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Time:12:53 am
Who: Finn and Audrey
Where: Their House
When: Afternoon

Finn had had a decent day at work, which had him on a decent footing for the afternoon. He supposed he should have been thinking of Avery all day, which in a way he was, but she hadn’t consumed his thoughts as he might imagine she would have. He was looking forward to seeing her, but perhaps not the event as much. While he wasn’t as aware of it as he should be, social settings were not his best and this was likely to test that. That was still a few hours away though, time enough to eat and shower before he headed to meet her, so it wasn’t in the forefront of his mind like making a sandwich was, and he was thinking more on food than anything else as he got to the house and stepped inside.

and feeling new things )
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Subject:No More Rules
Time:12:51 am
Who: Clementine and Skylar
Where: Clementine’s house
When: evening

Skylar left Nic and despite the residual high he wandered back to his house to shower and change clothes before heading to Clementine’s. Once he got to her house there was a clear hesitation on the porch, not knocking right away because he wasn’t sure how to go about things. Or what he would say. For a good few minutes he stood there, trying to decide and eventually he gave up, knocking anyway and hoping she was home.

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Subject:Reckless Decisions
Time:12:48 am
Who: Darcy and Aidan
Where: Darcy’s house
When: Late evening

Darcy didn’t like the way what Eily had said made her feel. It made her feel really, really weird. She didn’t like the parts about how she was an awful person. She didn’t like the parts about how she needed help. That was alarming. Did she need help? Darcy wasn’t sure. She didn’t feel like she needed help. At least not until Eily had said so. Now she wasn’t so sure.

She was laying on her bed, hoping Aidan came over. He had said they could talk, but they hadn’t specified a time, which was fine, but she was a little anxious that he might really think she was creepy like Eily had said. And while she didn’t think he would say he would come and not, she wouldn’t blame him at this point. And she was feeling bad that he hadn’t felt like he could tell her she was a creepy human being.

you're definitely crazy )
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Time:08:59 pm
Who: Riley and Lia
When: Early evening
Where: The ranch

After finishing up her shopping, Lia had left to stop by the elementary school to pick up Sophia. Together the two of them walked home, Sophia skipping a few feet ahead and chattering about her day, and the activities she had participated in. Lia had laughed at Sophia’s enthusiasm, and asked the right questions to keep her daughter occupied during the walk. Once they were inside, Lia gave Sophia a quick snack as she unloaded the groceries and put them away. Then she suggested going to the barn dance for a bit of fun, and Sophia cheered happily, dancing back and forth in her chair at the promise of going out instead of doing her homework.

The two of them changed into comfortable clothes, and Lia braided Sophia’s long blonde hair before tying her own up into a messy ponytail on top of her head. After locking up, they began to walk hand in hand when Lia casually mentioned wanting to invite Riley to join them. Sophia beamed and began to wonder out loud if Mrs. Haggerty would have more cookies, or if she could see Ophelia before they left. Lia knew she should have probably texted Riley first, but she saw nothing wrong with dropping in to ask if he would want to come with them. It was late enough in the day that she doubted he had eaten dinner yet, and Lia was excited by the prospect of having an evening together as a family. And then maybe she could convince him to spend the night with her.

I'm surprised he hasn't told you yet. There's no secrets between you two apparently. )
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Subject:I'm Her Alpha
Time:08:52 pm
Who: Micah and Riley
Where: The hospital
When: Late afternoon

'You're her WHAT, precisely, mate?' )
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Subject:Getting Drunk and Protecting Families
Time:08:52 pm
Who: Patrick & Riley
Where: The Pub
When: Afternoon

Riley had finished running a few errands, making a few new appointments around town. He didn’t have a whole lot as there were only a few establishments that required his meat and then the market as well. His mind kept turning on the beer he’d wanted earlier and so he was wandering into the pub for some lunch and a beer or two. The business end of running the ranch wasn’t his favorite thing but it was part of the job and he did enjoy talking to the people. In Delphi there was the benefit of the feel of a small town system like he’d been part of back in Australia. What he wouldn’t give for a good cold West End or Cascade Special but Australian tastes weren’t to be found in the States anymore. So he settled for whatever O’Reilly’s cooked up which was pretty damned good if he were honest. One of these days he’d have to shake hands with the brewmaster.

Guarded Conversation )
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Time:08:41 pm
Who: Finn and Avery
When: Evening
Where: Barn dance

Finn knew he was distracted, but he couldn't get himself to focus any more than he was. He'd picked up Avery at her house to go to the party, but was quieter than usual, thoughts stuck on Audrey and what had been said as well as what had happened. How was he supposed to decide? Thoughts of kissing Audrey were encompassing, but Audrey had feelings for Liam as well and Finn knew how Liam felt about Audrey. He also knew that Liam and Audrey wouldn't be a bad match and he wasn't sure he could take something his friend wanted like that. And then there was Avery, who'd been nothing but sweet, was pleasant to be around and liked him despite his shortcomings. If he told her they couldn't be together, he might hurt her and Audrey might wind up with Liam anyway. It was confusing and it had driven him to silence, despite the noise of the hoe down.

Avery wasn't oblivious to Finn's mental distance. He had been quiet since he picked her up, despite her best efforts to get him to talk. She felt a little silly then, having been stupidly excited to see him again after dinner with her siblings. She figured he either had stuff on his mind, or he was completely disinterested in being at the barn dance at all. Avery held a drink in her hand, watching everyone dance, eat and socialize. She saw a few people she knew, briefly considered wandering over to talk to them, but decided she would rather have Finn's company, despite his silence. Finally she looked at him with a small smile. "Do you want to go? We could go for a walk or something. It doesn't seem like you're having very much fun."

I want you to go away now. Because if you don't, I'm probably going to punch you in the face. )
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Subject:Minxy and the Wolfman
Time:04:44 pm
Who: Lily and Lochlan
When: Later evening
Where: O'Reilly's Pub, the lake, and then Lily's
Warnings: NSFW

Heat and Indecision )
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Time:08:53 am
Who: Frankie and Gin
When: Early evening
Where: Encore

Frankie had finished up her duties on the ranch a little later than usual, but with the Boss Man indisposed, so to speak, she hadn’t thought anyone really minded it, since her job hadn’t held anyone up from leaving for the day. She knew of the barn dance going on at… well, the barn. A barn, and Frankie thought about checking it out herself. She was even dressed in conjunction with the theme, with her jeans and red, flannel shirt that clashed horribly with her hair. Of course, Frankie considered it a non-conformist fashion statement. Quirky, if you will.

But instead of heading for the barn after cleaning up, Frankie wandered in the direction of Encore. She hadn’t seen Gin in a day or so, and Frankie thought it was her friendly duty to invite Gin along, if she wanted to go. Getting to Encore took a bit longer than it probably should have, as Frankie was distracted by a couple of shops along the way and found herself browsing a bit before remembering her intended destination.

She opened the door to Encore, stepping inside and immediately scanning the place for her friend. “Gin?”

and Pissy McPeesinherbed. )
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Subject:Sneaky Dickens
Time:07:52 am
Who: Avery, Lochlan, Lily, and Fiona
Where: Fiona's House
When: Early Evening

It had taken Avery some of her afternoon to finally track down Lochlan’s Lily. Thankfully the texts that Fiona sent her after her sister spoke with Lochlan gave Avery a pretty good idea as to who Lily actually was. Dark haired, pretty. Avery visited Eatzy’s enough to remember the waitress there who matched the name and vague description. It just so happened Lily happened to be at the diner when Avery walked in, and after smiling and chatting her up for awhile, Avery revealed herself to be Lochlan’s sister, and invited Lily over to dinner. One thing Avery liked about Lily is she didn’t say no. Family was obviously important to the O’Reilly’s, and Avery was pleased that Lily seemed to get that after talking with Avery for a little while.

Now she was at Fiona’s, waiting for Lily to show up. Or her brother. Whoever made it first. The food was edible enough, or so Avery thought and it was nice being able to do this without a huge family dinner like Patrick seemed to want for Darcy and Noah. What better way to scare off a potential significant other than to toss every living O’Reilly at them at once? Even if Fiona and Avery were being silly about meeting Lily, at least they hadn’t invited the whole clan over.

“At least it smells okay,” Avery said to Fiona, looking down at the food they were finishing up. “I mean, it shouldn’t give anyone food poisoning.”

'This was an ambush. Oh they would so pay.' )
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Subject:dark urges
Time:01:20 am
Who: Serge and December
Where: the morgue
When: night
Warning: somewhat nsfw

December was bored at work. There weren’t any autopsies to perform that night, which was great, but it meant she yet again was sort of not doing much of anything. The werewolf stuff had turned out okay, so she didn’t need to be spinning her wheels on that either. So, she was lying down on the couch in her office, tossing pencils at the ceiling to see if she could get them to stick. It was that interesting a night.

Boredom was welcome, as far as Serge was concerned. When the last week of his life went from fighting direwolves to building cages for and watching over shapeshifters? He’d take a dull night or two. And so far, that’s exactly what he’d gotten ever since the werewolf camp had disbanded following the full moon. He wasn’t complaining. He was running out of things to keep him busy, even after exercising, cleaning most of the weapons in the police station, walking patrol, and even doing his paperwork.

Luckily, Serge was a man who always had at least one backup plan worked out, and in the case of a boring night? He’d start with the most promising one; a visit to the morgue to check on the woman he’d nudged into organizing the supernatural in Delphi. Breezing through the mostly-quiet hospital hallways and descending to the morgue, Serge lingered in the halls beyond December’s workspace, knocking on a viewing window to announce himself before entering.
worth looking back at )
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Subject:One Ring to Rule Them All
Time:09:21 pm
Who: Lance and Ember
Where: Lance's House
When: Late Afternoon

Ember had been consumed in her own thoughts when she finally stopped to observe her surroundings. Her legs had been on autopilot since she left Gin's shop and subconsciously, she just knew she wanted to be somewhere that she wouldn't run into Cody. Not yet. Her need to control situations was taking over her previous flurry of feelings she had experienced and she just wanted to make sure she had a clear decision on what to do with him set before their next interaction. So, that apparently meant entering into the house of her least favorite thief and venturing further along into his bedroom. She was disappointed to find he wasn't there and it seemed with the general silence that surrounded her that no one else was home. She glanced around, hoping her ring would pop out at her, but again was disappointed to not see it laying in some obvious area. Had he given it to someone or sold it? With a heavy sigh, she flopped onto his bed and lay there, sprawled out. Well, at least she seemed in the clear to avoid any unwelcome run-ins here.

Lance had been with Zan most of the morning napping and then coaxing some more attention out of her since she was dragging him to that damn party later. Eventually he’d left, headed home for a shower and to change. He looked for Kenzie but didn’t see her, which was fine. He guessed she was at work or somewhere else, then headed back towards his room, slipping out of his jacket and about to toss it at his bed before stopping just short. “Um...who the hell are you?” And why was there some girl on his bed?

'So help me god I will make you head straight for that goddamn white light.' )
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Subject:Nap Interrupted
Time:11:29 am
Who: Fiona & Lochlan
When: Late morning
Where: Fiona’s house

Lochlan was sleeping on the couch. He had spent such a great evening with Lily then walked her home in the morning. He was happy in ways he hadn’t been in a long time it seemed. But he was exhausted. Sleeping in a high hide wasn’t exactly how he’d remembered, or at least, not how his back had remembered, having gotten used to the likes of softer places to sleep like couches and occasionally a bed. So he needed a nap. Fi’s seemed like the best place to crash at the moment because he was almost guaranteed not to run into Eily or anyone else except possibly Avery who would likely just leave him alone if she saw him sleeping. Or wake him up and grill him about Lily which he wouldn’t have minded in the least.

So he was sleeping, snoring and grinning like an idiot. He was dreaming about things he hadn’t decided to do with Lily on their overnight trip. Things he’d like to do in the future if given the chance. Every so often a word or two slipped out in a whisper or a laugh. Lochlan was probably the dorkiest happy sleeper there was.

'Top o'the mornin' to yeh, brudder o'mine!' )
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Subject:Nefarious Plotting
Time:11:58 am
Who: Avery and Fiona
When: morning before school
Where: Fiona's

Avery was up early for school, having been unable to really sleep the night before. She hadn't heard Darcy come home, and Avery hadn't bothered to check in her cousin's room before showing, getting dressed and heading out. She had a stupid grin on her face and wondered if she was starting to feel what Darcy had talked about with Noah. In any case, she stopped by Fiona's house on her way to school, having not seen her sister in a couple days. And maybe it would be best to get some advice from someone who want Darcy, or Lochlan. Definitely not Lochlan.
Avery stepped up to the door and knocked, readjusting the strap of her school bag on her shoulder. She might have just walked in but she didn't want to freak Fiona out if she was still sleeping.

do you feel any different? )
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Subject:It's a Barn Raiser!
Time:12:45 am
Where: A Barn
When: 6PM Onward

Mickey hadn't planned on attending the social event, but as it would always have it, he got a frantic phone call that the lights weren't working right and they needed a hand. He'd hurried that way, helping with the extra lights in the barn that had been cleared of most of the equipment so there would be space to dance. Tables had been rolled in and set up so people would have places to mingle and the grill was going at full capacity. By the time Mickey had solved the electrical problem, the barn had lights up as well, and the band was starting. It wasn't a bad atmosphere to get stuck in at all, and despite his reservations, he'd been handed a beer and was taking in the party with everyone else.
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Subject:an odd place to meet
Time:12:41 am
Who:: Avery and Audrey
When: very early
Where: Finn and company's house

It was late by the time Avery got dressed and left Finn in his bedroom, well past midnight. The house was quiet, so Avery walked as quietly as she could down the stairs, holding her sandals in one hand. She stifled a yawn and tried to brace herself for the walk home. Hopefully it wouldn't be too chilly. It had been totally worth it, of course, but she was still more than ready to get home and pass out in her bed since she didn't think it was the best idea to sleep over at Finn's just yet.

Once she got to the bottom of the stairs, Avery sat down on the step to slip her shoes on.

Audrey knew it was probably weird of her to have waited up. But she hadn't really wanted to go upstairs and hear anything, so she'd stayed downstairs, then it had gotten late and she didn't know if it would be even weirder, so she'd half dozed on the couch listening to music. And now apparently she was faced with Avery. Sitting up, she tugged the buds out of her ears, and she gazed at the girl. “...hey,” she said, voice barely above a whisper. She didn't want to scare Avery or wake anyone else up.
also awkward )
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Subject:Girl Talk
Time:11:15 pm
Who: Zania and Clementine
Where: Their House
When: Afternoon

When Zania finally got up, she pulled Lance into the shower with her, enjoying his company for a while longer before sending him on his way. She had a few things to do before the the hoe down that night, priority number one being baking something for everyone to enjoy. To get herself in the mood, she pulled on her cowboy boots and headed into the kitchen, dancing around the music as she began work on a blackberry cobbler. It had been a good day so far, one of the best in recent weeks, and there was little that could bring her down.

Read more... )
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Subject:Family Breakfast
Time:11:14 pm
Who: Jack, Mannix, and Lily
Where: Lily’s house
When: Morning

Lily had nearly been floating around the kitchen, humming every love song that she knew even the slightest of. She had had the greatest night and morning so far, waking up to Lochlan being something she wanted to be able to do an innumerable amount of times. If she hadn’t had plans for breakfast with her brothers, she was fairly confident she wouldn’t have been able to pry herself from Lochlan’s arms or kisses. At the thought, she considered the idea that Jack might be able to smell him on her if his senses were as keen as Lochlan’s, eyeing the timer she had set for the banana bread that was baking in the oven. She had enough time to get a quick shower in before continuing to cook, and then she could avoid the possibility of her brother going alpha male for the time being. She didn’t know if that was an actual thing, but she knew dogs sometimes seemed agitated at the scent of other dogs in their house.. and then she quickly decided she had better keep that analogy to herself. Being likened to a dog might be just a little bit offensive for either of, if not both, the werewolves in her life. She scooted to the bathroom, running the water in the shower while she sought out something to wear for the day. It was already considerably more warm than it had been yesterday, so it seemed the perfect occasion for her favorite pair of shorts and a light sweater.

She returned to the kitchen about fifteen minutes later, making sure the bread still had time in the oven before seeing to preparing the fruit salad from the fruits she had picked up at the market on their way back from the high hide. She hadn’t quite stopped her humming streak while lost in her own little love bubble, but she did at least try to be somewhat quiet as she didn’t want to disturb Mannix, wherever he was in the house.

Read more... )
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Subject:Pillow Talk
Time:11:12 pm
Who: Aidan and Sylvia
Where: The Ghost House
When: Morning

Sylvia had been awake for a while. She had gotten up, though not gotten dressed, and merely sat up, gazing at him. She was trying to work everything out. His turning into a werewolf to find her, what that could mean, the fact that he was there at all, his insistance that there was no vampiric influence.

And that wasn't even counting the emotional storm that had brewed up. If she were to accept that he liked her for her, that he had a strong connection with her that he wanted to pursue, then she had to accept that there were emotional ties to be had. She wasn't good with emotions. She wasn't certain how she was meant to react. She felt that there was some 'right' answer out there, but that it eluded her. So, she was still as a statue, not even breathing, watching him sleep. And, of course, he was certainly a pretty sight, despite all the confusion and conflicting input.

Read more... )
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Time:11:58 pm
Who: Nic and Skylar, with a brief appearence from Micah
Where: Nic's house
When: Late morning

Kenzie had stayed late and Skylar had wound up sleeping in his truck. When he woke up he was very aware that he was in a worse place than before and drug himself out of the truck, falling over the side before deciding what he wanted. He didn't bother with a shower, hair still askew, wearing the leather jacket and scarf he'd slept and and headed straight for Nic's house, knocking on the door. Who cared if Dr. Sexy was there. Skylar didn't. He wanted to talk to his friend and he wasn't stopping it until he got him dressed and headed for the diner with coffee.

Nic was expecting Skylar, even if he didn’t know when. He’d gotten up, showered, and called in to put himself on call. If he was going to get baked with Skylar, he didn’t need to be officially at work. Hopefully there’d be no emergency that required his assistance. When the knock came to the door, Nic went to answer it dressed in a t-shirt in jeans. At the sight of Skylar standing before him in slight disarray, he raised both brows. “Did you start without me?”

The boys catch up )
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