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Jun. 8th, 2010


Better Uses for Shampoo

Title: Better Uses for Shampoo
Author: atypicalsnowman
Pairing: Snarry!
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100!
Warnings: A soapy bottom
Summary: Warnings and author's notes would probably do a better job than me.
A/N: Humor prompt: Severus and Harry have run out of lube. Oh noes!

Better Uses for Shampoo )

Mar. 6th, 2010


Long-Awaited by atypicalsnowman

Title: Long-Awaited
Author: atypicalsnowman
Pairing: Snarry for life!
Rating: R for naughty language
Word Count: 600-ish
Warnings: A rebellious tie and dainty pastries are as dirty as we're going to get.
Summary: Severus and Harry have finally arrived. *yawn*
A/N: I'm not JK Rowling. This was betaed by the luscious lemondropseven

Long-Awaited  )

Feb. 14th, 2010


Illumination by atypicalsnowman

Title: Illumination
Author: [info]atypicalsnowman
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3,587
Warnings: None. God, I really need to write some porn. [Ed. Yes, darling, you so do!]
Summary: Severus opens his eyes.
A/N: Thanks to [info]whitecotton for wrangling the commas, keeping the tenses in line and all around great beta job.

Illumination )

Feb. 12th, 2010


A Moment in Darkness by atypicalsnowman

Title: A Moment in Darkness
Author: atypicalsnowman
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2669
Warnings: None. Trust me.
Summary: Valentine's Day doesn't go as Severus had planned.
A/N: I am not JKR and do not own the HP world. Many thanks to WhiteCotton for beta reading and Torina and LD7 for hand-holding. I used prompt number one: News like this was not what he wanted to hear, particularly on Valentine's Day.

A Moment in Darkness )

Jan. 9th, 2010


The Release by atypicalsnowman

Title: The Release
Author: atypicalsnowman
Pairing: Snarry!
Rating: PG sadly *pokes it*
Word Count: 2,572
Warnings: None, again sadly.
Summary: Severus Snape hated Harry Potter.
A/N: All these characters belong to someone else. Thanks to WhiteCotton for a lovely beta job. Happy birthday to my favorite fictional character.

Let It Go, Severus )

Nov. 24th, 2009


His Color by atypicalsnowman

Title: His Color
Author: atypicalsnowman
Pairing: Snucius.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1001
Warnings: Object insertion.
Summary: PWP with a bit of sweet at the end.
A/N: Thanks to [info]torina_archelda for the quick beta. This smutty little offering is for [info]whitecotton, who recently slaved away on a fic for me. Thank you, darling! Hope you like this.

His Color )

Nov. 19th, 2009


atypicalsnowman's spur-of-the-moment mini-challenge

What's the greatest thing about being a mod to a site that encourages Severus-centric writing?

You can decide to have a little challenge whenever you'd like.

This is my own little challenge, but the same rules apply. 100-2k words. Any pairing is acceptable as long as Severus is involved.

Here's the prompt (you can guess what mood I'm in): someone punches Severus in the nose. Hard.

Your fic can end happy or sad, but at some point there needs to be a broken beak. Cheers everyone!

-- snow

Oct. 31st, 2009


'A Dark and Stormy Night' Never Seemed So Scary by atypicalsnowman

Title: 'A Dark and Stormy Night' Never Seemed So Scary
Author: atypicalsnowman
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1k~
Warnings: Spoilers for Rosemary's Baby, The Exorcist and the original Halloween.
Summary: Severus just wanted a quiet evening in. Is that too much to ask?
A/N: Thanks to [info]whitecotton for the beta and really helping to put this thing together. *bows to beta extraordinaire*

'A Dark and Stormy Night' Never Seemed So Scary )

Oct. 29th, 2009


The Ones In Between by atypicalsnowman

Title: The Ones In Between
Author: atypicalsnowman
Pairing: Snarry!
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,900
Warnings: Depressingly tame.
Summary: Severus is a bit slow sometimes.
A/N: Written for SeverusSighs' 'write your version of canon!Snape' challenge. Thanks to [info]torina_archelda for the beta and [info]whitecotton for the plot bunny. Mwah!

The Ones In Between )

Oct. 25th, 2009


Sometimes Warnings Are Silly by atypicalsnowman

Title: Sometimes Warnings Are Silly
Author: atypicalsnowman
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Warnings: angst, references to male/male sex, jealous!Harry, references to rough sex, Epilogue What Epilogue, crack, references to bottom!harry, slightlyrough!Snape, humiliation, established relationship, ambiguous consent, name-calling, bottom-rubbing, Draco-bashing, picnic basket-making!Snape, references to past SS/DM, OOC-ness and an either slightly overcooked or somewhat burnt roast (depending on who you ask).
Summary: Written for the lovely ladies who attended the SeverusSighs Austin meet-up. It was truly wonderful meeting [info]winoniel, [info]bertas, [info]hpstrangelove, [info]shadowrayven, [info]lemondropseven and Jackie. Ladies, this is for you.
A/N: Thanks to [info]thesewarmstars for literally looking over my shoulder. [info]lemondropseven and [info]torina_archleda too.

Sometimes Warnings Are Silly )

Oct. 15th, 2009


Wait by atypicalsnowman

Title: Wait
Author: atypicalsnowman
Pairing: Snucius
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,800
Warnings: None.
Summary: Lucius keeps allowing Severus to walk away.
A/N: Thanks to thesewarmstars for the beta. This is for [info]whitecotton on her birthday. Darling, this is my real present. I only hope you like it. It was my first attempt at writing Lucius is a favorable role and I decided to go for broke and did it in his POV. Hugs and kisses.

Wait )

Oct. 14th, 2009


Best Laid Plans by atypicalsnowman

Title: Best Laid Plans
Author: atypicalsnowman
Pairing: SS/HP SS/LM/ SS/HP/LM
Rating: R
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: *Threesome, crack, breaking the fourth wall*
Summary: Harry and Lucius are forced to make the best of it...for Severus, of course.
A/N: For [info]whitecotton on her birthday. May you have the best of days, darling, and know that you truly are adored. Mwah! That being said, this is in response to your birthday fic to me.

Best Laid Plans )

Oct. 9th, 2009


Steps by atypicalsnowman

Title: Steps
Author: atypicalsnowman
Pairing: Snarry!
Rating: PG
Word Count: 261
Warnings: References to obsessive compulsive disorder
Summary: Severus is having a bad day.
A/N: Thanks to thesewarmstars for the beta. This is for shoebox, on her birthday. Thought I'd do a little something for your Severus. I use him with total respect and promise to return him undamaged.

Steps )

Oct. 3rd, 2009


A Moment Between Them by atypicalsnowman

Title: A Moment Between Them
Author: atypicalsnowman
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: R
Word Count: 100 x 3
Warnings: Mentions of glitter.
Summary: The biggest moments occur between the sheets.
A/N: Thanks to WhiteCotton and thesewarmstars for the beta.

A Moment Between Them )

Oct. 2nd, 2009


The One Thing That Stuck

Title: The One Thing That Stuck
Author: atypicalsnowman
Pairing: Snarry!
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Warnings: snarky!Snape
Summary: Severus walks into a frustrating situation.
A/N: Thanks to thesewarmstars for the beta.

The One Thing That Stuck )


The Wind by atypicalsnowman

Title: The Wind
Author: atypicalsnowman
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Warnings: The sadness.
Summary: It's been a year.
A/N: Thanks to [info]thesewarmstars for the beta. This is for [info]lemondropseven, who knows what she did.

The Wind )


But It's Our...

Title: But It's Our...
Author: atypicalsnowman
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100
Warnings: One naughty word and an annoying picture frame.
Summary: One year in their new home.
A/N: Thanks the thesewarmstars for putting the commas in their correct places. Damn commas are always trying to escape.

But It's Our... )


Silver Ring by atypicalsnowman

Title: Silver Ring
Author: atypicalsnowman
Rating: R
Word Count: Perfect 100! In your face, naysayers!
Summary: Harry thinks there's something to celebrate
A/N: Thanks to [info]thesewarmstars for the beta and also a fuck you to [info]thesewarmstars for doubting me!

Silver Ring )

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