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Time:06:57 am
Who: Avery, Riley and Lucas
Where: The woods
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Subject:Trust Me
Time:06:55 am
Who: Wes, Avery, and Lily
Where: Wes’s house
When: Evening

Lily woke with a start. She wasn’t sure if she was sleeping or had passed out from some kind of injury, but it took several minutes for her vision to come back into focus which communicated to her she had probably suffered from the latter. Everytime she came to, she had the dimmest glimmer of hope that all of this had been a horrendous nightmare. That she’d open her eyes to find Lochlan laying beside her, man or wolf, that Princess would be curled up on the other side of her, and that everything was normal. Completely fine. But it wasn’t. In fact, it was far from that fantasy. She was still tied up in this fucking basement, she and Avery were still being tormented by this maniac, and she lost hope more and more by the day that they were going to make it out of this alive. She didn’t let onto that, though. She needed to keep what hope in Avery alive that she could, and she wouldn’t give fuckface the satisfaction of knowing he had nearly broken her. She shifted her arms upwards so that she could stand, her muscles aching more than she ever thought possible and her skin burning with such sharp, shearing pain. The wounds she had weren’t healing well, and she was fairly confident that infection would be the end of her if that sick fuck wasn’t. “Avery?” Her voice was hoarse, nearly unrecognizable as she spoke.

What's the first thing you're going to do when we get out of here? )
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Subject:It's Over
Time:05:05 pm
Who: Mickey, Zania, Violet
Where: Where Mickey’s being held
When: night 04-18-2017
Warnings Violence

Mickey kept flitting in and out of consciousness. It was hard to stay awake, between fear and exhaustion. There had been more cutting, more spots on his body burned from her shallow cuts that burned as they healed. His shirt was off, he was still tied to the bed, blood still on his skin. Some moments he wanted to break free, others he just hoped he died. It was a terrible place to be in, waiting for something to happen that wasn’t Violet and her constant torture.

for someone )
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Subject:Prize Number 3
Time:11:32 am
Who: Kenzie, Ainsley & Anne Marie
When: Night
Where: The forest

For the rest of the day, Kenzie drifted in and out of consciousness. She was tired, but secured in a way that made it difficult to sleep comfortably. She hadn’t eaten or had anything to drink in hours. Not to mention the fact that she had been suffering through nicotine withdrawal, which was hell on a whole other level. Throughout the day, Kenzie had heard footsteps upstairs, sometimes small murmurings of discussion directly above her, though she could never make out what was being said. Bobby didn’t return, and she imagined it was because his mother was home. Occasionally Kenzie would tug at her bindings, trying to get free without successful. She wanted to scream and fling horrible obscenities at her captors, but Kenzie was aware that her mouth could very easily trigger her demise, so instead she bit her tongue until she tasted blood, trying to muffle her shrieks of frustration and anger. Lance was looking for her, though. She knew that much. He had to be.

Finally, after what seemed days, though rationally Kenzie knew it couldn’t have been that long, she slumped back and closed her eyes, trying to breathe through her internal panic. She was too tired to do much else but hope that Lance would somehow track her down before Bobby decided to snap her neck and be done with it.

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Time:10:23 am
Who: Patrick, Fiona, and Lochlan
When: Early afternoon
Where: The outer ring of town

Lochlan had worked himself out of being stunned at how they’d found the pub and that the girls were all missing and on into being furious by way of determined. It was fueling him as he texted his family and Lily’s brother as requested by Aidan. It was fueling him as they swung by to pick up Patrick at his place on their way toward the edge of town to search the houses on the outermost part of the dome’s center. It kept him quiet and focused and on the edge of raging at anything or anyone that got in his way. He was trying not to think about what could be happening to the girls. They were soft and beautiful and feisty and his. His sister, his cousin, his girlfriend. This felt personal on so many levels but reports were coming from everywhere that others were taken as well during the night. He tried to remain objective but he needed Eily to keep him level-headed and she wasn’t there. So he was relying on Fiona and Patrick, most especially Patrick as his alpha.

“I’m going to kill people by the time this is over. You know that, right?” he said to no one in particular as he looked into the windows of a house that looked empty or abandoned thanks to the dome’s doors shutting and possibly a good hiding spot for kidnappers. Especially if it had a basement. “I’m going to fuck some shit up before then too. How could they do this?”

No one messed with an O'Reilly, not on his watch, not ever. )
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Subject:Easier Than Expected
Time:01:25 am
Who: Kenzie, Ainsley, and Bobby
Where: From the street to Ainsley and Bobby’s
When: Early, early morning (about 1AM)
Warnings: NSFWish stuff between Bobby and Kenzie

Bobby had spent some time pacing Mockingbird Lane, purposely keeping the brothel in sight. It had been days now since he had first seen the brown haired girl that quickly caught his eye and he had, without much difficulty, managed to follow her home, to work, and just about everywhere in between. Of course, his time watching her was limited to after the sun set, and that was something that was beginning to aggravate him - it was time to solve the problem of not being able to see her when he wanted to once and for all. He moved closer to the brothel, closer than he ever had before, walking on the opposite side of the street as he peered hard in its direction. He shoved his hands into his pockets as he kept moving, crossing the street a yard or so away so that he could loop back again. His timing had turned out to be impeccable, his gaze picking up that the door had opened and closed.. and from what he could tell, that the brunette was on the move not too far ahead.

Unaware of anyone waiting, let alone following her, Kenzie left the brothel, shivering slightly at the chill still in the air. She really needed to get a heavier coat. She'd had one on the outside of the dome, where the elements had never been controlled, but it was still with her uncle, and there was no way to get it now. If she was stuck in this dome shaped Hell, the least they could do was keep it a warm seventy two degrees or something. It didn't help that she was wearing her black skirt and tights. She owned exactly one pair of pants, and her jeans had way too many rips in it to make much of a difference in warmth anyway.

Fucking crazy sick fuck with mommy issues. )
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Subject:The beginning of the end
Time:01:05 am
Who: Eily, Clementine, and Anne Marie
When: Afternoon
Where: Anne Marie's casa

Earth, Fire, Water, Air. )
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Subject:Inching Towards Exhaustion
Time:11:05 pm
Who: Aidan, Patrick, and Darcy
Where: Around town
When: Late morning

Aidan was exhausted. He and Darcy had been looking for Eily, Avery, and Noah since one o’clock in the morning, but hadn’t been able to find them or anyone else. Wherever they were being kept, they were quiet and out of sight, and the weather made it virtually impossible to track them via scent. A good part of him wanted to rest for a bit, but knowing that his sister was out there made it impossible to stop. How could he be resting when she was being held captive? It didn’t seem right. He knew Darcy felt the same way, plus she was looking for Noah.

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Subject:game plan
Time:01:04 am
Who: Finn, Liam, Audrey, Eli, and Corey
Where: Their house
When: Morning

Eli woke to the sound of his phone, which was only odd because everyone that usually messaged him was in the house with him. He rubbed his eyes as he picked it up, frowning at the message from Jack. He sent one back, then another, before turning to wake up Corey. “Hey,” he said softly, touching her shoulder. “You awake?” He was still learning the difference between a sleeping heartbeat and a waking one, but if he was awake, then he thought Corey probably was too.

She'd taken a while to get the blood off of her, and to patch up the wounds she'd acquired. Thankfully, Eli had seemed...well. Just fine. It was weird, but a pretty big check in the plus column. She was awake, just sore. “Yeah,” she answered, voice quiet. “How are you feeling?” she asked, shifting to look at him.
put on some pants )
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Subject:Another to the Party
Time:12:59 pm
Who: Wes, Eily & Anne Marie
When: Evening
Where: Wes's place, then Anne Marie's

After retreating from the basement, Wes took a shower, dressed, and left the house. He ran a few errands, checked in at work. He feigned surprise and expressed sympathy at the news of multiple house fires, and people who had gone missing. Some people seemed genuinely upset. Some simply had that look in their eyes as they speculated and gossiped. That look that clearly said Finally, something exciting in this place!. When Wes returned home, it was getting dark and he knew he would have to take Eily to Anne Marie. Obviously he would need to knock her out, which was something he was actually looking forward to. Wes knew she wouldn’t cooperate otherwise.

Walking upstairs, he listened for the other girls. He thought he heard one of them scream for help, which prompted a small smirk on his lips. It was nice that there was obviously still a spark of hope that they thought they might be rescued. Pushing open the door at the end of the hall, Wes took a step inside, looking over at Eily to see if she was awake or sleeping.

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Subject:Be Careful
Time:07:40 am
Who: Justin, Zania and Lance
Where: Zania’s
When: Early morning (around 1:45am)

Justin hadn’t been sleeping much when he got Zania’s text message. He’d been roaming the house, calling out for his ghost friend, wanting to finally have a conversation with her to figure out what the hell she wanted with him. But his sister’s message had him shifting priorities fairly quickly, and it didn’t take him long to change into a pair of jeans and a long sleeved thermal shirt. After tugging his shoes on, Justin left the house and immediately started for Zania’s. He moved quickly, but barely broke a sweat before knocking loudly on her door, his hand falling to the door knob. He would let himself in if she didn’t answer in a few seconds, his impatience simmering and his concern overwhelming anything else. “Zania,” he called out.

“Who is it?” Zania called out as she sat in the living room, tying up her boots. The room was a mess with blood on the couch and the floor, plus the dead body of what was a werewolf. It made her glad they didn’t have carpet, otherwise clean up would be even worse, though she hadn’t gotten to that yet. Zania had showered and dressed, all moving slower than she would have liked. Her body was still sore, even if she’d healed.

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Time:09:58 pm
Who: Wes, Avery and Lily
When: Afternoon
Where: Wes’s basement

Avery had no idea what time it was when she woke up. All she knew was that she had a raging headache, a sore jaw and her muscles ached something fierce. It took a few seconds after prying her eyes open to realize why. Her arms were above her head, her wrists tied together. She was tied by rope to something… a pipe, maybe. And she was on the floor. Cold, hard cement. Avery groaned and tried to shift to get more comfortable, but the rope above her was too tight for her to do much but move her butt a little.

Opening her eyes a bit more, Avery’s gaze was drawn to the tiny, narrow window, providing the only light available in the dim room. It was definitely a basement. There were some boxes in the corner. A washer and dryer. It smelled musty and she could hear a slow drip somewhere behind her. The events of what happened in the bar came rushing back, and her heart began to beat faster as she turned her head to her right. Lily was there, tied much like Avery with her arms above her head to round pole that ran from the floor to the ceiling above them. Avery didn’t see Eily anywhere. “Lily,” Avery said, though her voice cracked from how dry it was. She licked her lips, praying Lily wasn’t dead. “Lily.”

they're not going to find you. )
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Subject:more blood, or less?
Time:09:43 pm
Who: Clementine, Zania, and Jericho
Where: Clementine & Zania’s house
When: Close to Midnight

Zania’s plan was to go out after midnight, figuring it was the time that most people would be sleeping and least likely to go on a patrol. If tomorrow turned out to be sunny, she might as well make the most of the night. To prepare, she sat by the fire sharpening her machete, humming to herself, the absence of electricity starting to get to her. It wasn’t that she minded not having power-- she’d gotten used to that outside the dome-- but she missed the ability to play music.

Clementine had been dozing on the couch, as near the fire as she could be and under a big bunch of blankets to stay warm. She'd only been snoozing lightly, though, so after a few moments of Zania there sharpening her weapon, Clem was awake and slowly watching her. "What's the haps, Doc?" She asked, a yawn in her voice as she shifted a little to get a better look at Zania. "Where you headed?"
more )
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Subject:Three More Abductions
Time:06:45 pm
Who: Eily, Avery, Lily, and Wesley
Where: Late Evening
When: The Pub

Avery was attempting to work. It was really a lack of motivation, which wasn't unusual for her, but because Eily was closing and not Lochlan, Avery knew she had to at least help out with something. The last few days had been utter crap, but that wasn't really the best excuse to stand around and mope. And Eily didn't usually let her get away with work laziness the way her brother did. So after the last patron had wandered out of the bar, Avey cleared off the tables, carrying the bin of dirty dishes back behind the counter. She knew Eily had wanted to talk, and even though Avery offered to visit in the morning, now seemed just a good a time as any, since they were the only two left in the place.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Avery asked, trying to sound casual. Eily had said she wasn't in trouble, but it seemed ominous anytime someone she knew texted, wanting to 'talk'.

“He liked his ladies feisty.” )
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Subject:unhappy reaction
Time:12:16 am
Who: Liam, Audrey and Finn
Where: their house
When: wee hours

Finn had done everything he could for the storm. He’d worked his ass off at work because the lumberyard had been full of people needing firewood once the weather took a turn and then continued on after the rain started and the power started to flicker. When he got home he’d brought a haul with him pleased to see they both still had some leftover from his carry home and that someone else had managed to get some home as well. The power was out and thankfully his arrival at home had been met with silence, no one in the common areas of the house. He made sure a fire was going, the pantry had food stocked and the candles were out and accessible. Then he’d taken one for himself and gone up to his room and not come out. He knew he should have checked on his crew, made sure they were home and safe, but that might involve talking to them, talking to people and Finn hadn’t been ready for dealing with people at work. There was no way he was ready for dealing with people at home, the people who would really ask the questions he wasn’t sure he was ready to answer. He had no idea how things had gone so terribly awry with Avery, but he was sure it was his fault. That was certain, but just what he’d done was still a mystery. How could she have thought he didn’t care about her? He had. That was why he’d wanted her safe and happy and had been willing to do whatever she wanted to feel that way. Hadn’t that been obvious? Sleep hadn’t come and Finn hadn’t fought it. He’d just sat by the window, looking out it at the storm, wrapped in a warm sweater and a blanket. It was probably warmer downstairs near the fire, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave the safety of his room.
you should have talked to me )
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Subject:Take Your Happiness
Time:11:42 pm
Who: Darcy, Noah, and Jason
Where: near Darcy’s house
When: Late

“Look, I’m not doing that walk of shame in the same clothes thing,” Darcy told Noah, smiling as she pulled him along towards her house. “We can just stop in, grab my stuff, then head back to your place. I don’t want to possibly run into Avery anyway.” Her cousin was up to her usual tricks, being even more annoying despite the fact that they hadn’t done more than text each other today.

Noah chuckled lightly. He thought of protesting about how it wasn't shameful for her to borrow his clothes but he understood that sometimes a girl wanted her own stuff. Sylvia was like that. "You're staying over then?" he asked, his tone obviously pleased. There was something so nice about waking up beside her. "How will I pick you up at your house for our date if you don't go home. Can you brave the possibility of seeing Avery tomorrow for that?"

and shove it )
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Subject:Sibling Comforts
Time:12:31 pm
Who: Avery, Lochlan, and Fiona
Where: Fiona’s House
When: Morning

Fiona stepped out of the shower and reached for a nearby towel, wrapping it around her slim frame before reaching for another to scrunch dry her hair. She wasn’t sure how soon she would see Lochlan after Avery, or if the two would be here at the same time, so she wanted to be sure she was able to bathe beforehand. With how heightened Lochlan’s senses were, she didn’t know if he’d be able to tell she had spent the night with a Ryker of her own, especially considering Jack was a werewolf himself. With how down he had sounded in his text messages, the last thing she was looking to cause him was any further aggravation by reminding him that his sister wasn’t a pure beacon of innocence.

She poked her head out of the bathroom to take a listen for if anyone had arrived before moving to her bedroom to slip into clothes for the day. It was still pretty chilly and the cold shower did not help, so she chose heavier layers to wear. A frown pulled at her lips at the idea that something was wrong with Avery based on the texts she and Lochlan shared earlier, moving from her bedroom to re-examine if any of her family had arrived yet. She wasn’t used to being the comforter, but she was ready to take on the role if needed.

Are we all on the same cycle today, or what? )
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Subject:Three's Company
Time:07:21 pm
Who: Avery and Darcy, Then Noah
Where: Avery and Darcy’s house
When: Just after school

The storm had hit in full force by lunch time at school and just before the last bell rang, the lights started to flicker. Darcy had figured out that the lights were out in her dash home in the pouring rain and sleet because the houses along the way were dark, including hers. “Aves?” she called out when she got through the door, soaked to the bone and shivering. Hopefully her cousin wasn’t home, but Darcy had noticed Avery wasn’t in school which was probably a bad sign. Though for what outside of Avery being home and something she had to deal with right now, Darcy had no idea. Darcy didn’t wait for an answer, peeling out of wet clothes in the foyer before starting towards her room to find something warmer to wear.

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Subject:A Rock and a Hard Place
Time:07:19 pm
Who: Lance, Kenzie, and Zania
Where: Lance & Kenzie's Place
When: Late Afternoon

It was cold. And wet. And though Zania knew she should be inside, she had wandered next door to see what Lance was up to. She'd started up a fire in her own fireplace, since Nic had been kind enough to come by and make sure she had firewood, but she didn't know if Lance had gotten any for himself and Kenzie before the rain started. With a small pile wrapped in plastic, she hurried next door and knocked on the door. In addition to firewood, she'd brought food, and food was rarely turned down.

and being stuck between them )
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Subject:Sneaky Dickens
Time:07:52 am
Who: Avery, Lochlan, Lily, and Fiona
Where: Fiona's House
When: Early Evening

It had taken Avery some of her afternoon to finally track down Lochlan’s Lily. Thankfully the texts that Fiona sent her after her sister spoke with Lochlan gave Avery a pretty good idea as to who Lily actually was. Dark haired, pretty. Avery visited Eatzy’s enough to remember the waitress there who matched the name and vague description. It just so happened Lily happened to be at the diner when Avery walked in, and after smiling and chatting her up for awhile, Avery revealed herself to be Lochlan’s sister, and invited Lily over to dinner. One thing Avery liked about Lily is she didn’t say no. Family was obviously important to the O’Reilly’s, and Avery was pleased that Lily seemed to get that after talking with Avery for a little while.

Now she was at Fiona’s, waiting for Lily to show up. Or her brother. Whoever made it first. The food was edible enough, or so Avery thought and it was nice being able to do this without a huge family dinner like Patrick seemed to want for Darcy and Noah. What better way to scare off a potential significant other than to toss every living O’Reilly at them at once? Even if Fiona and Avery were being silly about meeting Lily, at least they hadn’t invited the whole clan over.

“At least it smells okay,” Avery said to Fiona, looking down at the food they were finishing up. “I mean, it shouldn’t give anyone food poisoning.”

'This was an ambush. Oh they would so pay.' )
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