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Subject:Prize Number 3
Time:11:32 am
Who: Kenzie, Ainsley & Anne Marie
When: Night
Where: The forest

For the rest of the day, Kenzie drifted in and out of consciousness. She was tired, but secured in a way that made it difficult to sleep comfortably. She hadn’t eaten or had anything to drink in hours. Not to mention the fact that she had been suffering through nicotine withdrawal, which was hell on a whole other level. Throughout the day, Kenzie had heard footsteps upstairs, sometimes small murmurings of discussion directly above her, though she could never make out what was being said. Bobby didn’t return, and she imagined it was because his mother was home. Occasionally Kenzie would tug at her bindings, trying to get free without successful. She wanted to scream and fling horrible obscenities at her captors, but Kenzie was aware that her mouth could very easily trigger her demise, so instead she bit her tongue until she tasted blood, trying to muffle her shrieks of frustration and anger. Lance was looking for her, though. She knew that much. He had to be.

Finally, after what seemed days, though rationally Kenzie knew it couldn’t have been that long, she slumped back and closed her eyes, trying to breathe through her internal panic. She was too tired to do much else but hope that Lance would somehow track her down before Bobby decided to snap her neck and be done with it.

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Subject:Easier Than Expected
Time:01:25 am
Who: Kenzie, Ainsley, and Bobby
Where: From the street to Ainsley and Bobby’s
When: Early, early morning (about 1AM)
Warnings: NSFWish stuff between Bobby and Kenzie

Bobby had spent some time pacing Mockingbird Lane, purposely keeping the brothel in sight. It had been days now since he had first seen the brown haired girl that quickly caught his eye and he had, without much difficulty, managed to follow her home, to work, and just about everywhere in between. Of course, his time watching her was limited to after the sun set, and that was something that was beginning to aggravate him - it was time to solve the problem of not being able to see her when he wanted to once and for all. He moved closer to the brothel, closer than he ever had before, walking on the opposite side of the street as he peered hard in its direction. He shoved his hands into his pockets as he kept moving, crossing the street a yard or so away so that he could loop back again. His timing had turned out to be impeccable, his gaze picking up that the door had opened and closed.. and from what he could tell, that the brunette was on the move not too far ahead.

Unaware of anyone waiting, let alone following her, Kenzie left the brothel, shivering slightly at the chill still in the air. She really needed to get a heavier coat. She'd had one on the outside of the dome, where the elements had never been controlled, but it was still with her uncle, and there was no way to get it now. If she was stuck in this dome shaped Hell, the least they could do was keep it a warm seventy two degrees or something. It didn't help that she was wearing her black skirt and tights. She owned exactly one pair of pants, and her jeans had way too many rips in it to make much of a difference in warmth anyway.

Fucking crazy sick fuck with mommy issues. )
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