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Subject:There are always other options
Time:12:25 am
Who: Eli and Corey
Where: Corey’s House
When: Evening

While Eli wasn’t usually one to miss school, he made an exception the morning after the full moon. He spent most of the day asleep, and then when he did get up, he went to work, like everything was normal. He got home from work, showered, and was out the door again, leaving a note on the counter as to where he’d gone. Everyone that he lived with had seen him in passing, but now it was time to go find Corey. That he’d made it through the night without incident put a bit of a bounce in his step, and he was almost smiling by the time he knocked on her door. Things could have been bad, but they hadn’t been, and that was something to be happy about.

Read more... )
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Subject:ink and advice
Time:01:23 am
Who: Zania and December
Where: December’s House
When: Afternoon

When it decided to rain all afternoon, Zania realized this was the perfect day to get her tattoo done and not have to try and catch December after dark. They had similar schedules, both working at night, and she doubted there’d be another good opportunity for her to get out early in the next few days. The weather in the dome had become especially unpredictable since the doors shut, so she’d go when she could. Standing at the door, though, her nervousness returned. Not due to getting a tattoo, but because this was December. Mickey’s December. She barely knew her, yet had built her up to this perfect woman in her head, or at least someone better than her. The comparison had never been made aloud, except Zania could feel it there every time Mickey turned her down. But that wasn’t fair to December. Taking a deep breath, Zania knocked on the door.

December had been getting as much sleep as possible, though eventually had to get up. What she did with her time then was ink out the tattoo she'd had in mind before, the chains, the birds, the break in the links. It was delicate work, and she still wasn't quite finished with it, despite having worked on it for hours. When a knock came on the door, December set her gun down, walked over, and opened it up. Then she blinked in surprise, since it was Zania. "Hey," she said. "Is everything okay?" Her mind immediately lept to the idea that something had to be wrong.
some advice about ink )
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Subject:Sneaking In and Dodging Frying Pans
Time:09:46 pm
Who: Clementine and Lance
Where: Clementine and Zania’s house
When: late evening

Lance waited until Kenzie was in the shower before heading out and onto the porch nextdoor. There wasn’t any immediate noise that could be heard inside from the front door so he did as he’d planned and picked the lock to let himself inside. He was quiet as he could be at least until he stepped on a creaky floorboard.

Too blunt for someone who breaks into someone else's house )
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Subject:A different type of silence
Time:07:53 pm
Who:Liam and Audrey
When:Early Evening
Where:Their house

A new silence. )
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Subject:Serious Distractions
Time:07:23 pm
Who: Nic and Micah
Where: The hospital
When: late

Micah was feeling more at ease. Lia was doing well, he was back at work and thankfully there were no new patients with bites or anything of the sort. He hadn't had a chance to try shifting, but the energy he'd built up locked in the cage the night before had him going, cutting through visits with patients and paperwork that had backed up until his hospital was humming like a well oiled machine. He was in his office, plugging through the last of the paperwork and idly doodling a tattoo idea that had come to him, something to mark this new phase of life. There were more doodles on the same page, another tattoo design that wasn't for him and he wasn't sure he wanted to admit the intention behind it.

and serious conversations )
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Subject:Winning Bets and Teaching Lessons
Time:06:25 pm
Who: Cody and Ember
Where: The forest (leaving the werewolf encampment)
When: Morning
Warning: NSFW

Ember couldn't wipe the smug smirk off her lips if she had tried. She was the victor of the will-the-wolves-come-out-to-play bet she and Cody had established, which meant not only did she get to keep herself clothed, but she could harass Cody all she wanted. Maybe he would blush again! That was awfully fun. She looked up to her tall friend, smirk still absolutely prevalent as they slowly moved through the forest. "So what hot woman are we paying a visit to? I think we have a date with one and a wall." She looked down to herself and lightly tugged at her skirt. "It's too bad you absolutely suck at gambling, I am just itching to get out of these clothes." Not that this was a bet one could really examine odds for. Still, shit was needing to be given. She brought a hand up to idly twirl a piece of her hair around her finger, the red from the previous day remaining for the moment.

Cody was in fact, blushing. He also groaned. "Okay, you realize we need to find a girl who would actually want me first, right?" he asked. "Which, good luck with that!" he added. When she mentioned getting out of her clothes, he shot her a Look. "Oh fuck off," he said, tone not even up to par with being biting. Nope. He wasn't actually irritated. "Tease."

'It sucked, going from the highest high he'd experienced in forever, to now a crashing low.' )
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Subject:Afternoon Chatter
Time:06:18 pm
Who: Nic and Fiona
Where: O’Reilly’s Pub
When: Afternoon

Nic had slept in with Micah, glad there hadn’t been an emergency that morning because he needed the sleep. When it was finally time to get up, he went down to the station and discovered there wasn’t much to do. In a town as small as Delphi, there wasn’t always an emergency. And that was how Nic ended up at O’Reilly’s, his preferred hang out location, since the other restaurant in town was owned by his cousin and didn’t serve beer. It really wasn’t Justin or Zania that kept him away from Eatzy’s, but the beer that called out to him. Last night had been good, but rough, and he felt like he deserved a drink. “Can I get a beer, please? Whatever’s fresh on tap.”

Fiona had been manning the bar herself all morning, and would most likely be doing the same for a good majority of the day. With all that werewolf business having occurred, she could only assume that her brother and cousins who were immediately affected by the full moon were taking the day to rest. Considering the time, it at least hadn’t been unmanageably business for just her.. though, she was hoping that someone would come relieve her, eventually. The idea of being trapped in one area for the entire day was dreadful. She glanced up when she heard a request for the freshest beer on tap, realizing she had slipped off into her own little world of thoughts. “You got it. 16 or 20 ounce?” She took a step closer to him, hand hovering below the bar to grab whichever sized glass he would elect.

'So what do you like to do for fun, besides taunt us non-bike people with your ride?' )
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Time:01:34 pm
Who: Justin and Lydia
When: Evening
Where: Justin's house

It was the darkness that always seemed to bring Lydia down, when day started to fade into night and people headed into their homes. She could try to stay where the people were, at the pub or the diner, but she knew what would happen. The lights would flicker and go out, people would get spooked, and she’d be reminded of what she was. Even if she didn’t try, this was the worst time of day for her, and she found herself wandering towards Justin’s house. What was he doing tonight, the night after the full moon? Lydia walked through the front door when she arrived at his house, invisible as she looked around to see if he was home.

Justin was, indeed, home. After leaving the encampment that morning, he had texted his sister, fallen into bed and slept for several hours. Then he spent the remainder of his day at the diner, trying his hardest to get back into his routine. It was a strange feeling, pretending to be normal when he so clearly wasn't anymore. After leaving the diner in capable hands that evening, Justin walked home and took a shower, letting the hot water do it's best to wash away the tension in his shoulders and back.

You don't deserve to know. )
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Subject:You're Distracting
Time:12:46 pm
Who: Kenzie and Skylar
When: Evening
Where: Skylar's truck

After Jyoti had left, Skylar had given up on work and gone for getting stoned instead. Which meant he'd spent the day wrapped up in his leather jacket and scarf sitting in the bed of the truck he'd brought into the dome but rarely used. It was where he'd lived for some years there and not it was just soothing. "Shit's a bit fucked up," he told the sky. "When's it not Ace?" Skylar sighed and drug his fingers through his hair, shaking his head. "Doesn't matter. I don't want it to be fucked up. I want things to be cool. They need to just work out."

Now you're making rules. )
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Subject:Not Letting This Drop
Time:11:25 am
Who: Darcy and Patrick
Where: The pub
When: evening

Darcy had thrown herself into work, fake smiles for the customers, quickly handing out orders, giving everyone what they needed and wanted. Then it started to slow and she realized it wasn’t going to keep her busy and her thoughts were back, swimming over her, making her think of Liam and how horribly that had gone. She was sure he’d never see her again, even if he said he just needed time. And she wouldn’t blame him. Setting down the last round of drinks at a slightly rowdy table and went back to the bar, pushing up to sit on it and wait until someone needed her again or until Patrick showed up.

And not budging on this one )
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Subject:This Won't Be Pretty
Time:11:24 am
Who: Darcy and Liam
Where: the hospital
When: late afternoon

The last thing Darcy wanted to do today was go see Liam and break up with him. Not that they were together really, but that was what it boiled down to. Despite what her cousins might think she never intended to date both him and Noah at the same time, things just did that sometimes and there wasn't much she could do. Except call it off with Liam. She wandered the halls of the hospital, headed towards where they said he'd be, hand tucked in her jacket pockets.

and not good )
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Subject:Circle of Drama
Time:08:48 am
Who: Lance and Kenzie
Where: home
When: after dark
Warnings: Language

After spending most of her day at the brothel, Kenzie returned home, sleepy but debating whether or not she wanted to go to the greenhouse to buy more weed. But that meant dealing with Skylar, and maybe she was still a little irked with him over the whole Clementine thing. Kenzie was weighing her options as she stepped into the house.

"Lance?" She didn't know if he would be home, and if he was, if he was alone this time.

do you like a guy? )
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Subject:Buying in bulk
Time:12:09 am
Who: Jyoti and Skylar
Where: The greenhouse
When: Late morning

and calling bullshit )
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Subject:First Times
Time:11:18 pm
Who Finn and Avery
When: Late afternoon
Where: Finn's
Warning: NSFW

While Avery knew she looked pretty in Darcy's dress, she still felt a little foolish. Maybe if Finn were easier to read, she would be more confident in her decision to dress up and show up on his doorstep. It wasn't like with Noah and Darcy, where they both did those silly, weird grins when talking about one another. Things with Finn were different, and it felt strange to realize that she wasn't sure whether he would be be happy to see her, or confused as to why she was there. If he was even home. It dawned on Avery as she stepped up to Finn's door that he might not even be around, and she probably should have texted him first. But, hell, she had walked all that way and it would be foolish to turn away now. If he wasn't home, she would just... see him later. Hoping Darcy was right about this whole silly thing, Avery knocked on the door and stepped back to wait.

something special )
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Subject:Girl Talk
Time:06:38 pm
Who: Avery and Darcy
When: Late afternoon
Where: Home

Avery was annoyed. Really annoyed. She had no idea if Darcy would decide to grace Avery with her presence that day or not, but Avery sat at home, anyway, pacing in the living room and biting her nail down to the fingertip. She had already woken with a headache earlier, and everything following had just made the throbbing in her head worse. But if Darcy didn't show up soon, Avery would text her to track her down. Because they needed to talk. Like, soon.

which is surprisingly girly )
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Subject:Suggestions and Innuendo
Time:09:22 pm
Who: Lance and Mannix
Where: The Brothel
When: Late Afternoon

Lance left Lydia and headed towards the house, taking the long way that took him by the brothel. He told himself that it was to check in on his cousin, but really, he was looking for someone else. Just a peek. It was enough to get Lance up the front steps and through the door, looking around, all too curious if the place was worth anything or if a certain someone was lurking in a corner somewhere.

Because it's just fun )
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Subject:The Friendly Ghost
Time:02:03 am
Who: Lydia and Lance
Where: The park, Sylvia's House
When: Afternoon

Lance was definitely feeling better. Funk survived he was out and about, Sylvia’s umbrella in hand as he kept an eye out for her. He wasn’t really looking for her, but he had it, just in case so he could give it back. He tended to give back the things he didn’t need or the things that didn’t completely catch his eye. It was one thing to want something when you took it. It was something else to want to keep it. Opening up the umbrella as he strolled through the park, he couldn’t help but hum to himself, amused with everything because he actually wanted to be outside. The first day back was always a great one.

Lydia had little to do after class let out, so she’d gone to the park to walk and people watch. When there were people to wave to, she waved, and she was excited to see them wave back. She loved the feeling of being seen again, of feeling alive, even if she cast no shadow or had no heartbeat. Being able to walk through walls had it’s advantages, but it also prevented her from watching where she was going. She almost walked through Lance, barely catching his arm, her hand passing through him when she took a few steps back. “I’m soooo sorry! I wasn’t paying attention. Are you okay?”

Read more... )
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Subject:Napping, high hide adventures, and some serious conversation
Time:05:32 pm
Who: Lochlan and Lily
Where: Lily's house then the forest
When: Afternoon through the day/night

Lily stood in her kitchen, leaning against the counter and tapping her nails thoughtfully against the surface as the sounds of Billie Holiday churned out crisply from the dual record and CD player she had situated within the living room. She couldn't sit down, she certainly couldn't lay down, and silence was a no go or else she would fall right asleep, and she did not want to miss Lochlan coming over. She brought a hand up to softly rub at her eyes before realizing she probably just ruined the small amount of eyeliner she had applied after Lochlan texting about seeing her today. She had already taken a shower as soon as she had arrived home, but giving herself a little boost in the make-up department was all for him, even if she applied it so it wouldn't be so obvious. She pushed herself up from the counter to stand up right then moved to her room. She took a look in the mirror, grateful to see she hadn't destroyed what she had applied and took to delicately wiping at the spots that had smudged to put them back in line.

She grinned, too tired to do much more than that, but she was absolutely giddy; Jack was okay and Lochlan was okay, which meant she was much more than okay. That heavy sense of doom that had floated over their heads the last few days, that should have dissipated into thin air. She was curious now as to what that meant for them and just a little nervous too. She liked Lochlan a lot and it was a little worrisome to think that since there would now be some sort of normalcy in their lives, that maybe he wouldn't want to spend as much time with her as they had originally planned. What if he didn't even like her as much as she liked him? She shook her head, trying to physically shake out those doubts from her mind and slowly returned to the kitchen for a glass of water. She wasn't going to let anything bring her down today. Once retrieving herself a glass, she took a sip then stared out the window and hummed along to the record, her voice carrying the tune strongly. It would probably be more effective to pour the water over her head than to actually drink it right now, but she was opting to try to keep from falling asleep standing up and to remain dry with the latter.

'Tell me a month ago you thought you'd be up in a tree with a wacky werewolf dancing to Irish tunes and riding an emotional rollercoaster from sanity to lunacy and back again.' )
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Subject:No Lies
Time:09:45 am
Who: Avery and Noah
When: Afternoon
Where: Out!

Avery left Aidan’s house feeling better about the whole werewolf situation. If Lochlan and Patrick were all right and hadn’t felt a lot of pain, then maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. It was still bizarre to think of her family as werewolves, but it had happened, and it was real, and they would just have to deal with it as they could. Of course, her mind was still circling over Aidan’s revelation that Darcy had been spending the night with Noah. That was a whole new world of what the fuckery. She thought maybe they could just be friends, Darcy and Noah, but then Avery recalled her talk with Noah and he hadn’t bothered mentioning Darcy at all. If it had been totally innocent, then he would have said something, right? He knew that Avery and Darcy were cousins. So what did that mean? Was Noah Darcy’s boyfriend? Were they having sex? What about Liam? Avery wanted to track Darcy down and start the interrogation, but she couldn’t do it while she was feeling irrationally annoyed, otherwise she and Darcy would just fight and that wouldn’t answer any of her questions.

Pinky swears are legally binding in Delphi, just so you know. )
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Subject:found you
Time:02:55 am
Who: Aidan and Sylvia
Where: the ghost house
When: late
Warnings: nsfw

What started as a slight headache soon became so overwhelming that Aidan could do little more than lay on Sylvia’s bed and wait for the feeling to pass. Soaking in her scent, he knew what to look for and eventually left the house in search of her once more. As the hours passed, his frustration grew. Sometimes he thought he’d caught her scent, but then it was gone, not quite strong enough to follow. Other times there was nothing there at all. He was sure Jack could track her down in a matter of minutes, but that wasn’t how he wanted to find her. Stubborn as he was, Aidan had to do it on his own terms, but even his patience was beginning to dwindle.

It was after dark when that patience finally ran out. He was in the woods, sure he was heading the right direction, but he kept losing her scent and walking in circles. Aidan cursed and brought her scarf up to his face, inhaling her scent once more. Then he stretched, reaching for that release, needing it more than ever. It happened so suddenly that he only realized he wasn’t prepared for it when it was too late. A wolf couldn’t wear human’s clothing, and he found himself squirming out of them, leaving a pile on the forest floor. Aidan circled the area once, sniffed Sylvia’s scarf, then took off running.
the idea of fate )
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