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Subject:Snuggling by the Fire
Time:08:15 pm
Who: Lance and Zania
Where: Lance’s Place
When: Late Night

Despite the earlier blow up with Kenzie, Zania couldn’t be happier. She was laying by the fire with Lance beside her, a blanket beneath them, and nothing on. At this point she didn’t think Kenzie was returning any time soon, though she realized they probably needed to move to the bedroom before that happened. Still, it was nice to be there with Lance, to know he wanted her there. “If you had a million dollars, what would have spent it on? Back in the day?”

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Subject:Some Unwanted and Wanted Enlightenment
Time:06:04 pm
Who: Lochlan & Lily
Where: Lily's house
When: Evening (after the storm)

Lily had spent all day trapped alone at home and was beginning to go a little stir crazy. There wasn’t really any part of her that wanted to be outside in the weather as it had been, but she also didn’t want to be inside much longer either. Princess seemed to be pleased with her presence lingering longer than it typically did, at least. The kitten had spent periods snuggling beside her, chasing after nothing in particular, more snuggling, and the occasional hide-and-pounce game. If it weren’t for her furry baby, she was sure she would have lost her mind by now and been banging her head against a wall. That is until she received a text message from Lochlan, her mood brightening considerably at the mention that he was going to come check on her. She had tried telling him that he didn’t need to, but he insisted and she certainly wasn’t going to argue being able to see him. She had missed him more than she had wanted to tell him because she didn’t want to be overly needy considering they had just spent all last night and a part of the morning together in amazingly sweet, sweaty, hot, bliss.

Hovering near the fire that she had been keeping up in her fireplace for a good part of the day, she sat with guitar in lap, strumming chords and humming a few lines along with it. She would pause every now and again to jot down chords she liked and words or phrases to match in a notebook on the floor beside her. She wasn’t sure when Lochlan would be over, but she was doing her best to keep herself busy so as to avoid suffering from a bad case of ants in her pants.

“I want you. I need you. I love you.” )
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Time:10:46 am
Who: Aidan and Lochlan
Where: The Pub
When: Afternoon

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Time:12:21 am
Who: Jack and Fiona
Where: The Winery
When: Early Evening
Warning: NSFW

Fiona had been sitting in her house, shivering and staring out the window at the fierce elements that had been wreaking havoc on Delphi for hours now. From bored texting, she caught wind that businesses had begun closing down due to the weather which was disheartening for her; she was both hungry and had nothing to drink to keep herself pre-occupied with some sense of alcoholic warmth and general bliss. It was after a few more minutes of sitting in silence, surrounded by falling darkness, that she said fuck it. She grabbed a zip-up hoodie from her couch as she passed it, pulling the hood up before she opened her front door and took a step outside. A big gust of harsh wind proved to make the act of just closing the door difficult, but she finally managed and quickly took off for the winery. It was closer than anything else and would be sure to curb not only her appetite, but her thirst for something with a little bite too.
wine and other things )
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Subject:turn, turn, turn
Time:12:16 am
Who: Eli and Audrey
Where: Their place
When: Afternoon

It was one of those days where staying in was the only option and Eli had taken up beside the fire, sketching away in his notebook. He’d spent the morning helping chop wood for people, his good deed of the day, and now he just wanted to relax. Maybe later he’d go see Corey, perhaps join her for dinner, but he wanted to see if the storm let up a little. When the electricity went out, he sighed, but was otherwise unbothered. They’d gone years without electricity; a few days wouldn’t kill them.

Audrey came up behind Eli and gave him a little squeeze on the shoulder as she sat down next to him. "Hey," she greeted. She was still up in the air over everything with Finn and Liam, maybe she needed a little Eli time. Also, there was the matter of becoming a werewolf, which she was still on board with. “You look cozy.”
catch up time, jealousy angles and a brand new werewolf )
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Subject:An Unexpected Betrayal
Time:11:14 pm
Who: Aidan and Patrick
Where: Phone Call
When: Noonish

When Patrick responded to his text with just “why”, Aidan didn’t wait to call him up. He’d told Eily that he wouldn’t break the news over text, and he wouldn’t, but he wasn’t going to argue with his older brother about if he should call or not. So he picked up the phone and called, waiting for his brother to pick up on the other end. He might not want to talk, but Aidan was at least going to try, knowing that the sooner he broke the news, the sooner he could put it behind him.

Patrick didn’t like this. He didn’t like this one bit. He didn’t talk to Aidan much and he definitely didn’t call him so the fact that they needed to talk right now was concerning. When the call came through, Pat answered and cleared his throat. “What is happening?”

Most people answer with a simple 'hello' )
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Subject:Sharing a Smoke
Time:11:12 pm
Who: Kenzie and Mannix
When: Evening
Where: The brothel

Kenzie had wandered once she left Lance, but not for very long. It was cold outside, and windy and raining and she hadn’t taken her jacket from the house. For about fifteen seconds she walked in the direction of the greenhouse, but she didn’t feel comfortable being around Skylar when she felt down and miserable. So Kenzie had changed course and finally arrived at the brothel. Walking inside, she shivered and shut the door behind her as rain dripped from her clothes and hair to the floor.

Walking into the house, she saw the fire ahead, with some of the other girls huddled around, warming themselves in front of the flames and laughing about… whatever it was they laughed about. Kenzie didn’t talk to them often. She rubbed her arms and wondered if Mannix was around. Or someone familiar. She thought about finding a room to sleep in for a while, at least.

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Time:07:58 pm
Who: Lia and Riley
When: Afternoon
Where: the ranch

As predicted, Lia and Sophia were both soaked by the time they made it to the ranch. Lia had enjoyed chatting with Savannah, but once they were inside, she made Sophia take her jacket off, and then her shoes and socks, as not to track water and mud through the house. It was awfully quiet, and Lia noted that Mrs. Haggerty didn’t come immediately to greet them. Sophia was bouncing on her toes while Lia stripped off her own jacket. The overnight bag she had packed was soaked too, and she was hoping she could toss the pajamas and clothes into the dryer. “Can I have a cookie?” Sophia asked, completely unfazed by her wet clothes and dripping hair.

“After we get dried off,” Lia said, “if there are any cookies to be had. Why don’t we go find Riley first?”

you know we’re already married, don’t you? )
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Subject:A Little Bit of Jealousy and A Lot of Advice
Time:07:46 pm
Who: Lia and Savannah
Where: Elementary School to the Ranch
When: Early afternoon

It was days like these that Lia was grateful that Sophia’s school wasn’t terribly far from the ranch. Despite her umbrella, she was soaked as she stepped into the school. Lia lowered the umbrella and brushed some wet hair back from her forehead as she started down the hall to Sophia’s classroom. She had a bag already packed for them two of them to stay at the ranch overnight, so she wouldn’t have to drag Sophia all the way home in the storm. It was a bad one, which likely meant they wouldn’t be able to see the horses much, but Lia figured she and Riley could keep their daughter occupied enough before bedtime.

As she rounded the corridor, she spotted Savannah in the hall, and Lia offered her a smile, despite being soaked to the bone and her shoes squeaking on the floor. “Hi, Savannah.”

'We could walk together if you wanted.' )
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Time:07:24 pm
Who: Lydia and Skylar
Where: The Greenhouse
When: Afternoon

Despite being a ghost, Lydia managed to get wet by the rain. She wasn’t sure how, exactly, but it felt so real that she could feel her clothes getting damp. Rather than stay outside and see if she got soaked, she ran into the nearest building, pleased to find herself in a greenhouse. “Hello?” she called out, walking through it and looking at all the plants. It felt so alive inside, life in a little glass box.

Pretty insightful for a ghost )
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Subject:In the Dark Corners of Your Mind
Time:07:23 pm
Who: Mickey and December
Where: December’s house
When: Early afternoon

Mickey wasn’t going to do anything, but as soon as the weather got bad, he couldn’t stop looking at the spot on December’s roof that he’d been thinking about fixing for a while. He shouldn’t bother with it considering he wasn’t sure if his help would be an invasion or well appreciated, but then the sky got dark and he couldn’t stop himself. Which meant when the rain and sleet started, he’d already climbed the ladder and was working on part of her roof. He’d started at fixing it, then wound up just putting down a tarp as the weather turned, hoping it would hold through the worst of it. It was weird thing this weather, reminding him way too much of home, which was always an unsettling feeling. And if it was anything like home, it wasn’t going to get much better.

and in dire need of light )
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Subject:Three's Company
Time:07:21 pm
Who: Avery and Darcy, Then Noah
Where: Avery and Darcy’s house
When: Just after school

The storm had hit in full force by lunch time at school and just before the last bell rang, the lights started to flicker. Darcy had figured out that the lights were out in her dash home in the pouring rain and sleet because the houses along the way were dark, including hers. “Aves?” she called out when she got through the door, soaked to the bone and shivering. Hopefully her cousin wasn’t home, but Darcy had noticed Avery wasn’t in school which was probably a bad sign. Though for what outside of Avery being home and something she had to deal with right now, Darcy had no idea. Darcy didn’t wait for an answer, peeling out of wet clothes in the foyer before starting towards her room to find something warmer to wear.

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Subject:A Rock and a Hard Place
Time:07:19 pm
Who: Lance, Kenzie, and Zania
Where: Lance & Kenzie's Place
When: Late Afternoon

It was cold. And wet. And though Zania knew she should be inside, she had wandered next door to see what Lance was up to. She'd started up a fire in her own fireplace, since Nic had been kind enough to come by and make sure she had firewood, but she didn't know if Lance had gotten any for himself and Kenzie before the rain started. With a small pile wrapped in plastic, she hurried next door and knocked on the door. In addition to firewood, she'd brought food, and food was rarely turned down.

and being stuck between them )
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Subject:Preparing for the Storm
Time:05:49 pm
Who: Eli and Savannah
Where: The lumberyard
When: Morning

Savannah had been up early in the morning like always, preferring to have some time to wake and leisurely prepare for her day. She couldn’t help but notice that today had a different feel to it when she stepped outside to get some fresh air, though. For one, it was colder than what she had grown used to within the dome. She had ignored it at first, but it only grew colder as the morning pressed on and that caused her to re-evaluate her hopes that the temperature would rise throughout the day. Finally, she decided she had better pay a visit to the lumberyard before school so she could be prepared to heat her room with the small fireplace inside it tonight, if needed. She changed into a more appropriate outfit for collecting firewood than the dress she had previously slipped into, jeans and a t-shirt with a light zip-up hoodie her clothing of choice, then left the ranch with a basket in hand and headed for her destination.

It was busier than she had anticipated it would be; apparently a lot of other people had the same idea she did about stocking up for tonight. Then again, there was no reason to be surprised. After surviving everything out there, being prepared was something that just came naturally now. At least it did for her.

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Subject:Catching Up
Time:06:38 pm
Who: Frankie and Maggie
When: Morning
Where: The salon

Frankie was running late for her hair appointment. She really sort of loathed calling it that, because it had nothing to do with curling or styling and everything to do with allowing Maggie to cut about an inch of her hair off to get rid of split ends for about another month or so. It was simple, and probably wouldn’t take that long, but Frankie didn’t trust herself with her own hair and a pair of scissors. Besides, this way she got to say hello to Maggie and help out her business too, in a monetary kind of way.

With the skies so cloudy and the wind picking up, they had tried to get the horses and cattle settled before the storm started, so Frankie left the ranch later than she had meant to. Thankfully she didn’t live too far from Maggie’s, and the weather nudged her along, the wind keeping her from getting distracted by something, or someone else, and forgetting her appointment all together. Her hair whipped about her face, creating a curtain of red as she stood on Maggie’s door step and knocked loudly. Hopefully Maggie remembered the appointment. Frankie had seen her the night before at the barn dance with a few beers, so a hangover was always a possibility.

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Subject:How to handle a haunting
Time:05:26 pm
Who: Zania and Justin
When: Mid-morning
Where: Eatzy’s

Justin was beginning to seriously consider closing up. He had sent the cook and waiter home, able to manage the place on his own, given he hadn’t had any customers since Clementine left. It was looking decidedly worse outside, and there was only so much paperwork he could tolerate before he got bored. He decided to give it a bit longer, and he sat in one of the booths by the window, drinking his coffee and watching the increasingly high winds. It was bizarre, the weather. He recalled talking about it briefly with Riley. But nothing in the dome was surprising to him anymore. If he could claim to be a werewolf, and have a sister who was a vampire, odd weather wasn’t going to throw him.

and other everyday conversation )
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Subject:Urgent Boy Venting
Time:11:55 am
Who: Avery and Noah
Where: Out
When: Morning

The weather had changed quite drastically since Avery walked home from the barn dance the evening before. There was a distinct chill in the air, and it didn't take a genius to realize it was likely going to storm. The wind had picked up, the sky was gray and cloudy. Before leaving the house, Avery pulled on a hoodie on over her long sleeved t-shirt. Then she grabbed on of the cute, knit hats she bought a while back and slid one down over her ears, just to keep them warm. Then she left the house to meet Noah.

Ask around for the tall dude with blue hair and a face full of metal... )
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Subject:Over Easy
Time:09:16 am
Who: Justin and Clementine
When: Morning
Where: Eatzy’s

The breakfast rush was not so much a rush that morning as it was a slow trickle of people. One of his waitresses had been sick, so Justin was behind the counter, taking a few orders and pouring coffee. He didn’t mind it so much as he did the weather. It was cloudy and the wind was ridiculous, which he knew would keep people inside. If it began to storm, which he was starting to think it might, that meant lunch was going to be just as dead as well.

With only one person at the end of the counter eating a plate of pancakes, Justin had a cup of coffee at the other end, leaning against it casually as he glanced over the schedule for the rest of the day and into the evening. He needed to leave for a few hours, at least, so he was hoping the rest of his staff would show up so he wouldn’t have to lock up. He was already losing money, thanks to the damn, unpredictable weather.

and Pancakes )
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Time:02:21 pm
Who: Sylvia and Open
Where: central park
When: during the storm

It was wet, cold, a little miserable, and wholly unpleasant outside - but Sylvia had to be out in it. The sun wasn't cursing her to remain inside today, so she was out. She had to take her opportunities when they arose, did she not? So, she was at the playground, on the swings, swinging away like it wasn't torrenting rain. It wasn't as if she would get sick.
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Subject:break down
Time:01:34 pm
Who: Eily and Lochlan
Where: the bar
When: during the storm

Lochlan hadn’t been showing up for his shifts these days. She hadn’t seen him, he hadn’t been crashing either in his bed or on her couch, and it was...well. Lochlan being Lochlan. He flaked, it was what he did. She wasn’t even mad about the dumped shifts. It was actually pretty much refreshingly normal for the guy. She’d give him ten shades of hell for it, of course, but she wasn’t really upset at all. Eily had just opted to assume he wasn’t going to be in today either, and showed up for his shift, which was lucky because surprise! He hadn’t shown up.

With the weather being insane outside, there had only been one person in earlier, and they’d bugged out a half hour before. Not surprising, considering. But she actually didn’t mind the scenario. She had the bar to herself, she’d cracked a couple of beers and was cleaning up. Which at the moment, included her playing her battery powered portable stereo she used in the back when she was cleaning. Instead it sat on the end of the bar, blasting music that would never appear on the jukebox.
new levels of codependency )
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