abnormal is the New Normal
Time:01:38 pm
Who: Justin and Riley
Where: Eatzy's
When: Morning

It was Mrs. Haggerty's day off and Riley wanted breakfast that didn't taste like a third grade home ec disaster so he took himself down to Eatzy's. He knew Justin was sometimes around and he wanted to catch the guy for a bit of shop talk too so it worked out well that he had a reason to eat too. The past couple days since the full moon had been strange for him. Lia was a werewolf but she wasn't a monster. Sophia and he had bonded quite a bit but the little girl still had no idea he was her father. And there was the ever simmering pot of jealousy and frustration over Lia's every mention of running off to Micah to fix all her problems and answer all her questions.

Whole avenues of possibility )
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Subject:Coming Home
Time:10:42 am
Who: Riley and Lia
Where: Lia's home
When: Early morning

So there was the whole naked thing. In a cage. With naked men in other cages. Lia supposed she should have planned better for the whole thing, but she hadn't known what to expect, and she couldn't even remember much of the night before. Her muscles were achy and felt bruised, but she was alive, and that was all she had wanted. But yeah… the naked part. Lia had stayed curled up in the back of the cage, her knees drawn up to try and hide most of her body. Thankfully those who had been with them had some clothes for them, and Lia quickly pulled on an oversized t-shirt and a pair of running shorts that thankfully fit. She could just see herself wandering through the dome toward home, holding her shorts up to keep them from pooling around her feet.

Feeling a bit shaky, but relieved, Lia finally made it home. Her hair was a mess and she probably needed a shower, but it was early enough that she was sure Sophia was still sleeping, but she had no doubt that Riley would be awake, waiting for her. And if he wasn't, Lia had the thought of slipping into bed with him and trying to return to some sense of normalcy. With a soft groan, Lia opened the front door, wondering if she ought to call out Honey, I'm home! My night as a bloodthirsty caged beast is over for another month!... Funny, but maybe too soon. So Lia shut the door and headed for the living room and kitchen to search for her husband, if he was awake.

Mr. Riled Up & Mrs. Pollard )
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Subject:Ice Cream Run
Time:08:53 pm
Who: Maggie and Riley
When: Early evening
Where: Market

Riley had realized almost too late that he had absolutely no ice cream. If he was going to entertain a group of ranch hands and a six year old girl, he was going to need that. He could also use a few other things. And while Mrs. Haggerty had offered to run out and get anything he wanted, he’d had way too much foreknowledge about what this night was supposed to hold to let anyone go out in his stead. The last thing he needed was someone he knew and cared about becoming stranded out in town with werewolves. Because who knew if all had been accounted for or would be joining the effort at the encampment.

Read more... )
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Subject:No Guarantees
Time:01:01 pm
Who: Ember and Riley
When: Morning
Where: Riley's house

Smooshed? )
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Subject:Man(hood) v. Werewolf
Time:12:02 pm
Who: Lia and Riley
When: Afternoon
Where: The ranch

Lia had meant to talk to Riley after Sophia left for school that morning, but she had lost her nerve. It wasn't the kind of conversation she could really prepare for, and Lia had gone to work, intent on thinking over how to approach Riley about what Micah had told her. When Lia was done teaching for the day, she walked back to the ranch, aware that she had some time before having to pick up Sophia. Her palms were a little sweaty, and her stomach hurt, but with the full moon happening tomorrow, Lia couldn't put it off any longer. Hell, she hadn't been able to really accept what was happening to her, and what it meant, so Lia couldn't really imagine what Riley would think. All Lia could do was hope he wouldn't freak out about it the way she wanted to.

All aboard the rollercoaster )
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Subject:It's Always You
Time:08:26 am
Who: Lia and Riley
When: Evening of the 8th into early morning
Where: The ranch
Warnings: NSFW

With things having calmed down after dark, Lia had been ready to take Sophia back to their home and return to their normal routine. But Riley had still worried and asked her to stay, and with minimal protest, Lia had agree. Honestly, she liked staying at the ranch, though she was sure it had more to do with sleeping beside Riley for the past few nights than anything else. It helped that Sophia loved it too. The housekeeper made her pancakes, and Sophia got to see the horses every morning before she left for school. Sophia had asked her that morning if they were going to move in with Mr. Riley, and had pouted all the way to school when Lia had told her they weren’t. Lia wasn’t sure what they were doing, exactly, and she wasn’t feeling up to broaching that particular subject to Riley just yet. Moving in together might be too much for them both, but Lia supposed she wouldn’t know for sure until she asked him. Which she would. Eventually.

gorgeous as ever )
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Subject:Unfamiliar advice
Time:09:45 am
Who: Riley and Serge
Where: Streets near the market
When: Late morning

Building a case )
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Subject:Right Place, Wrong Time
Time:08:14 pm
Who: Lia & Riley
When: Evening
Where: The ranch

Let the confusion ensue... )
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Subject:The Big Bad Wolf & Other Stories
Time:08:25 pm
Who: Lia and Riley
When: Evening
Where: Lia’s home
Warnings: Some wolfy, kinda bloody stuffs

With Sophia safely tucked away at the neighbor’s for a sleepover with her friend, Lia was feeling a multitude of emotions, including an enormous amount of anticipation, and a smidgen of anxiety. She had invited Riley over, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out why. The power was still out, but she had firewood in the backyard, and candles, and she hoped that kept them warm enough because Lia had every intention of getting Riley naked as soon as he walked through the door. She knew their reunion might have been moving extremely fast, especially given the issues still festering between them, but Lia justified her decision by reminding herself that they were still married, and it had been six long years of celibacy for the both of them. Maybe physical intimacy was what they needed. Hell, Lia knew it was what she needed. And she needed it badly.

With the candles lit inside... )
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Subject:A Blue Hippo Named Pentunia
Time:09:49 am
Who: Lia and Riley
When: Early afternoon
Where: The festival
Warnings: None

'You shouldn't tempt me...' )
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