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Jan. 9th, 2013


Morning Wish by StarDuchess

Happy Birthday to our dear Severus! May he have a splendid day with many more wonderful years of shagging to come. ;)

Title: Morning Wish
Author: [info]starduchess
Pairing: Severus/Remus
Rating: R
Word Count: 100
Warnings: male sex, nothing explicit
Summary: Severus just has one true wish for his birthday.

Morning Wish )


Dec. 25th, 2012


After the Fall/NWS Art Under Cut

Yes, I know it's Christmas morning. Hope everyone is out there unwrapping gifts and not, like me, making potato salad to take to her sister's in an hour and getting mayonnaise all over the keyboard.

A few days ago, the Severus Sighs folks hosted something called the End of the World Fuckathon (or something of the sort). They wanted Severus to have a final orgasm to celebrate the (potential) end of the world as predicted by the Mayans.

The art below the cut was, once, nice art. Good art. Lovely art provided by [info]veridari. This was originally going to be posted at the end of the Halloween fest on Severus Sighs, but life intervened and I never finished it. After a few weeks, I showed it to veridari and my recollection is that 1) she laughed and 2) did not take me off her flist and 3) gave her permission to use it in whatever twisted way I wanted. I'm a little shaky on 3, so if you come back to this and it's not here...

[info]veridari is the queen of multi-panel art and I know I did not do her justice. The original pieces in this fine collection were created by Veridari for previous fests and challenges. "Ghost" Severus was part of the Severus_Sighs Halloween fest this year. "Five Rings" (I've added a sixth) was in response to a drabble challenge last Christmas. The modifications were done in a cheap (ok, free) Photoshop knock-off program, the animated gif in a free on-line animated gif maker.

[info]veridari, I salute you.

After the Fall )


Art: Yule Ball Practice (WS)

Title: Yule Ball Practice
Artist: PhoenixCharm180
Rating: PG (WS)
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Note:  Merry Christmas all!!!!!!!!!!
Yule Ball Practice )

Dec. 24th, 2012


Sketch and ficlet: Inadvisable Wand Play (pg. 8)

And in the end.

Read more... )

Dec. 23rd, 2012


Comic: Inadvisable Wand Play (pg. 6-7)

Title:Inadvisable Wand Play
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Explicit nudity, anal play, fisting, object insertion.
Medium: colored pencil on toned paper
Notes You could say Severus is getting shtupped after a fashion so this fits for Fuckathon I think.

What boy doesn't like getting toys at Christmas.

Read more... )


Comic: Inadvisable Wand Play (pg. 5)

Title:Inadvisable Wand Play
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Explicit nudity, anal play, fisting, object insertion.
Medium: colored pencil on toned paper
Notes You could say Severus is getting shtupped after a fashion so this fits for Fuckathon I think.

Read more... )

Dec. 22nd, 2012


And Snape Sleeps On

Title: And Snape Sleeps On
Author/Arist: [info]suitesamba
Pairing: Severus Snape/George Weasley
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1977
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: Severus is ready for the world to end. He just didn’t think he’d get to share the end of the world with someone, least of all someone who wanted to go out with a bang.
A/N: I threw this together rather quickly and it shows. It’s unbeta’d. Thanks to [info]roozetter who gave me the pairing and the prompt. That prompt was Severus/George, by the lake at Hogwarts, and George must cry. Written for the Severus_Sighs end of the world #fuckathon.

And Snape Sleeps On )

Dec. 21st, 2012


FIC: Four Times Severus Lost His Virginity and the One Time He Didn't

Title: Four Times Severus Lost His Virginity and the One Time He Didn't
Author: [info]torino10154
Highlight to read pairings:* Severus/Lily, Severus/Rosmerta, Severus/Regulus, Severus/Karkaroff, Severus/Minerva*
Rating: Soft R
Word Count: ~1120
Warnings: Not nearly enough smut, teen sexual situations, both het and slash pairings
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: See title. ;)
A/N: Unbeta'd. Written for [info]severus_sighs's Doomsday Fuckathon. I think it's more fun if you don't peek at the pairings. I apparently have never posted here myself so sorry if I've screwed up somehow.

Four Times Severus Lost His Virginity and the One Time He Didn't )


Can I Poison It? by BertaS

Title: Can I Poison It?
Author: BertaS
Date: 12/21/12
Characters: Severus a
Rating: G
Word Count: 150
Warnings: None
Summary: Just an odd little missing scene conversation before an Occlumency lesson.
A/N: This is not what Roo asked for, but I am just happy when my muse lets me write anything these days. Anything or anyone you recognize I most likely stole so I can play with them.

Poison )

Dec. 20th, 2012


Art: Harry Pevensey and the Faun Prince, part three (very mildly NWS)

Title: Harry Pevensey and the Faun Prince, part three (of three)
Artist: PhoenixCharm180
Rating: PG-13 (very mildly NWS)
Summary: What if Harry & Sev met in Narnia. (Harry is 18)
Disclaimer: Not mine. On both counts.
Harry Pevensey and the Faun Prince, part three )


Art: Harry Pevensey and the Faun Prince, part one & two (WS)

Title: Harry Pevensey and the Faun Prince, part one & two (of three)
Artist: PhoenixCharm180
Rating: PG (WS)
Summary: What if Harry & Sev met in Narnia.
Disclaimer: Not mine. On both counts. Borrowed lines also not mine.
Harry Pevensey and the Faun Prince, part one & two )

Dec. 18th, 2012


It’s the end of the world as we know it...

... and i want porn.


YOU GUYSSSSS! The world is supposed to end on Friday, but we all know it’s just because the Mayans were suffering from UST and were like, “you know what? If we’re not getting any, the rest of the world isn’t getting any, either.”

But that is just not FAIR!

Because if the world is going to end? Severus deserves to get some! So to that end, get your fingers warmed up to write or draw something, because we’ve decided to go out with an orgasm.

#Fuckathon Friday, FTW! )

I don’t care which direction you want to take it. I don’t care if it is silly, angsty, flufftastical, schmoopy, boring, lazy, random, whatever.



Write it. Draw it. Throw it up on our page. As long as Severus and his right hand is involved, IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN! Post it, guys. Post it allllllll! <333

*[info]torino10154 made the icon. If you gack it, make sure you credit her :)*

Dec. 11th, 2012


Art: Besotted (WS)

Title: Besotted
Artist: PhoenixCharm180
Rating: PG (WS)
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: "Oh cripes, I even love his greasy hair!" he thought to himself.

Besotted )

Dec. 6th, 2012


Art: A bit of patience (WS)

Title: Hug
Artist: PhoenixCharm180
Rating: PG (WS)
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: "Harry, a bit of patience; I've almost reached the end of the chapter," he grumbled not unkindly.

A bit of patience )

Nov. 1st, 2012


Halloween wrap-up!


We mocked, we giggled, we made poor Severus wish that the Epilogue actually existed and he had been spared from the indignity of it all. #petsshim

If you missed some of the pretty or just wish to review the awesomeness, snuggle up and enjoy! *dances wildly*

'Cause I'm The Oogie Boogie Man )

If you still have contributions to post, or we missed you, please hit us up and we will get you added ASAP. Thank you to everyone who contributed, whether through entries or comments <333

And we hope everyone had a Happy #Halloweenishness


Party Pranks by [info]starduchess

Title: Party Pranks
Author: [info]starduchess
Character: Severus
Rating: G
Word Count: ~430
Warnings: none
Summary: It was party time in the Lounge again. Severus decides to have his own fun.
A/N: Written for 2012 #Halloweenishness. ;)

Party Pranks )

Oct. 31st, 2012


The Halloween Hex by [info]gingertart50

Title: The Halloween Hex
Author: [info]gingertart50
Pairing: Severus, Harry, Ron/Hermione
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,500
Summary: Something odd is happening on Halloween. Or is it?
Disclaimer: Harry Potter and company belong to JKR Rowling. This piece of fiction was written for entertainment purposes only and makes no monetary gain for the author.
Warnings: Gratuitous use of Americanisms. Pre-slash. Sarcasm.
AN: Many thanks to [info]starduchess for the super-speedy beta and the US-pick!

The Halloween Hex )


A Very Snapeish Halloween by [info]suitesamba

Title: A Very Snape-ish Halloween (or “Severus and the Mars Bars”)
Author: [info]suitesamba
Pairing: Harry/Severus
Other Characters: Ron Weasley, Rose Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Satan, Winston Churchill, Princess Beatrice, Severus’ Muggle neighbors
Rating: PG
Word count: 1712
Warning: *Very bad jokes; use of potion for personal gain; absolutely no respect for real or canonical timeline; the only research done was to verify candy bar names in the UK—author did not research Halloween traditions there because the [info]severus_sighs mods did not give adequate notice of this fest and I do have to do “real” work sometime to make a living*
Summary: Severus stays home to answer the door and give out treats on Halloween.
A/N: My dad told me the duck joke shortly before he died. We were sitting in his pickup truck at a red light. He was funny like that. Thanks to [info]veridari and [info]abrae for the quick pre-read and beta. Someone had to tell me the jokes were funny. If they’re not, you now know who to talk to.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Never were. Never will be. No profit is being made from this (very) amateur work.

A Very Snapeish Halloween )


The Joke is on You by [info]knowmefirst

Title: The Joke is on You
Author: [info]knowmefirst
Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 6
Warnings: innuendos
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The characters and their worlds belong to their original writers and no copyright infringement or offense is intended. No money was made from this story.
Summary: Harry makes Severus dress like a pumpkin with its tongue sticking out, is not working very well for Severus.
A/N: I want to say a big thank you to [info]roozetter for posting this for me *hugs* and to all the Mods for always throwing such unspectacular and yet crazy events for Severus Sighs :D

The Joke is on You )

Oct. 30th, 2012


Night of the Giving Dead by [info]bonfoi


The Night of the Giving Dead

Author: [info]bonfoi
Rating: R
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus ; Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Summary: A Halloween movie night is filled with laughs, scowls, and a few howls.
Challenge: [info]severus_sighs’s
Word Count: 1,319
Genre: Alternate Universe; Post Second Voldemort War; Romance; Humour
Warnings: Slash; Undead
A/N: For the folks of Severus_Sighs and the laughter Roozeteer often inspires within me. Many thanks to my beta, [info]badgerlady for the kind, and speedy, look-see.
Disclaimer: The world of Harry Potter, its characters and settings are the copyrighted works of J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., her publishing companies and affiliates. No profit was made from the writing of this story nor was any malice intended in any way, shape or form to the author or the actors/actresses who so brilliantly have brought them to life. This author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.

Who knew the popped kernels could fly like that? )

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