October 2013




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Jan. 18th, 2013


the kit

characters: Violet and Becka
setting: the clinic, late afternoon

... )



Characters: Rusty and Marie
Setting: the activity room, mid afternoon

rusty is a twitchy bitch )

Jan. 17th, 2013


The New Guy

Characters: Wren and Jackson
Setting: cafeteria, block a, evening

the .50¢ tour )

Jan. 14th, 2013



Characters: Adam and Cal
Setting: Clinic, late morning

But it doesn't feel like it )

Jan. 13th, 2013


The wrong things

Characters: Wu
Setting: Kitchen, his room (afternoon)

the right reasons )
Tags: ,


story swap

Characters: Jae and Wu
Setting: The gym, morning

truth for truth )

Jan. 12th, 2013


A Late Lunch

Characters: Brady and Meg
Setting: The kitchen, not long after this.

And a little needlework. )


Ominous Threats

Characters: Autumn and Brady
Setting: Block A Courtyard, morning

Watch your back )


This is Just the Start

Who: Pippa
When: Late Morning
Where: Edan's Room

Call off your guard dog. )


Bad News and New Ideas

Characters: Jeremy and Mazie
Setting: Mazie's room, morning

bringing breakfast and bad omens )

Jan. 11th, 2013


Need the Coffee

Who: Reggie and Eric
Setting: Kitchen, Mid-Morning

Read more... )


Taking The First Steps

Characters: Meg
Setting: The workshop, afternoon

Preparation is everything )
Tags: ,

Jan. 8th, 2013


Distract me

Characters: Evan and Mojo
Setting: Morning, Block B

The Bonnie Tyler Effect )


A Warm Welcome

Characters: James and Susanna
Setting: Block B, mid afternoon

and a good first impression )


Trouble ahead

Who: Autumn and Mazie
When: Morning
Where: Autumn's room

Watch your words )

Jan. 6th, 2013


A Darker Welcome Wagon

Characters: Reece and Marie
Setting: outside her room, early afternoon

but what else would you expect? )




July 13th - mid-afternoon


James is put into the block B elevator (his blindfold and shackles are removed once he is in the elevator and he is not given any opportunity of talking with any guards etc). He is given a bag containing his clothes and a room key stamped with the correct room number. The elevator goes up and the doors open onto the cafeteria. He is left to find his own way to his room.


All residents receive the following message on their computers. This message blinks until read:-

After much consideration, and taking into account as much as we could from your valued input, we have opted to design a societal system for you. We have put forth certain ‘occupations’, that you can be voted in for. Yes, all positions, from law enforcement to shop keeper will be voted upon by the community at large. This is your society, you get to deign who belongs where.

We have come up with a list of positions, and suggestions for each. Please take the time to make a case for yourself, should you wish your fellow residents to vote for you, for whichever position you desire. Conversely, if you do not wish to be voted into a position, you may also make a plea to opt out. You will see that some roles require more than one person - the number of people suggested for each role is indicated in brackets.

Each resident can only take a single role, though some residents have been put forward for more than one role. Residents who already have positions within the Facility have not been put forward for any further roles. Currently, the taken positions are:-

Medical team - Becka, Cal, Violet
Cook - Carmel

Voting will take place tomorrow.

The roles which need filling:-

Law/Society Enforcement (3) - Aaron, Jae, Jason, Brady, Kevin

Governor (1) - Wu, Charlie, Wren, Grace, Evan

Detention (3-4) - Aaron, Kaspar, Ryan, Evan, Brady, Wu, Reece, Mojo

Health and Fitness (1) - Susanna, Aaron, Jason, Brady

Goods and services (shop) (3) - Kyle, Marie, Adam, Grace, Matt, Edan

Librarian (1) - Matt, Hannah, Charlie, Edan

Farmer (1) - Wren, Charlie

Maintenance (1) - Reggie, Rusty, Jim, Mojo, Reece

Cleaning Services (3) - Jun-he, Hannah, Adam, Kyle, Susanna, Mazie, Rusty, Jim, Eric, Kaspar, Edan, Mojo

Technical Maintenance (1) - Mazie, Rusty, Jim

Bar/Pub (3) - Meg, Jeremy, Autumn, Jae, Kaspar, Kyle, Adam, Jun He, Reggie, Mojo, Reece

Entertainment (3) - Eric, Autumn, Charlie, Marie, Kyle, Pippa, Brady, Susanna, Mazie

Please further note that the elevators, the cafeteria and the basement level will be closed to access from 9pm tonight until tomorrow morning for works to be carried out. Please ensure therefore that you are wherever you wish to be before 8:30pm tonight as movement will be restricted.

The Administration

Kyle receives the following message:-

With regards to your earlier enquiry we can confirm that Leandro Reyes has been removed from the facility. He has been transferred to another facility which we have deemed more suitable to him. He will not be returning.

The Administration

New residents receive this welcome message on their computer. The message blinks until it is read.

OOC note: Update your friends list

Jan. 4th, 2013


Breaking down

Characters: Rebekah and Open
Setting: Her room, all day

and barricading )

Jan. 3rd, 2013


Day 1 (For Marie)

Characters: Marie & Ryan
Setting: Her room

She felt like she stepped into The Twilight Zone )


The Breaking Point

Characters: Edan and Evan
Setting: Evan's room, early morning

And then it breaks )

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