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Subject:Fighting For Dominance
Time:07:37 pm
Who: Nic and Micah
Where: The Hospital
When: Late Afternoon

When Nic woke to find the temperature had dropped, the first thing he did was stock the house with fresh firewood. Then he went to work helping other people stock their houses, as well as make sure their flu was open to prevent more work for him later on. He wasn’t worried about anyone’s ability to set a fire, since they wouldn’t be alive now without that capability, but he did sometimes worry that they forgot they were in a house now and that setting a fire had different constraints inside rather than out. The rain, of course, slowed his work, and once the electricity went out he headed on down to the hospital. It was one of the few buildings in the dome with backup generators, but that didn’t mean things were easy on the inside. It was still only partially lit, though lucky not in a state of chaos. While people were cold, they weren’t in danger, so he went to find Micah.

and learning new roles )
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Subject:Popping In
Time:06:33 pm
Who: Riley and Ember
Where: The ranch
When: Morning

Ember had spent a considerable amount of time moping throughout the morning, her low even worse because of the incredible high she had experienced last night. The engagement ring that she had re-united with had proved to be some sort of energy source she could draw from, but she didn’t know how it worked. All she knew was one minute she was bumping into walls for the first time in ages then the seemingly next, she couldn’t even become visible if she wanted to. Did she break something? Was she forever doomed to live how she had when she was first introduced to her after life? Her endless woe-is-me party had her feet moving in no particular destination, though she recognized the surroundings when she glanced around to take note of where she was. The ranch. With that Riley guy who got all in a huff about her in his house. Why was she going to the places the people she didn’t really get along with resided? She almost turned around, but remembered the good that had happened from her lingering at Lance’s. She got her ring back. Although, now she was wondering if it was more a curse than a blessing. Still, she was curious to what the Australian cowboy was up to, so she marched forward with every intention of spying in her boring status. Little did she know, all her wishing, hoping, and focusing on being seen again had paid off since her previous consequence of becoming solid with her ring’s assistance had faded.

Riley groaned. The light in his eyes was so unwelcome and the fact that he was awake had him immediately grumpy. His head thudded dully and he regretted most of what he remembered and everything he didn't. He did remember telling off Micah. He did remember interacting with Lia. He groaned again at those memories feeling ashamed of himself and not the least bit frustrated with his own behavior. He definitely owed some apologies. He had gotten up to give his staff the day off and then fallen asleep again on the couch in the living room. His couch cushion was covered in drool. He sat up, wiped at his face, and looked around for his shirt. He froze when he saw Ember. "Oh, this is not happening," he moaned and closed his eyes for a moment. "What are you doing here again?"

“I only have eyes for your abs. I think I’m going to call them the Rilettes.” )
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Subject:breaking the news
Time:12:29 am
Who: Aidan and Eily
Where: Their House
When: Morning

Aidan knew he needed to talk to Eily. He also knew he needed to do it at home and that it wouldn’t hurt to butter her up. So he splurged a little on breakfast and made pancakes and bacon, along with fresh coffee and orange juice. The hardest part was not devouring all the bacon as he cooked it. He’d always loved it, but now that he was a wolf it was nearly impossible to stop himself from salivating. Hopefully Eily would enjoy it as well.

Read more... )
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Time:09:30 pm
Who: Darcy and Noah
Where: Darcy and Avery's House
When: Wee hours
Warning: NSFW

Noah had had the longest day ever. At least that was how it felt. Which was fine because it had ended okay mostly. All he had to look forward to was the O’Reilly family dinner. He was a little scared about that. What would they think of him? He had no clue what they were hoping for in a boyfriend or whatever he was for Darcy.

He was glad she’d meant it when she said she’d leave the window open. He slid in quietly and pulled the window shut as much as it had been before. Then he stood there, watching her sleep. Avoiding the embarrassment that had ensued when he’d done that during sex type things. He really liked Darcy. So much so that he slid under her covers, mindless of the time, and snuggled in close to her.

She shifted almost unconsciously when he got into bed, drifting closer, letting herself get caught up in his warmth. At first her sleepy thoughts went to Aidan, not that he was much of a cuddler, but more that he was one of the few people she'd willingly shared a bed with in the pas. But that lingering scent of beer and hops that followed Aidan wasn't there, and as waking tugged at her Darcy realized who it was. Turning into Noah's chest she let out a sigh of relief. She hadn't heard from him and honestly she was worried. Shouldn't he have wanted to take her to the party? She hadn't wanted to go, but that didn't mean she wasn't thinking about it after the fact. She'd been worried he'd already been scared off by dinner as well, which she knew was a sign that he wasn't who she thought he was. "Hi," she murmured against him, kissing his chest.

Would suck to not really like my boyfriend wouldn't it? )
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Subject:can we talk?
Time:04:19 am
Who: Noah and Sylvia
Where: the hospital
When: shortly after midnight

Noah had texted Aidan. After Darcy had let him know that Aidan had found Sylvia. It had been mortifying. He’d done it anyway because he needed to at least know she was okay. That she wasn’t dead. Not that he thought she would be because he had this amazing idea in his head of what vampires could do. Still he worried, wanted to know she was okay. Even if it was the last time they spoke. He just needed to be sure. So he’d gone into the hospital. It was the middle of the night but he was used to that now. He’d been up til all hours looking for Sylvia and then crashing with Darcy.

He’d realized at some point that she wasn’t going to come back. She’d been good to her word and was staying away which had messed with his head. He wasn’t sure he wanted to talk to her at this point but he knew he had to. So he’d gone looking for her again. This time using more of his brain than before. Though it felt stupid because why would she be on her hospital shift if she was avoiding everyone. Still, he tried. Entering the lab he knew she worked in usually and calling out her name. “Can we talk?”

Sylvia had been watching the clock. She didn't know if Noah would seek her out or not, but she was overly aware of the time either way. She was in the lab alone, as usual for this time of night, working on dried samples of her blood. At the sight of him, her posture relaxed almost imperceptibly. She exhaled a little, and realized she was relieved to see him. When he asked if they could talk, she nodded, setting everything down. "Would you prefer it here, or elsewhere?" she asked.
common ground, after much disagreement )
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Subject:You Left Me
Time:09:10 am
Who: Kenzie and Lance
When: extremely early
Where: Home

After Kenzie left Mickey and the barn party, she wandered toward O’Reilly’s pub where she had a much more entertaining time drinking and occasionally flirting with a few of the patrons. Flirting tended to get her free drinks, and despite the fact that she had money to spend, free was always better. Flirting also brought men closer to her, and she had been able to pocket a pretty cool lighter and a few dollars that one hadn’t bothered to keep in his wallet.

Kenzie stayed until closing and then stumbled out into the night, noting it felt much chillier than it had when she first arrived. While she shivered a bit, the alcohol coursing through her kept her warm enough on her slow walk home. Her state of inebriation had shifted at some point during the evening and Kenzie had long since passed the phase of flirtations and giggles. She felt shaky and temperamental, increasingly irritated that it sounded as if her heart were beating in her ears. Well, one ear, anyway. The other was useless. That didn’t keep it from beginning to ache, and Kenzie pressed her palm against it, squeezing her eyes shut against memories that wanted to resurface. She could almost feel the big, strong hand punching against the side of her head until blood trickled from her ear and down her neck. More than anything, Kenzie hated the nights when she couldn’t turn her mind off. Getting high or wasted usually accomplished it for her, but if anything, the alcohol tonight seemed to only make it worse.

I don't wanna be alone )
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Subject:Post Midnight Stalking
Time:11:48 pm
Who: Cody and Gin
When: Wee Hours
Where: Gin's House

After spending the rest of his day wandering around feeling all kinds of off, Cody wound up stalking Gin. He'd followed her from a long distance to her place, then sat outside of it for hours. Well past dark, into the wee hours. Eventually, he wandered into the house, imagining she was asleep, and he ghosted into her bedroom. Quietly skirting the bed, he sat down by where she was sleeping, back leaned up against the bed itself, and he listened to her breathe.

Gin had sketched for hours after both Cody and Ember had left. It hadn't occurred to her until it was well after dark that she should go home. She felt such an array of emotions after interacting with both of the dead people that she'd come up with some pretty stark, odd things on her sketchpad. Still, fatigue and the fact she hadn't eaten found her traipsing back to her house. It was stupid to be out past dark with werewolves and whatever else possibly was running around but she was almost a sleepwalker at this point. Lost in thought and on a mission. She fed herself, took a long bath, and got into bed. Only to find sleep a fickle mistress. She tossed, turned, and murmured in her sleep, until something external seemed to settle over her and she fell deeper into sleep. Resting, she smiled in her sleep until her dreams took a strange turn. She woke suddenly but something told her to keep her eyes shut so she did. She waited, trying to sense what was happening around her but sleep swirled with fear and she couldn't get her bearings immediately.

And Important Late Night Talking )
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Time:12:06 am

DATE: Friday, April 14, 2017

WEATHER: After midnight the temperature begins to drop, starting at 63 degrees and moving into the low 40s before the night is over. Dark clouds cover the sky, strong winds rip through the dome, and by noon a storm is in full effect with rain and even a little bit of sleet. Around 3pm the electricity begins to flicker, and eventually goes out. The temperature never rises above 45 degrees before the sun goes down, leading into a cold evening. Temperature ranges from 43-34°F.

EVENTS: It’s a day for lighting candles and fires in the fire places, as the torrential weather wreaks havoc inside the dome. The night is the coldest it’s ever been in the dome and the farmers fear for their crops, unprepared for a possible freeze. The recommendation is to stay inside and wait out the storm, especially since all businesses are closed by 3pm. Fortunately, everyone within the dome is a survivor and knows how to fare without electricity.

BODY COUNT: 60, 0 new this game day
2 from heart attacks via ghosts. 7 from the riot at the doors. 11 from bat bites. 3 from spontaneous combustion. 3 from blood loss. 34 from wolf attacks.
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